|  |Describe |

| |• Control Measures and Critical Limits |

| |• Monitoring including frequency |

|New Staff Training including Induction |  |

| | |

| | |

| |New staff will receive the house rules immediately to read and sign within one week of commencing |

| |employment at The Spinney Lane Nursery School. |

| |New staff will complete Level 2 Food Safety within 3months of commencing employment at The Spinney|

| |Lane Nursery School. |

| | |

|Supervision of Staff |  |

| | |

| |One member of staff will be monitored and evaluated by another member of staff during the |

| |preparation of food for 20minutes every 3months. Feedback will be given and any appropriate |

| |actions, i.e. further training, put in place. The P.T. will oversee the monitoring process. |

| | |

|Retraining |  |

| | |

| |Staff will be responsible for retraining, as required. Senior Management will monitor, as |

| |required. |

|Refresher Training |  |

| |Senior Management will ensure that all Food Hygiene Certificates are valid. Retraining will be |

| |booked to avoid lapses in certification. |

|Vocational and Formal Training |  |

|Staff Handling Low Risk Food Training |All staff will be expected to complete Level 2 Food Safety training |

|Staff Handling High Risk Food Training | |

|Manager/Supervisor Training | |

| |Ongoing in-house refresher training and monitoring, formal and informal-updates at staff meetings.|

| | |

| |No high risk foods used on site. No meat products. |

| |Level 2 Food Safety training and certification |

| | |

| |Certificated courses to be repeated every 3 years for all staff |

|HACCP Based Training |  |

| | |

| | |

| |Modules completed on HACCP as part of Food Safety Course (from delivery to service) |

|Monitoring/checking and any other records | |

|appropriate to the Training House Rules |All staff monitored. |

| |Senior Management monitored by Early Years Officer / Class teacher |

|Other Training |  |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |  |Position in the business; |Date; 23/11/16  |

|Signed; | |Principal Teacher | |

|Lynn | | | |

|Cluness | | | |

The Training House Rules are an essential component of your HACCP based system and must be kept up to date at all times.



| Describe |Control Measures and Critical Control Limits (where applicable) |

| |Monitoring and frequency |

| | |

|Rules on: Effective Hand Washing |Effective Hand Washing Technique displayed in both kitchen areas. |

|Technique ( including how you will |Separate hand wash basins available and used in each kitchen area. Anti-bacterial soap pumps used. Paper |

|minimise hand contact ) |towels used for hand drying and turning off taps. |

| | |

| |Hand washing will take place following tying up hair and before preparing food. |

| |1.Hair |

| |2.Hand wash |

| |3.Apron |

| |4.Food preparation |

|Personal Cleanliness |All staff must maintain high levels of personal hygiene while preparing food; |

| |Hair tied up |

| |No jewellery worn except wedding bands |

| |No long or painted nails (disposable gloves must be worn if nails are longer than 1cm |

| | |

| | |

|Protective Clothing |Staff must wear blue plastic aprons while preparing food. Individual aprons must be worn and disposed of |

| |following snack preparation and serving. |

| |Aprons must not be reused. |

| |Gloves should be worn if staff wear nail polish or jewellery with detachable parts, i.e. gemstones |

| | |

| | |

|Rules on : | |

|Reporting illness | |

| |Staff MUST report any vomiting or diarrhoea immediately. |

| | |

|Rules on : | |

|Exclusion/return to Work |Staff must not attend work for 48 hours following episodes of D+V. |

| |Any illness must be reported and Senior Management will decide on actions for return to work. |

| | |

|Monitoring/Checking and any other |Ongoing monitoring. Ongoing discussion with individual members of staff. |

|appropriate records used by your |Formal monitoring will take place; 20 minutes every 3 months. |

|business |Senior Management will monitor expiry dates of Food Hygiene Certificates. |

Signed …Lynn Cluness

Position in the business… Principal Teacher………… Date 23/11/16……………….

