New Visions: Health Professions Student Handbook

Oneida-Herkimer-Madison BOCES

Mrs. Petronella

This is a copy of the handbook students will receive at orientation.


Mandatory Orientation will include the following:


Patient’s Rights

Orientation to Hospital Layout

Infection Control/Blood-Borne Pathogens

Safety Policy and Procedures

Body Mechanics

Fire Plan

Professional Standards

Ethics and Legalities/HIPAA

In order to be eligible to begin clinical, students must earn a 75% or better on the above topics. In addition, students must be present and actively participating during the orientation process. If a student is absent more than 2 days during this time, he/she will be scheduled to begin clinical at a later time.


Black speckled notebook (1) for journal writing *

Index cards for public speaking, vocabulary words and MLA research

Procedures *

Black pens *

MLA Guide (Must Include 2009 updates)

Pocket sized notebook for note-taking during clinical rotations

Binders: one 3 inch [for Portfolio]

(clear sheet protectors needed for portfolio work)

(One) 1 inch * [for class work]

* must be brought to school on the first day

Since almost all assignments are to be typed, please be sure to have an ample supply of printer paper and black ink available at home.



All students are expected to present themselves in a neat and professional manner at all times while participating in the New Visions: Health Professions Program.


Health care providers strive at all times to maintain a professional atmosphere and infection-free environment. A high standard of neatness, cleanliness, and good grooming is essential since contact with patients, staff, physicians, and the public is a requisite of hospital work.


• Personal Hygiene:

1. Good personal hygiene practices must be followed.

2. Hair should be clean and must be restrained. Hair is not to be any color other than a natural hair color shade.

3. Fingernails must be clean and short.

4. Perfumes and aftershaves should be light scents and used sparingly.

5. Nails may be neatly polished in light shades.

• Clothing:

1. Designated lab coats (white knee length) must be worn. These are to be kept clean, neat and buttoned. They may not be hemmed.

2. Appropriate clothing must be worn under lab coats, such as BLOUSES, SHIRTS, SWEATERS, PANTS, SLACKS, and SHIRTS.


3. Acceptable jewelry: wristwatch, one conservative ring, one pair of stud earrings.

4. Proper name tag should be worn at all times. This should be attached to the RIGHT lapel of the lab coat, clearly visible to all.

• Footwear:

1. Comfortable, low-heeled, closed-toe shoes or leather sneakers.

2. Socks or stockings must be worn.

The following are unacceptable for clinical dress:

1. Mini-skirts or shorts. (A slit in a skirt or dress must be no higher than three inches above the knee.)

2. Tight, low-cut shirts, midriffs or tanks tops.

3. Tight fitting or revealing slacks.

4. Any shirt with a printed message or picture, including team attire.

5. Open shoes, sandals, clogs, spike heels, platform shoes, or chunky boots.

6. Excessive make-up and jewelry.

7. Artificial/acrylic nails of any kind, regardless of the length.

8. Gum chewing.

9. Hats, including baseball hats.

10. Hair colors that are not a natural hair color shade (i.e. blue, green, ruby red, pink, etc.).

11. Pierced jewelry on any visible part of the body other than the earlobes.

12. Visible tattoos (must be covered with clothing or a bandage).

13. ‘Love Bites’ (must be covered with a band-aid).

14. Hoop or dangling earrings.

15. Necklaces of any kind.

16. Sweatshirts of any kind.

Please see your instructor if you have any questions about this dress code. If you are unsure about wearing a particular article of clothing, don’t wear it until discussing your concern with the instructor. If the student is at the clinical site dressed inappropriately, the student will receive a grade of zero for the day and be kept back from the site.

Field Trip/Guest Speaker Dress Code

New Visions: Health Professions students are treated as professionals. It is expected that all students appear professional for each and every field trip. All field trips are scheduled in advance, allowing students ample time to select appropriate attire while adhering to this dress code.

The following is required for the young men: dress slacks, dress shirt.

The following is required for the young women: dress slacks, dress shirts, dresses or skirts.


Hats of any kind


Halter tops

Midriff shirts, tank tops


Tight or revealing clothes


Arrangements will be made to stay at BOCES or the home school for any student not following this dress code for each field trip.



New Visions: Health Professions

Knowledge 60%

*Quizzes, Tests, Research Papers, Oral Reports,

Book Reports, Position Papers, Essays,

Homework, Critiques, Portfolio, Journals, etc.

