STATISTICS - Frontier Central School District / Overview

11 – N1Today, you will be able to: STATISTICS – MEASURES OF CENTRAL TENDENCY:MEAN – MEDIAN - MODE - 1.The table below shows the number of hits Marcus made for his team.Team PlayedHitsBadgers3Hornets8Bulldogs5Vikings2Rangers3Panthers9What is the mean?What is the median?What is the mode?2.Isaiah collects data from two different companies, each with four employees. The results of the study, based on each worker’s age and salary, are listed in the tables below.Which statement is true about this data?The median salaries in both companies are greater than $37,000.The mean salary in company 1 is greater than the mean salary in company 2.The median salary in company 1 is less than the median salary in company 2.The mean age of workers at company 1 is greater than the mean age of workers at company 2.3.The two sets of data below represent the number of runs scored by two different youth baseball teams over the course of a season.Team A:4, 8, 5, 12, 3, 9, 5, 2Team B:5, 9, 11, 4, 6, 11, 2, 7Which set of statements about the mean and median is true?(1)mean A < mean B ; median A > median B(2)mean A > mean B ; median A < median B(3)mean A < mean B ; median A < median B(4)mean A > mean B ; median A > median B4.The table below shows the annual salaries for the 24 members of a professional sports team in terms of millions of dollars.The team signs an additional player to a contract worth 10 million dollars per year. Which statement about the median and mean is true?(1)Both will increase.(2)Only the median will increase.(3)Only the mean will increase.Neither will change.11 – N2Today, you will be able to: BOX PLOT - LOWER EXTREME – FIRST QUARTILE – MEDIAN –THIRD QUARTILE – UPPER EXTREME – 1.The box plot below represents the ages of 12 people.What percentage of these people is age 15 or older?2.Construct a box plot for the 12 quiz scores below.677860959355708785648250MEASURES OF SPREAD:RANGE:INTERQUARTILE RANGE:3.Given the following box plot,What is the range?What is the interquartile range?4.Robin collected data on the number of hours she watched television on Sunday through Thursday nights for a period of 3 weeks. The data is shown in the table below.Using an appropriate scale on the number line below, construct a box plot for the 15 values.What is the range?What is the interquartile range?11 – N3Today, you will be able to: OUTLIER:1.Quinn took eight math quizzes this quarter. His grades are as follows:88, 89, 94, 90, 40, 91, 82, 88Identify any outliers in the data.STANDARD DEVIATION:A LOW standard deviation means the data is ________________, or ______________________________.A HIGH standard deviation means the data is ________________, or ______________________________.2.Ed surveys his classmates to find out how many electronic gadgets each person has in their home. 9, 10, 11, 6, 9, 11, 9, 8, 11, 8, 7, 9, 11, 11, 5Find the mean.Find the standard deviation, to the nearest integer.3.Caleb tracked his calorie intake for a week.1950, 2000, 2100, 2000, 1900, 2100, 2000Find the standard deviation, to the nearest calorie. Interpret the meaning of this standard deviation. DOT PLOT:4.The dot plot shown below represents the number of pets owned by students in a class.Which statement about the data is not true?(1)The median is 3.(2)The interquartile range is 2.(3)The mean is 3.(4)The data contains no outliers.5.Noah conducted a survey on sports participation. He created the following two dot plots to represent the number of students participating by age, in soccer and basketball.Which statement about the given data sets is correct?(1)The data for the basketball players are symmetric.(2)The data for soccer players have less spread than the data for basketball players.(3)The data for basketball players have the same median as the data for soccer players.(4)The data for basketball players have a greater mean than the data for soccer players.11 – N4Today, you will be able to: When researchers collect data, they often ask more than one paring the results of those questions can reveal relationships among the data.TWO-WAY FREQUENCY TABLE: 1.The two-way frequency table shows the results of a survey in which ninth-grade students were asked which foreign language class they most wanted to take next semester. SpanishFrenchItalianBoys803010Girls302030MARGINAL FREQUENCIES:What percent of ninth-grade students want to take Spanish next semester?CONDITIONAL FREQUENCIES:What percent of girls want to take Spanish next semester?2.A radio station did a survey to determine what kind of music to play by taking a sample of middle school, high school, and college students. They were asked which of three different types of music they prefer on the radio: hip-hop, alternative, or classic rock. The results are summarized in the table below.What percentage of students prefer hip-hop?What percentage of students prefer alternative?What percentage of college students prefer classic rock?What percentage of middle school students prefer hip-hop?3.The school newspaper surveyed the student body for an article about club membership. The table below shows the number of students in each grade level who belong to one or more clubs.If there are 180 students in ninth grade, what percentage of the ninth grade students belong to more than one club?4.A public opinion poll was taken to explore the relationship between age and support for a candidate in an election. The results of the poll are summarized in the table below.What percent of the 21-40 age group was for the candidate?5.A statistics class surveyed some students during one lunch period to obtain opinions about television programming preferences. The results of the survey are summarized in the table below.Based on the sample, predict