The Personal Hygiene House Rules are an essential component of your HACCP based system and must be kept up to date at all times.



PART 1 (To be completed by all Food Handlers when returning to work after an illness)

Name: ………………………………………………………….Date of Return: ………….………

Please answer the following questions:

During your absence from work, did you suffer from any of the following?

Please tick and date when the symptoms ceased

| |Yes |No |Date that the symptoms ceased |

|(a) |Diarrhoea? | | | |

|(b) |Vomiting? | | | |

|(c) |Discharge from gums/mouth, ears or eyes? | | | |

|(d) |A sore throat with fever? | | | |

|(e) |A recurring bowel disorder? | | | |

|(f) |A recurring skin ailment? | | | |

|(g) |Any other ailment that may present a risk to food safety? | | | |

|Yes | |No | |

Have you recently taken medication to combat diarrhoea or vomiting? Please tick

Signature (Food Handler)………………………………………………Date…………………………


PART 2 (To be completed by the Manager/Supervisor)

If the answer to all of the above questions was ‘No’, the person may be permitted to return to food handling duties. (Complete and sign below)

However, if the answer to any of the questions was ‘Yes’, the person should not be allowed to handle food until they have been free of symptoms for 48 hours or, if formally excluded, medical advice states that they can return to their duties. Alternatively, in the case of food handlers with lesions on exposed skin (hands, neck or scalp) that are actively weeping or discharging, they must be excluded from work until the lesions have healed. (See PART 3)

I confirm that………………………………………………………may resume food handling duties.

Signature (Manager/Supervisor)…………………………………….. Date ………………………..


PART 3 (To be completed by the Manager/Supervisor after medical advice has been taken)

What medical advice was received by the employee?

Please tick

|(a) Exclusion from work until medical clearance is given | |

|(b) Move to safe alternative work until clearance is given | |

|(c) Return to full food handling duties | |

If (a) or (b) is ticked, appropriate action must be taken. If (c) is ticked, the food handler may resume duties immediately.

I confirm that………………………………………………………may resume food handling duties.

Signature (Manager/Supervisor)………………………………… Date ……………………


Enter a statement of your Temperature Control House Rules in the table below:

|Process Step |Temperature Control Measure and Critical Limits |Monitoring Method, Frequency and Record(s) used |

|Purchase, Delivery/Receipt, | |  |

|Collect | | |

| |Frozen goods will be maintained at -18C. Any frozen |P.T., Teacher and E.Y.O. will monitor all food |

| |food delivered above -15C will be rejected. |purchased. Most purchases are of fresh fruit and |

| |Perishable food will be maintained between 1C and 4C |vegetables or non-perishable items. |

| |and will only be out with this range for as short a | |

| |time as possible. Any perishable food delivered above | |

| |8C will be rejected. | |

|Storage | Fridge and freezer temperatures are recorded in the |  |

| |playroom kitchens twice daily. | |

| | |Ongoing, weekly checks. |

| |All purchases are date checked. All opened products |6 weekly check of all non-perishable products |

| |will be stored in air-tight containers and date of | |

| |opening will be recorded with the product. | |

| |Any products which are past or very close to their use | |

| |by date will be disposed of safely. All best before | |

| |dates will be monitored continually. | |

|Preparation |  |  |

| | |Ongoing discussion and evaluation of |

| |All preparation is done in controlled areas following |area/methods/personal hygiene through staff meetings and|

| |personal hygiene and cross contamination schedules. |individual feedback after monitoring. |

| | |Formally monitored by Senior Management Team, 20minutes |

| | |every 3months. |

|Cooking |  |  |

| | | |

| |Any hot food, baking or cooking is made on the premises|Records of temperature monitored and recorded. |

