Operating Systems - University of Ottawa

SITE Linux Virtual Machines

Development System: sitedev


The host operation system (XP) runs two components to allow running and interconnecting 3 Virtual Linux Machines. The Microsoft loop back adaptor provides the networking component to allow communication between the 3 virtual machines and the host operating system. The VirtualPC provides the component that runs the virtual machines.


1) Download and install VirtualPC. An e-mail was forward to all students with details on how to obtain VirtualPC.

2) Start VirtualPC and access the Virtual PC Help (Help button). Select the Search tab, and type in the keyword “loopback”. Select “Install and configure Microsoft Loopback Adapter” and in the Help window click on “Installing Microsoft Loopback Adaptor on Windows XP”, and following instructions for installing the Window Loopback Adaptor on your system. Once it is installed, consult “Configuring Network Connections” to configure the IP address for the Loopback Adaptor to “” (mask This in effect assigns that address to the host operating system. Effectively, the Loopback Adaptor creates a small network that connects the virtual machine and the host operating system.

3) To start the setup of the virtual machine, unzip the files sitedev.zip into a directory. You must have 2 Gbyptes of disk space for receiving the contents the zip file. Virtual PC creates the directory c:\My Virtual Machines. If you have sufficient space on the C: drive, you may unzip the zip file into this directory. If not you may create a directory (say E:\VirtualM) on another drive and unzip the contents of the zip file there. After unzipping the files, you will find a sub-directory sitedev. The directory contains a *.vmc (Virtual Machine Settings File) file and *.vhd (Virtual Machine Hard Drive Image) file. The vmc is used by VirutalPC to obtain settings (memory size, network adaptor, etc) while the vhd file contains the virtual machines OS image. The virtual machine is a RedHat 9 Linux operating system. After unzipping the virtual machines, setup VirtualPC to run the machines as follows:

a. Start VirutalPC

b. Click new to start the “New Virtual Machine Wizard” (the first time you run Virtual PC, the Wizard will most likely be started automatically).

c. Click Next, and on the next window, select “Add existing virtual machine”.

d. Click Next, and on the next window, select the “Browse” button to find the vmc file in the “sitedev” directory.

e. Click “Next” to complete the setup. Verify in the setting window, that the Loopback adaptor has been selected as the network adaptor for the virtual machine.

f. Note that all machines have been configured to use 40 Mbytes as system memory. Your computer system must contain 128 MBytes of RAM for the XP Operating System and additional RAM for running the Linux Operating System. You may increase the size of system RAM for the virtual machine in settings window according to the amount of memory in your system.

g. To start the virtual machine, select the virtual machine in VirtualPC, and click the Start button.

h. Hint: When you click in the VM window, it will grab the mouse. To return the mouse back to the host operating system, hit the right “Alt” key on your keyboard.

i. Hint: You can also toggle to and from full screen mode using the Right-Alt + Enter keys.

j. Hint: When in RedHat, you can toggle between 2 virtual terminals, by using Alt-F1 and Alt-F2. This allows you to setup multiple sessions on your system. You can also use an SSH client running from the host.

k. Consult the VirtualPC online help for additional information on running the virtual machines.

l. Once you have setup all three virtual machines, test the network connects by logging into one of the VMs (root password is site), and doing a ping to the host operating system. Do a cat of the /etc/hosts files to get the name associated to the XP operating system. You may also want to test an ssh connection from the host operating system to “sitedev”. The SSH client can be used to access the development environment, and ftp files to/from the VM.

The sitedev VM have been configured as follows

1) IP addresses

2) All root passwords are site.

3) A user test1 also with password site.

4) The sitedev system contains the GNU C compiler and libraries. You may use this system for development.


Host System (XP)



Microsoft Loopback Adaptor (


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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