how many of the school’s 351 males would prefer comedy. Justify your answer.11 – N5Today, you will be able to: ____________________ variables depend on __________________ variables.The independent variable represents the __________________ of the graph.The dependent variable represents the __________________ of the graph.Identify the independent and dependent variables in the following examples:1.The table below shows the cost of mailing a postcard in different years. Independent variable (x):Dependent variable (y):2.An application developer released a new app to be downloaded. The table below gives the number of downloads for the first four weeks after the launch of the app.Independent variable (x):Dependent variable (y):3.The table below shows the average diameter of a pupil in a person’s eye as he or she grows older.Independent variable (x):Dependent variable (y):4.The table below shows the year and the number of households in a building that had high-speed broadband internet access.Independent variable (x):Dependent variable (y):When you study the relationship between two variables, you are working with _____________________________.This data can be written as a set of ordered pairs, ( x, y ) and graphed on a coordinate plane.This kind of graph is called a ________________________.CORRELATION:Positive CorrelationNegative CorrelationNo Correlation1994535444500382333544450051435444500439483514287500473773514287500393763528575002108835142875002223135285750010801352857500737235142875004166235167005002566035167005002223135167005002337435527050096583552705003937635768350048520357683500450913576835002566035191135002794635768350096583576835006229357683500394335768350040519351009650031375351009650026803351009650029089351009650062293510096500165735100965004509135107950048520351079500393763512509500290893512509500394335107950016573512509500359473514922500176593514922500-177165149225005.There is a negative correlation between the number of hours a student watches television and his or her social studies test score. Which scatter plot below displays this correlation? 1)3)2)4)6.The scatter plot below represents the relationship between the number of peanuts a student eats and the student’s bowling score.Which conclusion about the scatter plot is valid?(1)No bowlers eat peanuts.(2)Students who eat more peanuts have higher bowling scores.(3)Students who eat more peanuts have lower bowling scores.(4)There is almost no relationship between eating peanuts and bowling score.CAUSATION:7.Which relationship can best be described as causal?(1)The alarm goes off and the sun rises.(2)The car is moving slowly and the driver is singing.(3)The birds are chirping and the rain is coming down.(4)The snow is falling and the stores run out of snow shovels.11 – N6Today, you will be able to: A scatter plot often will have a LINE OF BEST FIT. This is the line that best represents the pattern of the data.The LINE OF BEST FIT can also be called the ___________________________________________.1.A scatter plot was constructed on the graph below and a line of best fit was drawn.What is the equation for this line of best fit?Today, we will use the graphing calculator to find an exact equation for the line of best fit.This is called a _______________________. 2.The data table below shows water temperatures at various depths in an ocean.Write the LINEAR REGRESSION equation for this set of data, rounding all values to the nearest hundredth.3.A cup of soup is left on a countertop to cool. The table below gives the temperatures, in degrees Fahrenheit, of the soup recorded over a 10-minute period.Write an EXPONENTIAL REGRESSION equation for the data, rounding all values to the nearest thousandth.4.The mid-September statewide average gas process, in dollars per gallon, for different years are given in the table below.Year2001200220032004Price Per Gallon1.3451.4081.5371.58Write a linear regression equation for this set of data when is used to represent the year 2001 and y is used to represent the price per gallon. 5.Write an exponential equation for the graph shown below.11 – N7Today, you will be able to: 1.Based on the least-squares line drawn below, which value could be expected for the data in June 2015?(1)230(2)310(3)480(4)540INTERPOLATION:EXTRAPOLATION:2.Each day, Toni records the height of a plant for her science lab. Her data are shown in the table below.The plant continues to grow at a constant daily rate. Write a linear equation to represent h(n), the height of the plant on the nth day.Using this equation, approximate the height of the plant on day 14.3.A population of single-celled organisms was grown in a Petri dish over a period of 16 hours. The number of organisms at a given time is recorded in the table below.Determine the exponential regression equation model for these data, rounding all values to the nearest thousandth.Using this equation, approximate the number of single-celled organisms, to the nearest whole number, there were at the end of the 9th hour.4.The accompanying table shows the percent of the adult population that married before age 25 in several different years. Using to represent the year 1971, find the linear regression equation. Round the regression coefficients to the nearest hundredth.Using the equation found above, estimate the percent of the adult population in the year 2017 that will marry before age 25. Round to the nearest tenth of a percent.11 – N8Today, you will be able to: CORRELATION COEFFICIENT:The value of r is always in the range _____________________.If r is close to 1, the data shows a ________________________ correlation.If r is close to -1, the data shows a _______________________ correlation. If r = 0, the data does not show a ______________________ correlation. If , the graph looks like:If , the graph looks like:1.Which scatter plot shows the strongest positive correlation?2.Which value of r represents data with a strong positive linear correlation between two variables?