We are seeing some major increases in extreme weather and also change in the

geophysics of our planet. Every year records are being broken at a

staggering rate. We see for example the last year's Atlantic Hurricane

season breaking all previous records not only for the most hurricanes ever

in one season but the storms themselves being of greater intensity.

Hurricane Wilma had the highest low pressure ever measured inside the storm

itself. 2005 and now in 2006 we see record snow falls in many countries and

cities not just in Europe but also in North America and Asia. The Amazon

basin with the largest rain forest in the world experienced one of its worst

droughts ever last year (one of the least reported facts in global media).

The North Atlantic Conveyer Belt current continues to slow down at an

alarming rate, due mostly to the melting ice from Greenland and the Arctic

region. This seems to be causing extremes in both summer and winter in

Europe and North America and may even have the potential to cause a mini

Northern Hemisphere ice age. (This is the ocean current that takes warm

water from the tropics to the North in the Atlantic Ocean. It helps maintain

the climate, in many Northern Hemisphere countries in America and Europe,

temperate. These areas would have move severe weather, bearing in mind that

they are at the same latitude as Siberia in Russia and Greenland, if it were

not for this current. Fresh water coming from the melting ice, due to global

warming, from large glaciers and the Arctic dilutes the salinity of the sea

current. This slows down the processes that allow this current to work and

could even stop it all together as has happened in the past). Many European

countries have recently experienced major flooding as well as not only

record low winter temperatures, but also record high temperatures for recent

summers. We see the extremes on both ends. With high temperatures, so too

have we seen an increase in fire hazards which have produced some severe

runaway fires, especially in Portugal and Australia last year. Australia not

only measured some of its highest temperatures recently, but also has just

experienced major flooding and damage due to a category five hurricane. Last

year, parts of India experienced record rainfalls and flooding followed by a

dry and late monsoon season. Firstly it was the Seychelles, but now the

Caribbean and Australia's Great Barrier Reef are experiencing major coral

die-off and bleaching due to increased sea temperatures. 2005 is officially

the hottest year on record globally.

In Africa we have just had major droughts, most notably and recently in

Kenya. On the other hand, 2006 has also been an abundant rainfall year

causing flooding in several parts of South Africa. The other main concern

for us is that the Great Rift Valley Fault Line is becoming much more active

with two major earthquakes in the last few months. Most will remember the

recent 7.5 earthquake that hit central Mozambique, luckily a sparsely

populated area - the second largest earthquake in Africa for the last 100

years. (This fault line runs from central Mozambique through Tanzania and

Kenya to the Red Sea. It is what caused the Great Lakes of Africa and many

Volcanoes, most well known being Kilimanjaro. This is an expanding fault,

meaning it is pushing apart the plates. This area of East Africa will

eventually become another island like Madagascar. Scientist originally

believed that this would still take millions of years to happen, but there

is more and more evidence that it could happen very quickly. Check out this

link of a recent event


Although records of the ancient continents of Lemuria and Atlantis are

mostly buried within mythology and so called fairy tales, we must at least

consider that these large land masses sunk within a very short time, only a

few years. This opens up the possibility that other areas or plates could

rise from the sea floor and create new dry land.

Tectonic plate movement is a major concern around the world. An increase in

this has produced the 2004 tsunami and last year's Pakistan earthquake. The

Ring of Fire in the Pacific is one of the hot spots for plate movement and

there are many concerns of the potential for major loss of human life and

damage that can occur from that region - not only earthquake and tsunami

activity, but also volcanic eruptions.

The list goes on and on and to do a full report on all that has happened for

just the last two years alone would take many pages. Very little is reported

through the global media on many of these events. Normally it is only in the

local media. There is never a world view or bigger picture. The global media

corporations only report on what is already censored and true honest

unbiased journalism practically does not exist anymore. There is always more

and more of a "World Order" agenda at play. Our present Earth Change is the

greatest and most important event on this planet that will and is already

affecting everyone. Much more media and scientific coverage is required if

we are to save as many people as possible.

A lot of the Governments are aware of what is happening and purposely edit

information and the distribution thereof, to protect economies and prevent

panic, but economics and the value of the Dollar or the Euro are not what is

going to save lives. This is bigger than most people realise and it is only

through information, knowledge and preparation that many people can be

saved. Most people are oblivious to what is happening. Some know but are in

denial, even with all the proof staring them right in the face. It does not

take much research to see what is happening. We still have the Internet and

with just an hour or two researching, anyone can begin to find "evidence".