| |and eaten immediately or taken home with parent/carer | |

| |supervision. Hot food must reach 75C, checked by | |

| |temperature probe. | |

| | | |

|Hot Holding(including |  |  |

|buffets) | |N/A |

| |No hot food in hot holding | |

|- |  |  |

| | |N/A |

| |No hot food cooled | |

|Reheating |  |  |

| | | |

| |No reheating. Temperature checked – above 82C |Records of temperature monitored and recorded. |

|Service and Delivery to |  | Ongoing monitoring. Ongoing discussion with individual |

|Customers |Snack is prepared and served immediately twice a day. |members of staff. |

| |No reheating or reusing of food. |Formal monitoring will take place; 20 minutes every 3 |

| | |months. |

|Signed | Lynn Cluness | Position in the business | Principal Teacher |Date | 23 /11/16 |

The Temperature Control House Rules are an essential component of your HACCP based system and must be kept up to date at all times.

CookSafe Food Safety Assurance System


Think SAFE Enter a statement of your Cross Contamination Prevention House Rules in the table below:

|  |Describe |

| |• Control Measures and Critical Limits |

| |• Monitoring including frequency |

|Delivery | Approved suppliers always used. |

| |No raw meat on the premises. |

| |No cooked meat on the premises. |

| |Temperature controls in place. |

| |Trained staff. |

| |All packaging checked and produce rejected if damaged or tampered with. |

| |From February 2015 Asda temperature controlled delivery vehicles are being used. |

|Storage |  |

| |Effective cleaning and disinfection in all food areas, including fridge and freezer. |

| |Use of disposable paper cloths. |

| |No outdoor packaging in fridge/cupboards, etc. |

| |Chemicals never stored with food. |

| |All physical risks; pen tops, drawing pins, etc. stored away from food preparation and storage areas. |

| | |

|Including where any | |

|defrosting is carried out | |

|Preparation |  |

| |Effective cleaning and disinfection in all food areas, including fridge and freezer. |

| |Use of disposable paper cloths |

| | |

| |Personal hygiene schedule followed and monitored. |

| | |

| | |

|Cooking/Cooling |Temperature control and monitoring. |

| |Disinfected Temperature probe, hot food-63C or above and 82C for reheating. |

| | |

| |Cooling- as quickly as possible and maintained at 1-4C, refrigerated |

| |-18C frozen |

| | |

|Monitoring/checking and any other|Ongoing monitoring. |

|appropriate records used by your |Ongoing discussion with individual members of staff. |

|business |Formal monitoring will take place; 20 minutes every 3 months. |

| |Temperatures monitored |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Signed; | | Position in the business; | |Date |23/11/16  |

|Lynn | |Principal teacher | | | |

|Cluness | | | | | |

The Cross Contamination Prevention House Rules are an essential component of your HACCP based system and must be kept up to date at all times.


Write a list of the food used in your business which contains these allergens.

All children’s allergies are recorded on admission and displayed in food preparation areas. All staff are aware of known allergies. Food containing nuts are not provided at all. Kiwi fruit and eggs will only be provided in controlled environments.

| | |

|Allergen |Foods used which contain this allergen |

| | |

|Cereals containing Gluten e.g. wheat, rye, |Porridge oats, Oatcakes, Weetabix, Malties, Rice Crispies, Cornflakes, Bread, Noodles, Pasta |

|barley, oats | |

| | |

|Celery and Celeriac e.g. stalks, seeds and | |

|leaves |Celery |

| | |

|Eggs |No eggs, where possible. No egg boxes |

| |Eggs, baked. |

| |Egg free equipment available- stored and cleaned separately |

| | |

|Fish, Crustaceans and Molluscs e.g. all |Sardines, White fish, tuna. No fish boxes, packaging |

|fish, prawns, lobster, crab, clams, | |

|langoustines, mussels, oysters | |

| | |

|Milk |Milk, Custard, Yoghurts. Alternatives available; Soya, rice, lactose-free, organic milk, as |