(1)0.99(2)0.34(3)1.04(4)-0.993.What is the correlation coefficient of the linear fit of the data shown below, to the nearest hundredth?(1)1.00(2)0.93(3)-0.93(4)-1.004.Analysis of data from a statistical study shows a linear relationship in the data with a correlation coefficient of . Which statement best summarizes this result?(1)There is a strong positive correlation between the variables.(2)There is a strong negative correlation between the variables.(3)There is a moderate positive correlation between the variables.(4)There is a moderate negative correlation between the variables.**In order to find a correlation coefficient on the calculator, you must _____________________________________________!!!!5.As shown in the table below, a person’s target heart rate during exercise changes as the person gets older.Which value represents the linear correlation coefficient, rounded to the nearest thousandth?(1)-0.999(2)-0.664(3)0.998(4)1.5036.A nutritionist collected information about different brands of beef hot dogs. She made a table showing the number of Calories and the amount of sodium in each hot dog.Write the correlation coefficient for the line of best fit. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.Explain what the correlation coefficient suggests in the context of this problem.7.The table below shows the attendance at a museum in select years from 2007 to 2013.State the linear regression equation represented by the data table when is used to represent the year 2007 and y is used to represent the attendance. Round all values to the nearest hundredth.State the correlation coefficient to the nearest hundredth and determine whether the data suggest a strong or weak association.11 – N9Today, you will be able to: 1.Erica, the manager at Stellarbeans, collected data on the daily high temperature and revenue from coffee sales. Data from nine days this past fall are shown in the table below.State the linear regression function, f(t), that estimates the day’s coffee sales with a high temperature of t. Round all values to the nearest integer.State the correlation coefficient, r, of the data to the nearest hundredth. Does r indicate a strong linear relationship between the variables? Explain your reasoning.RESIDUAL = 2.The days of absences for a group of students and their math grades were recorded for six students. Calculate the residuals in the following table:Days of AbsencesMath GradePredicted Math GradeResidual19698393925868788179107273126865Make a residual plot for the data.If the points in a residual plot are random, then a _________ is the best fit. The closer the residuals are to the x-axis, the better the fit.If the points in a residual plot have a pattern or a curve, then ________________________________________________.Based on your residual plot in question #2, is a line the best fit for the data?3.The residual plots from two different sets of bivariate data are graphed below.Explain, using evidence from graph A and graph B, which graph indicates that a linear model for the data is a good fit.UNIT 11 – STUDY GUIDE11-N11.Using the data in the accompanying dot plot,What is the mean?What is the median?What is the mode?11-N2 through 11-N32.Based on the box plot:What is the median?What is the range?What is the interquartile range?3.Six of the Earth Science test grades are 100, 95, 55, 85, 75, and 100. For this sample, what is the standard deviation, to the nearest tenth?Intramural BasketballChess ClubJazz BandDid Not ParticipateFemale2543133Male4112272911-N44.Based on the survey below,What percentage, to the nearest percent, of the girls played intramuralbasketball?11-N55.If the value of the dependent variable y increases as the value of the independent variable x increases, the graph of this relationship could be a(1)horizontal line(3)line with a negative slope(2)vertical line(4)line with a positive slope6.A set of data is graphed on the scatter plot below.The scatter plot shows(1)no correlation(3)negative correlation(2)positive correlation(4)undefined correlation7.Which relationship can best be described as causal?height and intelligenceshoe size and running speed(3)number of correct answers on a test and test score(4)number of students in a class and number of students with brown hair11-N68.Jean invested $380 in stocks. Over the next several years, the value of her investment grew, as shown in the accompanying table.Year (x)Value of Stock, in Dollars (y)20063802008395201141120144272015445Write the exponential regression equation for this set of data when is used to represent the year 2006 and y is used to represent the value of the stock, rounding all values to two decimal places.11-N7 through 11-N89.What could be the approximate value of the correlation coefficient for the accompanying scatter plot?(1)-0.85(2)-0.16(3)0.21(4)0.9010.The table below displays data collected from the census. Years of Education past 8th gradeAverage Yearly Salary223,088432,552639,884853,976966,1441180,600a)Write a linear regression equation, to the nearest integer.b)Use this equation to predict the salary for someone with 15 years of education past 8th grade. c)What is the linear correlation coefficient, to the nearest hundredth?d)Explain what the correlation coefficient suggests in the context of this problem. 11-N911.The table below represents the residuals for a line of best fit.x1355811Residual2-11-20-1Plot the residuals.Using your plot, assess the fit of the line for these residuals and justify your answer. ................

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