We are also starting to see more and more freak storms and phenomena in

areas in which they have not occurred before. An example is the freak

tornado that has just hit Tel Aviv, Israel (4th April 2006). A sight not

normally seen in the Holy Land.

Super Volcanoes

Super Volcanoes are the largest and potentially most destructive volcanoes

on the planet. They are not your typical cone shaped volcanoes that we see

everywhere. These volcanoes are large calderas, which lie beneath the

surface. They have the potential to be thousands of times stronger and more

destructive than volcanoes like Mt. Saint Helens or even Pinatuba. An

eruption of one of these volcanoes can and will affect the entire planet.

Not just in the immediate area affected but the entire planet. Enormous

amounts of ash fallout will affect everyone and could cover the entire

planet causing a "nuclear" winter. Not only clogging and polluting fresh

water but also blocking out much of our life giving sunlight that sustains

our food production. The ash fallout in itself is harmful and can lead to

death by inhalation. The two main concerns are the super volcanoes in Asia

and at Yellow Stone National Park. (Yellow Stone National Park is in the

north west of USA. This is one of the largest national parks in the world.

The super volcano that lies beneath Yellowstone is about eighty by forty

kilometres in size. "Super Volcano" the documentary by the BBC is highly

recommended for further details)

The Four Elements

Our planet is changing mostly through the four elements of wind, water,

earth and fire. Wind through tornadoes and hurricanes. Water through floods,

tsunamis and storms. Earth through earthquakes and fire through volcanoes.

Some of the Mayan elders have warned that these will continue to intensify

as we approach 2012 and that the fire element will become more active. We

can already see this with increased volcanic activity worldwide. Of

particular concern is the increase in activity at Yellowstone National Park

(some of the park has been closed to visitors). 2012 was the year given to

the ancient Mayan people as an estimated time when the planet would go into

a higher frequency. A new age. A new consciousness. Some people think that

will be when things start to happen, but from what is happening right now it

would seem that we are at the start and going into the middle of the change.

So by that date everything would have already happened. That date was an

estimate and a lot is up to us. What we do and focus on now will affect the

intensity of the things to come. We have the power to change our timelines

with collective thought alone.

Polar Shift

Scientists have discovered that our magnetic poles shift or do 180 degree

turn (Magnetic North changes to the South and visa versa), on average about

every 200 000 years. The last shift occurred 780 000 years ago, according to

magnetic particle alignment in ancient lava flows that have captured the

position of the magnetic poles at the time of solidifying. Over the last few

years they have noticed a dramatic reduction in the strength of our magnetic

field. The first major anomaly (area of very weak or already reversed

polarity) was off of South America and more recently another just off of

South Africa in the Indian Ocean. So we are on the verge of a complete

"Flip". This is a very vulnerable time for us as our Magnetic Field is what

protects us from solar radiation. We ourselves have our own fields of energy

that surround our own bodies. These fields affect our moods, feelings and

wellbeing. The planet's magnetic field change affects every life form on it

through these fields. We need to change with the planet in order to prosper

and ensure our survival by allowing these changes within our bodies. The

best is simply giving yourself time to rest when you are feeling something

is changing and is not right. This will allow your body time to recalibrate

or so to say, catch up with the planets changing fields. Our planet too is a

living entity and it too is evolving through this Great Earth Change. These

are the great cycles of nature. Planet Earth is moving to a higher spiritual

frequency, and we need to evolve and change with her if we are to survive

into the future. (See NOVA's documentary "Magnetic Storms" for further


What do we do?

We obviously cannot rely on our governments to inform and protect us. We all

saw what happened with New Orleans. It only took 5 days, from normal

everyday living to total chaos, looting, murders, lack of food and drinking

water. That should be a lesson for all, five days!

We need to be prepared at all times, no matter where you are on the planet.

You need to be sovereign. You must be able to look after yourself and your

family. Always have enough food and water in your home at all times for at

least two months. Even better have enough stored away to last you two years

because if we have a super volcanic eruption causing a nuclear winter, it

could easily last for two years.

You have two choices: Live in fear and denial or simply be prepared for

anything. You have got nothing to lose by being prepared.

We need to educate ourselves on these matters. Through knowledge and the

application of that knowledge we can overcome anything. We too can evolve

and change with the planet and live to see a fabulous, fabulous future.

(I welcome any comments and information I also highly

recommend as one of the most up to date sources of

what is happening globally and a starting point if you wish to do some of

your own research)



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