| |required by individual children. |

| | |

|Mustard |No mustard products used in The Spinney Lane Nursery School |

| | |

|Peanuts |No nuts in any products used in The Spinney Lane Nursery School. |

| | |

|Other Nuts e.g. walnuts, cashews, pecan, |No nuts in any products used in The Spinney Lane Nursery School. |

|Brazil, pistachio , macadamia, Queensland | |

|nuts | |

| | |

|Sesame Seeds |No seeds in any products used in The Spinney Lane Nursery School. |

| | |

|Soya e.g. flour, tofu or beancurd, textured |Soy Sauce |

|soya protein, soy sauce, edamame beans. | |

| | |

|Sulphur Dioxide and Sulphites |These are predominantly found in dried fruits and vegetables, soft drinks and alcoholic |

| |beverages, most of these are not used in The Spinney Lane Nursery School. Careful attention is |

| |paid to dried fruit and soft drinks labelling. |

| | |

| | |

|Lupin Seeds and Flour |No lupin seeds or flour in any products used in The Spinney Lane Nursery School. |

| | |

| | |


|  |Allergen Management House Rules |

| |Describe |

| |• Control Measures and Critical Limits |

| |• Monitoring including frequency |

|Deliveries and labels |The member of staff who is on ‘snack’ is responsible for food deliveries. All labels are checked by |

| |the members of staff on snack. P.T. will oversee these checks. |

| |Frozen goods will be maintained at -18C. Any frozen food delivered above -15C will be rejected. |

| |Perishable food will be maintained between 1C and 4C and will only be out with this range for as |

| |short a time as possible. Any perishable food delivered above 8C will be rejected. |

|Storage | Any allergies identified by parents/carers-Maximum effort will be made to avoid purchase of these |

| |products. In the event of a known allergen entering the building, these will be stored in a separate|

| |cupboard/shelf from other foods. |

|Preparing dishes | Chopping boards, work surfaces and cutlery will be used for one product at a time and cleaned in |

| |line with The Cleaning Schedule. |

| | |

|Staff Training | Staff will all undergo Level 2 Food Safety training and pass Food Hygiene certificated. exams |

| | |

| | |

|Communicating with your customers | All parents/carers are asked to inform staff of any allergies their child has on registration. |

| |Parents and carers are asked to inform staff of any health concerns immediately and all parents and |

| |carers complete a written update of allergy advice annually. |

|What to do in the event of an emergency | In the event of a known allergy, appropriate and planned steps will be taken. Medication |

| |administered while ambulance is phoned and then parents/carers. |

| |In the event of an unknown allergy, an ambulance will be phoned and then parents/carers. |

| |Medication is all stored in a central area and all staff have had appropriate training. |

|Monitoring/checking and any other |P.T. and School Secretary are responsible for the upkeep of records and P.T. will communicate |

|appropriate records used by your business |information to staff. |

| |All allergy information is provided in both kitchen areas and in the office. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Signed | Lynn Cluness | Position in the business | Principal Teacher |Date |23 /11/16 |

The Allergen Management House Rules are an essential component of your HACCP based system and must be kept up to date at all times


|  |Describe |

| |• Control Measures and Critical Limits |

| |• Monitoring including frequency |

|Pest Proofing of the premises | The Spinney Lane Nursery School property and maintenance comes under The City of Edinburgh Council |

| |regulations. |

| |The Service Support Officer reports all property issues to the Central Maintenance Team. |

|Insect Screens | Insect screens are not used. |

| |Ant bait under cupboards/cookers in both kitchens. |

| | |

| | |

|Electronic Fly-Killing Devices |  |

| |No electronic fly-killing devices. |

| | |

| | |

|Good Housekeeping |At least four daily disinfection processes of all food preparation areas. |

| |No food left out. |

| |All food in air tight containers. |

| |Floors cleaned daily. |

|Pest Control Contractor |The City of Edinburgh Council  |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Checking and Inspection |Any sign of pests will be immediately reported to Senior Management/ Service Support Officer |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Monitoring/checking and any other |Pest Control Record as appropriate |

|appropriate records used by your | |

|business |Service Support Officer will monitor secure outdoor areas and pest access points. |

|  |  |

| | |

| | |

|Signed; |  | Position in the business; |  |Date; |  |

|Lynn | |Principal Teacher | |23/11/16 | |

|Cluness | | | | | |

The Pest Control House Rules are an essential component of your HACCP based system and must be kept up to date at all times.

