Maximum Interest Rate Matrix - Docutech LLC

Maximum Interest Rate Matrix

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Last Updated: May 2013

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Iowa Kansas Kentucky

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Click Text to Jump to Page Louisiana Maine Maryland

Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada

New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York

North Carolina North Dakota

Ohio Oklahoma

Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee

Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

State Alabama

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Loan Type

Loan Amount Lien Type

Federally Related Any


Mortgage Loans


> $2,000


Credit Sale/Loan1 Any


Federally Related Any


Mortgage Loans

Contract or Loan > $25,000



Contract or Loan < $25,000



Small Loan

$25,0004 Any

Federally Related Any


Mortgage Loans

Any loan



Maximum Interest Rate Exempt from state law limitations

As contracted for but not unconscionable 2 percentage points above the prime rate at time contract is executed.2 Exempt from state law limitations

Citation ALA. CODE ?? 8-85(e), & 8-8-14(c) (2012) ALA. CODE ? 8-8-5(a) (2012) ALA. CODE ? 8-8-14(b) (2012) ALASKA STAT. ANN. ? 45.45.010(h) (2012)

Exempt from state limitations

The lesser of: 10%; or 5% points above annual rate charged member banks for advances by the 12th Federal Reserve District on day Loan or Contract is made 3% per month, up to $850, on unpaid principal balance and 2% per month on amount > $850 but $10,000 and interest rate as contracted for on unpaid principal balance > $10,000 but $25,000. Exempt from state law limitations

10% unless otherwise agreed in writing

ALASKA STAT. ANN. ? 45.45.010(b) (2012) ALASKA STAT. ANN. ? 45.45.010(b) (2012)3

ALASKA STAT. ANN. ? 06.20.230(a) (2012)

12 USCA ?? 1735f-7 & 1735f-7a 12 CFR ?? 590.1 through 590.101 ARIZ. REV. STAT. ANN. ? 44-1201(A) (2012)



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Loan Type Consumer Lender Loans (Consumer Loan, Consumer Revolving Loan, or Home Equity Revolving Loan)5

Consumer Lender Loans (Consumer Loan, Consumer Revolving Loan, or Home Equity Revolving Loan)6

Federally Related Mortgage Loans

Loan Amount $1,000

> $1,000 but < $10,000


Lien Type Any






Federally Related Any


Mortgage Loans




Maximum Interest Rate 36% (finance charge limitation)

Citation ARIZ. REV. STAT. ANN. ? 6-632(A)(1) (2012)

36% on initial $500 of original principal amount, and (finance charge limitation) 24% on part of principal > $500 (finance charge limitation)

ARIZ. REV. STAT. ANN. ? 6-632(A)(2) (2012)

Exempt from state law limitations

17% per annum

Exempt from state law limitations

The greater of: 10% per annum, or 5% per annum + rate prevailing on 25th day of month preceding, whichever is earlier, the date of execution or the date of making the loan8

12 USCA ?? 1735f-7 & 1735f-7a 12 CFR ?? 590.1 through 590.101 ARK. CONST. amend. 89, ? 3, & 12 U.S.C.A. ? 1831u(f) (2012) 12 USCA ?? 1735f-7 & 1735f-7a 12 CFR ?? 590.1 through 590.101 CAL. CONST. art. 15, ? 1 (1)-(2)



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Loan Type Loan by a licensee under the Consumer Finance Lenders Law or the Commercial Finance Lenders Law Federally Related Mortgage Loans Interest on Money Consumer Loans (other than supervised loans)10

Federally Related Mortgage Loans

Mortgage Loan

Mortgage Loan

Loan Amount As permitted by the licensing schemes.

Lien Type As permitted by the licensing schemes.





Subordinate11 Any

$75,000 or secured by interest in land but value of collateral insubstantial in relation to loan amount at time loan is made




> $5,000


Maximum Interest Rate As contracted for; exempt from CAL. CONST. art. 15, ? 1.

Exempt from state law limitations 8% per annum, compounded annually9 12% per year (finance charge limitation)

Exempt from state law limitations 12% per annum13 As contracted for

Citation CAL. FIN. CODE ? 22002 (West 2013)

COLO. REV. STAT. ? 513-101 (West 2012) COLO. REV. STAT. ? 512-101 (West 2012) COLO. REV. STAT. ? 52-201(1) (West 2012)

12 USCA ?? 1735f-7 & 1735f-7a 12 CFR ?? 590.1 through 590.101 CONN. GEN. STAT. ANN. ?? 37-4, & 37-9(3) (West 2012) CONN. GEN. STAT. ANN. ? 37-9(3) (West 2012)


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