Syllabus for General Microbiology Laboratory MICR 2141 ...

Syllabus for General Microbiology Laboratory MICR 2141, Fall 2020 MICR 2141 General Microbiology Laboratory complements the MICR 2340 General Microbiology lecture course. This portion of the course has three overall main learning objectives:Mirroring the Scientific process (Predict, Test, Analyze)Improving scientific communication, including writing and graphing skillsVisual simulation labs with key Microbiology laboratory techniquesTEACHING TEAM:Each laboratory section has a Graduate Teaching Assistant (TA) who will supervise all activities, grade all primary assignments, and recommend a laboratory grade for the course. They are your primary resource for any questions you may have on lesson material or grading rubrics. Questions on labs, lessons, or the day to day operations of the class or on grading should always start with your TA. These students and their contact information will be listed in the table below, as well as their office hours.Blackboard should be contacted for any access problem about the laboratory resources. Questions or comments on the course structure and quality or on Blackboard should be referred directly to your TA via email. In addition, if you have a question that your TA cannot address, you should schedule a meeting with Dr. Sun and the TA, together. The goal of this meeting is to not only make sure that you understand the principles underlying your questions, but also to help the TA understand how to better explain the science.NAMEEMAILSectionsDr.Jianjun sun jsun@utep.eduAssigned professor“ATTENDANCE AND DUE DATES”Full completion of each Laboratory simulation is MANDATORY FOR THIS COURSE. Attendance to the Blackboard collaborative Ultra live sessions is highly encouraged but is not mandatory, each session would be recorded for review to your connivance, but it is mandatory to watch the recorded session. Written assignments or reports may not be accepted after the due date stablished in the syllabus. It is up to the TA’s discretion to accept late work and to determine the appropriate point deduction (if accepted). The Blackboard Collaborative Ultra live sessions would start at the time announced by the designated TA for the sessions. MANDATORY STUDENT SUPPLIES:This is an on-line laboratory, no physical supplies would be needed. (If we are using Respondus for final) You need to have a video camera. Make sure you have good network connection to watch all the class material.Students may need to get access to LABSTER in blackboard“TEXT BOOK”:There is a laboratory exercise manual available at no cost on the course Black Board site. This is to help guide you through some of the principles and processes of the lab exercises. It is NOT intended as the sole reference for this course. Instead, you are encouraged to explore additional sources to help gain a more complete understanding of the microbiology principles of this course. Some traditional sources are your MICR 2340 Lecture textbook and an online manual written by Dr. Gary E. Kaiser for his laboratory classes in Baltimore, MD. For reasons of copyright, we may not publish the text on blackboard, but it may be accessed online at the web site:Download Biology 230 lab manual as SUPPLEMENTARY READING over covered lab topicspdf file-> addition, Blackboard collaborative Ultra recorded sessions by the TAs in their class presentations have also been made available on Blackboard. Most importantly, we encourage you to find and use additional web and printed resources on lab topics – just be sure to properly cite any such resources used in reports or papers.LABSTER LABSTER is a laboratory simulation software that would be used to complement your learning experience. The simulations take an average of 30 to 45 minutes to complete; LABSTER labs includes theory concepts and an online quiz that must be completed during the session. The access to the software would be through blackboard, there is a LABSTER session assigned to each laboratory and should be completed before the module finalization date marked in the syllabus. This is new implemented software to UTEP Blackboard and some difficulties may occur. If there are any difficulties to access LABSTER or problems, with the software please contact the LABSTER support or UTEP Blackboard support. As well your TA will notify access instructions and changes. BLACKBOARD ONLINE COURSE MATERIALSThe Laboratory and Lecture portions of this course each make extensive use of the BLACKBOARD Course Management System. If you do not have access to this course site, please email Dr. Sun immediately from your UTEP account. Routine BLACKBOARD use includes Online Quizzes and reference copies of handouts and assignments, Blackboard collaborative ultra-recorded sessions, and videos. If circumstances warrant, this software will also be used to provide other (or all) course content. Students are responsible for making sure that they have access to and use of their Blackboard account for this course, either through personal computers or through public or school computers such as those provided in the