8am Spoken Eucharist in All Saints' Chapel 10am Choral Eucharist in Main Church 11:30am AS2 (contemporary) Service in All Saints' Chapel



Camp Camden 9:45 am

CAST Commissioning & Commencement 10:00 am

Education for Ministry On the patio

JUNE 18, 2017

It is a wise


that knows his

own child

-William Shakespeare

EFM Book Club and Potluck Monday, June 19, 7:00 pm

Join with Education for Ministry participants at All Saints' for an evening of food, discussion and reflection. This is a chance to study a book as a parish and, for one night only, engage in the theological reflection of the Education for Ministry program.

For more information and to RSVP: Julianne Reeder at juliannereeder@

CAST Commissioning Mission Service Trip: June 24?July 1

Today at the 10:00 am service we commission our CAST members and their leaders as they prepare to leave next Saturday, June 24, for their mission service trip. The team will begin their mission in Sausalito, and for the next six days will make their way back to Los Angeles, engaging in service projects along the way. They end their trip on Saturday, July 1, volunteering at the LA Dodgers Foundation PlayerFest with Vision to Learn Organization.


According to Hallmark, June is all about dads and grads. The cards you'll find for fathers have three major themes: tools, golf and remote controls. In the greeting card business, the stereotype game is still strong.

When I started thinking about this week's message and what to write, I thought about all the dads I know at All Saints'--correction--all the folks who father around this place. Most of the men who crossed my mind have nothing to do with tools, golf or TV watching, and none of the dads fit traditional stereotypes. My mind went to dads of biracial kids, special needs kids and transgender kids; single dads and unwed fathers, expecting dads, adopted dads, surrogate dads and of course, godfathers. I can conjure up images of families with two dads and no dads, not to mention all kinds of men: homosexual and heterosexual, young and old, fathers and childless, all of whom mentor and teach in some way or another, providing father figures for youth and kids and providing role models for each of us. And who could forget our heavenly father who watches over us all?

FLOWERS Given to the glory of God and in loving memory of my father, Joseph by Carolyn Dirks

SUNDAY HOSPITALITY TRIBUTE Given in honor of Sophia on the occasion of her high school graduation, and Miranda on the occasion of her college graduation by proud parents David & Aurel Van Iderstine, and big sister Olivia

TRIBUTES Given to the glory of God and in loving memory of our fathers, Ken Burnside and Gene Cornford by Ed & Marianne Burnside

Given to the glory of God and in thanksgiving for the SAGES by Ed & Marianne Burnside


Our grads are just as diverse: we celebrate graduates from middle school and high school, seminary and EfM (Education for Ministry), college grads and preschool grads, all those who are saying goodbye to one part of life and looking forward to the next adventure. The step is bittersweet. In much the same way, our young people who will be commissioned today are looking back fondly on their Navajoland partnership and looking forward eagerly to this year's new youth service mission--a trip that will take them to northern California to bond, work and spend time in God's creation--to spend time with our Holy Father.

Join with me in saying a prayer today for all those who are moving from one journey in life to the next and in celebrating all of those who father. Give thanks for the many ways we see God's love for us personified in our community. God's love is multifaceted--it transcends stereotypes and limits; it pushes us to move from one path in life to the next and it supports and sustains us in the process.

Happy fathering and graduating day! Welcome to All Saints'.

LGBT Youth Center Brunch Saturday, June 24 at 11:30 am

Volunteer to help All Saints' host a brunch for homeless and runaway LGBT youth at the LA LGBT Center, the world's largest provider of programs and services for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Find out why All Saints' was voted Best Group Volunteer in 2015. For more information, contact Joe Becci (jcbecci@).

Karlyn Johnson Brown Director of Youth and Family Ministries

2 All Saints' Life ? June 18, 2017

Laundry Love Wednesday, June 28 at 6:30 pm

Laundry Love is a nationwide movement that provides access to free laundry service for those in need. For this outing, we'll be visiting the Laundry Love chapter in East Hollywood, drawing upon our rich ministry of food hospitality to bring a meal to those who have come out on a weeknight to do their laundry. Email jaytraynor@ for more information.

HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Gabe Fuligni Eddie Mack Taylor Martin Nellie Pulis Josh Suomi Sophia Van Iderstine Genna Whittell

COLLEGE & GRAD SCHOOL GRADUATES Tyler Andrews, MA Alicia Amundson, BA Brynna Davis, MBA Margaret Pulis, BS Miranda Van Iderstine, BA

EFM GRADUATES Kathleen Bright Cynthia Fox-Heffron Douglas Hezlep



Camp Camden 2017: HERO CENTRAL Summer Sundays, Beginning Today at 9:45 am

Camp Camden is our summer program for children entering grades K-6. The program will run from today through August 27 and begins at 9:45 am.

Come join us for the fun of discovering your strength in God and learn that you are God's super heroes! There will be a story, crafts, prizes and lots more!

For more info, contact Karlyn Johnson Brown, kjohnson@.

EfM Potluck Dinner & Book Discussion Monday, June 19, at 7:00 pm

LGBT Center Youth Brunch Saturday, June 24 at 11:30 am

CAST Youth Service Mission Saturday, June 24?Saturday, July 1

Vestry Meeting Tuesday, June 27 at 7:00 pm

Laundry Love Wednesday, June 28 at 6:30 pm

Independence Day Holiday (church offices closed) Monday?Tuesday, July 3?4 (Monday Meal will still happen) Ordination of Bishop Taylor Saturday, July 8 Ice Cream Sunday Fundraiser Sunday, July 9, at 11:00 am


Camp Camden Sundays at 9:45 am The Monday Meal Mondays at 2:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous Mondays at 7:00 pm, Thursdays at 1:00 pm, Fridays at 7:00 pm Noonday Prayer Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays at 12:05 pm Al-Anon Meeting Wednesdays at 12:30 pm

Youth Pilgrimage to Jerusalem August 1?12

Three of our young people are headed to the Holy Land! Ethan Ide, Claire German and Caroline German will be traveling to Jerusalem in August to explore the Holy Land and their spirituality on a pilgrimage hosted by the Diocese of Los Angeles.

The twelve-day trip is broken into two geographic areas. Half of the pilgrimage is spent in Nazareth, exploring the Galilee, Tiberias, the Mount of Transfiguration, the Via Mara, among many other historic and biblical sites. The remainder of the trip is spent in Jerusalem at St. George's College. While in Jerusalem, the group explores the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Dome of the Rock, Western Wall, Mount of Olives, the Judean Desert, and other exciting, fun places. Youth have an opportunity to touch every body of water in the region--swimming in the Galilee and Mediterranean, floating in the Dead Sea, or standing knee deep in the Jordan renewing their baptismal covenant.

Join our youth on the patio on Sunday, July 9, after the 10:00 and 11:30 am services to support our three young people. The teens will be selling ice cream sundaes as a fun way to beat the heat (they'll also happily collect your goodwill donation if you just want to give to support their pilgrimage). We'll see you on the patio for sweet treats after worship!

All Saints' Life ? June 18, 2017 3


Lesson: Genesis 21:8?21 Psalm: 86:1?10, 16?17 Gospel: Matthew 10:24?39



Sunday, June 18 8:00 am Holy Eucharist 9:00 am Tiny Church / Childcare 9:45 am Camp Camden 10:00 amCAST Commissioning &

Commencement 10:00 am Choral Eucharist 11:30 am AS2

Monday, June 19 2:00 pm Monday Meal 7:00 pm AA Meeting 7:00 pm EfM book discussion/potluck

Tuesday, June 20 12:05 pm Noonday Prayer

Wednesday, June 21 12:05 pm Noonday Prayer 12:30 pm Al-Anon 8:00 pm AA Meeting

Thursday, June 22 12:05 pm Noonday Prayer 1:00 pm AA Meeting 7:30 pm All Saints' Pilgrimage Choir Rehearsal