Skills 20%

Clinical Assignments: Field Notes Objectives

Professional Grades

Attitude: Attitudinal Checklist 20%

English 12/MVCC English

Knowledge* 80%

Attendance** 20%

Social Studies 12

Knowledge* 80%

Attendance** 20%

** The attendance grade is based on classroom attendance.

The final Grade for the course is calculated as follows: 22.5% for each quarterly grade, and 10% for the Final Project. The Final Project will be assigned during May with ample time to prepare and then present during the last days of class. The Final Project will be based on topics discussed during class and on current event topics read and discussed during the year.

All homework MUST be received on the date due, not e-mailed. All students will receive 1 emergency e-mail pass for their homework per quarter. Passes MUST be handed in on the date the assignment was due, informing me to expect an e-mail assignment coming in later that day.

1. [pic]






Just as in health care when medications are to be administered or procedures are to be completed at the time they are ordered, in New Visions: Health Professions, assignments are to be completed and handed in on the date they are due. NO EXCEPTIONS. Following this standard will enhance your future professional manner.

It is extremely rare that you receive an assignment to be completed over night. In the majority of cases, you will be given assignment sheets covering a 2-week period, allowing you to pace your workload.

**English written assignments will receive a 10 point deduction for each day late.


In the event a student is absent when an assignment is due, the assignment will be due on the first day back to school.


Students will be asked to prepare a portfolio starting in September. This will be a purposeful collection of the student’s work that exhibits effort, progress and achievements. Portfolios can provide a comprehensive view of the participant’s performance and be self-reflective. Students are encouraged to bring their portfolio to college interviews, as admission counselors view this collection work very positively.

Student portfolios will be collected and evaluated periodically on: organization, presentation, creativity, thoroughness, and originality. All of these materials will be placed in a 3” binder.

The following will be expected to be included in the Portfolio: writing samples, research papers, summaries of speakers/tours, reflections of experiences, field notes, clinical objectives, examples of medical documentation, illustrations, photos, and/or graphic depictions, etc.

The portfolio is a collection of work produced while participating in the New Visions program. A specific order will be given to define the manner in which to organize the work in the portfolio. The portfolio will be graded each quarter. Each student will receive a scoring rubric each quarter to be used to prepare/grade this project.


As part of the New Vision program, you will be preparing several types of oral presentations. You will work in groups, give reports, discuss ideas about readings and speakers, as well as talk with hospital personnel and patients. You need to develop your speaking style and techniques.

Try to eliminate current high school slang when talking with health care professionals and other adults. Remember that you are a young adult, not a kid. Speak in full sentences; learn to look at the person you are talking to in the eye. Do not chew gum or candy when talking before the class or others. Learn how to introduce people to each other easily and correctly.

When you speak before the class be sure that you are well prepared. Make an outline or use note-cards, so that you have something written to prompt yourself. Practice your presentation before a mirror or another person as many times as necessary so that you speak with ease and confidence. Do not write out a talk to read to the group. You may wish to write the first line or two and/or the ending, but that is all. Speak loudly enough to be heard and slowly enough to be understood. Stand straight on both feet; do not lean on a podium or desk.

You will receive a copy of the rubric that will be used to evaluate your formal oral presentations. Look it over carefully and be sure that you understand what is expected in each item on the checklist.

Being able to speak well before a class or other group of people is a skill that you will use all of your life, regardless of the job or career you choose. Practice each presentation thoroughly, and you will be very pleased with the results. Traditionally, New Visions students demonstrate much personal growth and improvement in their public speaking abilities. It is not uncommon for students to reflect positively on being assigned to give oral presentations.



A reminder concerning driving and/or receiving rides from parents, aunts, etc…

1. Students are not allowed to drive unless they have a driving permit, which has been issued by BOCES. (Each high school should have a supply of the BOCES driving permits, which must first be signed by the parent, then the high school principal/assistant principal, and then by the BOCES principal/assistant principal.)

2. Students who need to drive in emergency situations may drive by bringing a signed note by the parent. This note needs to be dated, showing that the parent knows the student is driving to NEW VISIONS.

3. Under no circumstances are students allowed to carry passengers.

4. If a student needs to be picked up from New Visions instead of riding the school-sponsored transportation, he/she must bring a note signed by parent(s) indicating this.