CookSafe Food Safety Assurance System


Enter a statement of your Waste Control House Rules in the table below:

|  |Describe |

| |• Control Measures and Critical Limits |

| |• Monitoring including frequency |

|Waste in Food Rooms |  |

| |Food waste (vegetable, fruit skins, etc.) is deposited in compost bins and then delivered to outdoor |

| |compost bins at the back of the garden. These have lids and are sealed. Dry food waste is deposited in |

| |bins with lids and removed from the room each day and is recycled in food bin, City of Edinburgh Council |

| |food waste bins outdoors and weekly collections. |

| | |

| |Paper/cardboard waste is recycled into sealed and locked outdoor bins. |

| | |

|Food Waste Waiting Collection |  |

| | |

| |Food waste –as above. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Sanitary Waste/ Waste Disposal |  |

|Units | |

| |Contract with Initial. All units are sealed and out with the food rooms. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Monitoring/checking and any other |Checks and emptying of waste is carried out daily. Contracted disposal units are collected and replaced 6 |

|appropriate records used by your |weekly. |

|business | |

|  |  |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|  |  |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Signed: |  | Position in the business: |  |Date: 23/11/16|  |

|Lynn | |Principal Teacher | | | |

|Cluness | | | | | |

The Waste Control House Rules are an essential component of your HACCP based system and must be kept up to date at all times.

CookSafe Food Safety Assurance System


|  |Describe |

| |• Control Measures and Critical Limits |

| |• Monitoring including frequency |

|Delivery Vehicles |  |

| | |

| |Delivery Vehicles cannot access the nursery grounds during school hours. Asda delivery vehicles |

| |maintain controlled temperatures at all times |

|Premises Structure: |  |

|• General | |

|• Walls |Structure of building is monitored by the S.S.O. and The City of Edinburgh Maintenance Team. |

|• Floor | |

|• Ceiling |Any defects/concerns should be reported to the Senior Management team and the S.S.O. |

|• Drains | |

| | |

| | |

|Light Fittings/Covers | As above |

| |City of Edinburgh Council |

| | |

|Work Surfaces |  |

| |As above |

| | |

|Equipment/Utensils | |

|(list main items of equipment) |As above |

| |Cookers-cleaned as used |

| | |

| |Dishwashers-3monthly cleaning of filters. |

|Ventilation System, Canopy, Grease | |

|Filters |As above |

| | |

|Monitoring/checking or any other |Monitored and replaced as appropriate. |

|appropriate records used by your | |

|business | |

|Signed; |  | Position in the business; |  Date; |  |

|Lynn | |Principal Teacher |23/11/16 | |

|Cluness | | | | |

The Maintenance House Rules are an essential component of your HACCP based system and must be kept up to date at all times.

CookSafe Food Safety Assurance System


Enter a statement of your Stock Control House Rules in the table below:

|  |Describe |

| |• Control Measures and Critical Limits |

| |• Monitoring including frequency |

|Delivery of Food Including: | |

|• ‘Use by’ Dates | The member of staff who is on ‘snack’ is responsible for food deliveries. All labels are checked by the |

|• ‘Best before’ Dates |members of staff on snack. P.T. will oversee these checks. |

|• Physical Condition |Frozen goods will be maintained at -18C. Any frozen food delivered above -15C will be rejected. |

| |Perishable food will be maintained between 1C and 4C and will only be out with this range for as short a |

| |time as possible. Any perishable food delivered above 8C will be rejected. |

| | |

|Storage Including: |  |

|• ‘Use by’ Dates | |

|• ‘Best before’ Dates |Fridge and freezer temperatures are recorded in the playroom kitchens twice daily. |