Friday, June 23 7:00 pm AA Meeting

Saturday, June 24 8:00 am Youth Service Mission Trip Departs 11:30 amLGBT Youth Center Brunch

Sunday, June 25 8:00 am Holy Eucharist 9:00 am Tiny Church / Childcare 9:45 am Camp Camden 10:00 am Choral Eucharist 11:30 am AS2


NEW HERE? Be sure to fill out a welcome card located in the pews and place it in the offering tray or bring it to an usher to learn more about the life and ministry of All Saints'.

NEED TO REACH SOMEONE? Please click on Ministry Directory online at the bottom of w w w. a l l s a i n t s b h . o r g

WANT TO LEARN MORE? Please visit our online calendar for the most up to date information at: w w w. a l l s a i n t s b h . o r g / c a l e n d a r


Karlyn Johnson Brown JM Ellis Jason Franklin Gabriel Fuligni Charlotte Fuller Claire German Caroline German Catherine Gibson Kedar Johnson Khalil Johnson Nat Katz Chris Martin Kyle O'Leary David Rich Nick Washington


MONDAY MEAL: The kitchen crew for the Monday Meal needs volunteers. It's a great opportunity to learn how to cook and to serve. Mondays 9 am?1 pm.

GREETING CARDS: This month we are collecting greeting cards for our homeless and jail ministries. Please bring birthday cards and greeting cards to help those we minister to reach out to their loved ones.

WANT TO LEARN MORE? Contact Josh Paget for more information at JPaget@


IN THE PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER: please pray for Camp Camden

EXPECTANT PARENTS: please pray for Brant Martin & Kate Aishton

ON THE PARISH PRAYER LIST: please pray for David, Joe, Violet, Chrissy, Michaela, Dottie, John, and Sandy

FAMILY AND FRIENDS ON THE LONGTERM PARISH PRAYER LIST*: please pray for the ongoing prayer needs of Diana, Pat, Jean, David, Peter, Nancy, Christina, Patti, Skip, Jane, Charles, Jonathan, Phyllis, Mara, Clem, Jean, Theresa, Damian, Sierra, Nan, Beryl, Gordon, Nancy, Kathy, Tyra, Neil, Kim, Mary, Sandi, Florence, Michelle, Jack, the Driskell family, Cedric, Ken, Chris, Kristin, the Stump family, Aldo, Lindsay, Ben, Joshua, Linda, Laura, Robert, Jim, Clara, Jeff, Bill, Betsy, and Lee

After two weeks on the Parish Prayer List the names of those for whom we have prayed are moved to the Long-Term Prayer List for two more months. Please let us know if anyone should remain on the prayer list after this time. Only parishioners and immediate family are mentioned in the Prayers of the People on Sunday. To add yourself, family, or friends to the prayer list contact Glynis Horton at Ext. 139 or ghorton@


THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN BEVERLY HILLS IN THE DIOCESE OF LOS ANGELES 504 North Camden Drive ? Beverly Hills, California 90210 ? (310) 275-0123 ? ? info@

The Reverend Stephen Huber, Rector The Reverend Allison English, Senior Associate Rector The Reverend Nathaniel Katz, Associate Rector The Reverend Scott Taylor, Deacon

Affiliated Clergy The Reverend Betsy Anderson, The Reverend David Miller, The Reverend David Norgard

Canon Dr. Craig Phillips, Director of Music Mr. Jason Klein-Mendoza, Associate Organist and Choral Director

The Vestry Joseph Gardiner, Senior Warden Emeritus; Joe Becci, Senior Warden; Ruth Loomis, Junior Warden; Sydney Nichols, Treasurer; Theresa Amy, Clerk; Chris Cook, Bob Craft, Susan Humphreville, Jean-Marc Madelon, Dennis McGuckian, Maggie Reid, Ken Sulzer, David Van Iderstine

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