Liver-Panel Test Results - Engines 4 Ed

Riverside Memorial Hospital

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|Patient Test Results | |

Tests Performed: Liver Panel, Kidney Panel, CBC, Urinalysis

Patient Name: Ella Cruz

Patient Age: 9

Attending Physician: Dr. Sophia Campbell

|Test Results |

|Test name |Patient |Physician’s Notes |

|Liver Panel |

|Total Bilirubin |1 Mg/dL | |

|Alkaline phosphatase |250 IU/L | |

|Aspartate transferase (AST) |AST: 25 IU/L | |

| | | |

|Alanine transferase (ALT) |ALT: 40 IU/L | |

|Serum albumin |4.0 g/dL | |

|Serum globulin |3.6 G/dL | |

|Total protein |7 G/dL | |

|Kidney Panel |

|Serum creatinine |.8/dL | |

|Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) |10 Mg/dL | |

|CBC (Complete Blood Count) |

|WBC |19x 1000/uL | |

|RBC |4.0x 1,000,000/uL | |

|Hemoglobin |12.1 G/dL | |

|Hematocrit |38% | |

|Platelets |155x 1000/uL | |

|Neutrophils |70% | |

|Lymphocytes |4% | |

|Monocytes |0 | |

|Eosinophils |7% | |

|Basophils |0 | |

|Bands |19% | |

|Urinalysis |

|Urinalysis |Normal | |

| | | |

|Radiology Tests |Physician’s Notes |

|Head CT scan |No evidence of bleeding, masses or calcifications. Ventricles are normal size and shape. |

|Chest X-Ray (PA and lateral) |Heart normal size and configuration. Lung fields clear with no masses, infiltrates or fluid. |

Definition of Units

• dL=Deciliter

• IU=International Unit

• G=Grams

• L=Liter

• Mg=Milligrams


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