Collaborative Learning Center of the Library. Note that some of the optional video clips are very large files, and work best with a high speed connection such as you have in UTEP computer laboratory. If you have any issues with connectivity to BlackBoard, please contact the HELP desk (xHELP of x4357 from on campus; 747-5257 from off campus; HELPDESK@UTEP.EDU; or Room 300 in the Library)GRADING:The Laboratory grade for MICR 2141 consists of the following components at the weightings indicated:?Techniques Quiz10%?LABSTER session and Quiz20%?Lab Reports35%?Final 35%Techniques Quiz For each laboratory module there would be a 10-question online quiz. The multiple-choice quiz would be based in the laboratory techniques explained during the introduction of each lab session. The quiz would be limited to 15 minutes and a limited number of attempts. The quiz must be completed before the date and time assigned by the TA. LABSTER session and Quiz Every LABSTER simulation session has a quiz that should be completed during the simulation, the score of the quiz and completing the simulation would be considered for this grade. LABSTER simulations must be completed before the end of each laboratory module, failing to do this would impact your grade. Please save an screenshot of “your score is” and the date when the simulation was completed, store the screenshot for your records If needed. Laboratory ReportsA formal write-up of each laboratory experiment or exercise, including a summary of the theory or purpose of the exercise (including your theoretical model, if appropriate), the results shared by the TA (which must be analyzed and discussed. The report should be e-mailed to the Graduate TA before the due date, laboratory reports would not be grades if turned in after the due date. The TA would provide a guideline or rubric to assist your report elaboration, as well, the TA will define If the report should be turned individually or by team. Final ExaminationA semester-end assessment of the content and learning objectives for this course. This may include practical demonstrations, experiment predictions, or online assessments as well as the traditional final exam format. A summary of these components is included on Black Board.STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES AND PENALTIES:Unless otherwise directed in writing, all reports, quizzes, exams, notebooks, and other assignments are to be completed only by the student submitting the assignment! This includes write-ups of class exercises that were performed as a team. Should a team report be assigned, all participants must be clearly indicated on the cover page of the group report. Any pictures or references or other media from other sources (including text books) must be clearly and completely referenced.Any unsafe behavior in any laboratory session may result in expulsion of the offending students from that session and loss of all credit for that laboratory. Any such expulsion by a TA will be subject to a mandatory review by the supervising professor. Academic Integrity Policy: UTEP’s policies regarding academic integrity apply in this course. Information on this policy can be found at Statement: Please be respectful of all students’ right to learn without disruption. In keeping with this statement, please make an active effort to keep the talking to a minimum during lectures and presentations. Also make an active effort to either turn cell phones off or turn them to vibrate mode prior to the start of class. Disability Statement: The Center for Accommodations and Support Services (CASS) at 747-5148, or by email to, or visit their office located in?UTEP Union East, Room 106.? For additional information, please visit the CASS website at SessionModule due dateTechnique Quiz1Week 31St AugustSyllabus review and LABSTER introduction (Lab safety)1Biosafety Simulation 2Week 7th SeptemberBacterial cell structures (LABSTER introduction)1Bacterial cell structures 3Week 14th SeptemberPipettingLab Manual 11Pipetting master the technique 4Week 21th SeptemberBacterialIsolationLab Manual 21Bacterial Isolation5Week 28th SeptemberBacterial quantification and serial dilutionLab Manual 32Bacterial Quantification by Culture: Count bacteria with serial dilution5th October 5th -12th October6Week 5thOctoberBacterial growth Lab Manual 42Bacterial Growth Curves: Experiment with bacterial growth7Week 12thOctoberGram StainingLab Manual 52The Gram Stain: Identify and differentiate bacteria8Week 19thOctoberIdentification of Unknown bacteriumLab Manual 62Identification of Unknown Bacteria: Help save baby Kuppelfangs from an epidemic!26th October 26th October-2th November 9Week 26thOctoberPasteurizationLab Manual 73Pasteurization and Sterilization10Week 2ndNovemberAntimicrobialsLab Manual 83Control of Microbial Growth: Explore decontamination and selective toxicity11Week 9thNovemberPCRLab Manual 93Polymerase Chain Reaction16th November 16th -21th November 12Week 16thNovemberReview session N. A13Week 23thNovemberThanksgiving week N. A14Week 30thNovemberFinalN. A ................

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