|• Protection of Food | |

| |All purchases are date checked. All opened products will be stored in air-tight containers and date of |

| |opening will be recorded with the product. |

| |Any products which are past or very close to their use by date will be disposed of safely. All best before |

| |dates will be monitored continually. Stock control is monitored by management. |

| | |

| | |

|Stock rotation Including: |  |

|• Decanted Food | |

|• First-in-first-out |Dry goods will be decanted into dry, clean, air tight containers and date marked for use by and date |

|• Damaged Stock |opened. |

| |Food is not bought in bulk and first in-first out applies. |

| |Perishable food will not be decanted |

| |Damaged stock will be rejected |

| | |

|Labelling of bought-in High Risk |  |

|Foods which have been removed from | |

|their original packaging | |

| |Limited High risk food on the premises. All decanted food is clearly date marked and contained in |

| |individual air tight containers on appropriate shelving |

| | |

|Labelling of High Risk Foods | |

|prepared on the premises | |

| | |

| |N/A |

| | |

|Protection of Food Including: |  |

|• Defrosting | |

|• Hot Holding |N/A |

|• Service/Delivery | |

| |All service of food is immediate. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Monitoring/checking and any other |Monitoring is ongoing and 6 weekly checks will be completed on all non-perishable foods. |

|appropriate records used by your | |

|business | |

|Signed; |  | Position in the business; | |

|Lynn | |Principal Teacher |Date; 23/11/16 |

|Cluness | | | |

The Stock Control House Rules are an essential component of your HACCP based system and must be kept up to date at all times.

CookSafe Food Safety Assurance System


|To be completed daily and used as an alternative to the individual records: 'Delivery Record', 'Cold Food Record', Hot Temperature Record', |

|'Hot Holding Record' and ‘Off Site Temperature Record’ |

|DATE: |  |

|DELIVERIES – You decide how many food items should be probed in each delivery |

|Supplier’s name |  |  |  |

|Details of food items |  |  |  |

|Van condition |  |  |  |

|• Cleanliness | | | |

|• Separation of Raw and Cooked/Ready-to-eat | | | |

|food | | | |

|Food temperature | |  |  |

|• Critical Limit - Chilled: ……… | | | |

| | | | |

|• Critical Limit – Frozen: ……… | | | |

|Food condition |  |  |  |

|• Packaging/Contamination | | | |

|Within date codes |  |  |  |

|• ‘Use-by’ or ‘Best-before’ | | | |

|Corrective Actions |  |  |  |

|• Reject Food | | | |

|• Review supplier | | | |

|• Review staff training | | | |


|Refrigerators/Chill/Cold Display |Unit |Unit |Unit |Unit |

|• Critical Limit | | | | |

|Temperature checks (Recommended twice daily) |AM |PM |AM |PM |

|Function checks |  |  |  |  |

|(Recommended once daily) | | | | |

Corrective actions are recorded on temperature check record.

|Corrective Actions |  |  |  |  |

|• Recheck Temperature | | | | |

|• Consider if food safe to use | | | | |

|• Review staff training | | | | |

|• | | | | |

|HOT TEMPERATURE RECORD – You determine the monitoring frequency in your Temperature Control House Rules |

|Write Your Critical Limit for Cooking here: |

|Write Your Critical Limit for Cooling here: No cooling |

|Write Your Critical Limit for Reheating here: No reheating-immediate consumption |


| | |

| | |

|Food Item | |


|You determine the monitoring frequency in your Temperature Control House Rules |

|Write Your Critical Limit for Hot Holding and/or Off Site Temperatures: |

|Food Item |Core Temp |Time of Check |

|  |  |  |

| No hot holding on site |  |  |

|  |  |  |

|  |  |  |

|  |  |  |

|Corrective Actions: |Notes: |

|• Consider if food is safe to use | |

|• | |

| Manager/Proprietor's Signature |  |Date |  |

Remember to also complete the Weekly Record each week

CookSafe Food Safety Assurance System


|The following ongoing checks should be carried out by the Manager or Proprietor during each working week and should be carried out by all |

