Liver-Panel Test Results - Engines 4 Ed

|Lincoln Regional Medical Center |[pic] |

|Patient Test Results | |

Test Performed: Liver-Panel and CAT Scan of the Liver

Patient Name: Frank McGrath

Patient Date of Birth: 4/11/51

Attending Physician: Dr. Jordan Casey

|Test Results |

|Test name |Patient |Physician’s Notes |

|Serum Bilirubin |4.8 mg/dL | |

|Alkaline phosphatase |126 IU/liter | |

|Aspartate transferase (AST) |AST: 126 IU/Liter | |

| | | |

|Alanine transferase (ALT) |ALT: 135 IU/Liter | |

|Serum albumin |2.9 g/dL | |

|Prothrombin time |Total time=19 seconds; which equals| |

| |6 seconds prolonged beyond control | |

|Serum ammonia |136 micrograms/dL | |

|Serum globulin |3.6 g/dL | |

|Alphafeto Protein (AFP) |16 micrograms/L | |

| | | |

|Radiology Tests |Physician’s Notes |

|CAT scan of liver | |

Definition of Units

• dL=Deciliter

• IU=International Unit

• G=Grams

• L=Liter

• Mg=Milligrams


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