5. All students who have permission to drive need to follow the parking requirements of each facility.



During this school year, part of your English 12 writing requirement will be to keep a journal of your thoughts and responses to this health care course. It will be read by your instructor and evaluated weekly. Please purchase one [1] speckled composition book as described at orientation. You will be expected to hand in your journal each week. All information read in the journal will be kept confidential, unless the instructor determines the safety for you or others is at risk.


Sometimes you will be given time in class to write in your journal. However, more often than not, you will write whenever and wherever you choose. Sometimes a study hall or the school bus is a good place. The place is not as important as the privacy you need to think and write.


Try to have a regular time to write in your journal. This year the writing in the speckled journal will be evaluated on a weekly basis. The criteria/content will be as indicated on the updated format for the weekly journal entries now known as ‘reflective/memo/journal writing. Please note that the assigned 2 topic journals from the weekly assignment sheets are each1 page [discussed in class] while, the reflections/memos/journals are 2 full pages unless otherwise directed. Please see the rubric below to be used for grading the weekly memo/journals. Remember that the memo/journal weekly grade may count for New Visions, English 12, and/or Social Studies 12 depending on the topic. It will always be a New Visions Health Professions grade as it will reflect your thoughts about a health or class related topic.


Topic #1 Topic #2

25 points: Format 2 points 25 points: Format 2 points

Length 8 points Length 8 points

Content 10 points Content 10 points


50 points: Format 2 points

Length 8 points

Content 30 points

The journal assignments will be located on your bi-weekly calendar, be sure to check your calendar for assigned topics and reflections. A journal is not a place to worry about spelling, grammar, or sentence structure.


Please review this handbook, taking special note to the grading procedures and the transportation procedure.

✓ Your signature below indicates that you are aware that late homework will not be accepted and will result in a zero.

✓ Your signature also supports your understanding of the transportation procedure.

This handbook has been designed to allow the student to get the most out of the New Visions: Health Professions program. If rules are followed, students have a wonderfully fulfilling year. The guidelines contained in this handbook may make the program seem rigid; however, due to the nature of the students being placed in hospitals to observe actual medical care as it is being delivered, these rules have had to be developed.

The Oneida BOCES Career and Technical Education staff looks forward to being a part of your son/daughter’s senior year! Please don’t hesitate to contact the instructor if you have any concerns (793-8640). If necessary, leave a voice message and your call will be returned.

______________________________________ ________

Parent Signature Date

______________________________________ ________

Student Signature Date



This agreement is to be strictly practiced at all times during New Visions.

1. I will make it my responsibility to know, understand and keep within the guidelines of each clinical assignment in order to ensure the health and wellness of each patient/resident.

2. I will make every effort to be courteous, efficient and accurate when helping patients/residents through this stressful time in their lives.

3. I will uphold the patient’s ‘right to privacy’ by holding in confidence all information gained concerning staff, patients and hospital procedures.

4. I will adhere to the dress code of the New Visions: Health Professions program.

5. I will report to the New Visions office before and after each day’s clinical rotation for attendance.

6. I will uphold the confidentiality guidelines, which have been outlined to me.

7. I will telephone the New Visions instructor before 8:30 a.m. if I will be absent. I understand it is my responsibility to make the phone call, not my parents’. I understand that emailing to report my absence is unacceptable. The phone number to call in my absence is 793-8640. If the absence is not reported, a zero will be placed in the grade book for a no call/no show each time this occurs.

8. I will complete homework on time or I will earn a zero for homework not handed in when due.

9. I will respect and care for all hospital equipment.

10. I will follow orders from the hospital staff.

11. I will immediately report any accident and/or incident.

12. I will report to the department I am assigned, and will not visit other departments in order to pay social visits to staff and/or patients.

13. I will practice good oral communications with the staff and patients while not discussing my personal life.

14. I will report to my contact person before leaving the unit at the end of each clinical day.

I understand that if I violate this contract, disciplinary measures will be taken and termination from the program may be necessary.

______________________________ ______________________________

Student Parent



1st quarter Emergency Homework E-mail

Student Name: __________________________________________

Assignment: ____________________________________________

Date: _____________ Instructor Initial: ________

2nd quarter Emergency Homework E-mail

Student Name: __________________________________________

Assignment: ____________________________________________

Date: _____________ Instructor Initial: ________

3rd quarter Emergency Homework E-mail

Student Name: __________________________________________

Assignment: ____________________________________________

Date: _____________ Instructor Initial: ________

4th quarter Emergency Homework E-mail

Student Name: __________________________________________

Assignment: ____________________________________________

Date: _____________ Instructor Initial: ________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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