|businesses using ‘CookSafe’. |


|TRAINING Have the House Rules been followed? |YES |NO |N/A |

|New Staff training including Induction Rules | | | |

|Formal Training/Retraining Rules | | | |

|Other Training | | | |

|PERSONAL HYGIENE Have the House Rules been followed? |YES |NO |N/A |

|Hand Washing Rules | | | |

|Personal Cleanliness Rules | | | |

|Protective Clothing Rules | | | |

|Illness/Exclusion/Return to Work Rules | | | |

|CLEANING Have the House Rules been followed? |YES |NO |N/A |

|All specified equipment and areas cleaned as per cleaning schedule | | | |

|Cleaning Chemicals Rules to include contact time, application and dilution | | | |

|CROSS CONTAMINATION PREVENTION Have the House Rules been followed? |YES |NO |N/A |

|Rules on Delivery | | | |

|Rules on Storage | | | |

|Rules on Preparation | | | |

|Cooking and Cooling | | | |

|PEST CONTROL Have the House Rules been followed? |YES |NO |N/A |

|Pest Proofing, Insect Screens/Fly-killing Devices Rules | | | |

|Good Housekeeping Rules | | | |

|WASTE CONTROL Have the House Rules been followed? |YES |NO |N/A |

|Waste in Food Rooms and Waste Collection Rules | | | |

|MAINTENANCE Have the House Rules been followed? |YES |NO |N/A |

|Premises Structure Rules | | | |

|Equipment Rules | | | |

|STOCK CONTROL Have the House Rules been followed? |YES |NO |N/A |

|Rules on stock control measures | | | |

|TEMPERATURE CONTROL Have the House Rules been followed? |YES |NO |N/A |

|Have the Temperature Control House Rules been followed? | | | |


|Have all necessary Temperature Checks been recorded using the correct recording form/s? | | | |

If the answer to any of the above questions is “NO” then enter the corrective action details in the table below


|  |  |

| | |

|  | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Manager/Proprietor’s Signature |  |Date |  |


Probe thermometer recording details

|Month |  |  |  |

|N.B. The electronic display unit should be checked at least once per year. Manufacturers may offer a calibration service. |

CookSafe Food Safety Assurance System


It is essential that your HACCP based procedures are kept up to date. A review of your system must be carried out on a regular basis, ideally every six months or if any of the circumstances covered in the table below arise.

Use the table as a checklist of circumstances which may lead to a change or addition to your HACCP based system and record the changes you have made.


|reviews made June 2014, | |

|November 2014, February | |

|2015, October 2015, March | |

|2016, October 2016 | |

|Allergens displayed | |

|January 2015 | |

|Action Plan for infection | |

|control –February 2015 and| |

|reviewed at staff | |

|meetings. | |

|EXAMPLES |Applicable? |If YES, what changes are needed to your |Summary of changes made, date and initials |

| |yes or no |HACCP based procedures? | |

|Introduction of any new dish with|  |  |  |

|substantially different process | | | |

|Introduction of new |  |  |  |

|equipment/supplier or delivery | | | |

|methods | | | |

|Changes to premises layout |  |  |  |

|Changes to House Rules |  |  |  |

|A Local Authority inspection |  |  |  |

|where deficiencies were noted | | | |

|New information available on |  |  |  |

|hazards and risks | | | |

|Cleaning Chemical Changes |  |  |  |

|Staff Changes |  |  |  |

|Customer Complaint |  |  |  |

|Six Monthly Review (if |  |  |  |

|applicable) | | | |

|Other factors not mentioned |  |  |  |

|above(detail) | | | |

CookSafe Food Safety Assurance System

Reviewed 23/11/16


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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