Wade Alters




For Coaches And Consultants

The Bitter Truth About Your Business

You started your business for more freedom... But ended up creating another job.

Wishing you had more clients, hoping those likes on Facebook turn into sales, wondering why all the hard work isn't paying off...

And stuck in the spiral of feast or famine. Sitting around HOPING another client comes along. Starting each month with no idea how you're going to pay the bills...

Sacrificing What's Most Important In Life!

Putting off vacations because you don't know where your finances will be 3 months from now... Skipping the gym because you're too busy managing your social media... Ruining relationships because you're work takes up too much time...

And the truth of the matter is...

1 The Freedom Formula

If You're Relying On Hope And Hustle To Get Your Next Client...

You Don't Have A Real Business!

Now trust me, I've been there.

I tried pretty much every marketing and business strategy I could find when I started out.

I did the SEO thing. I posted 7-10 times a day on Facebook. I released a new YouTube video every single week for 6 years (and got a couple million views in the process) and still wasn't able to bring in consistent sales!

Symptoms Of Stress:

My health deteriorated... I'd get migraines weekly... I was having ulcer like pains in my side... And I was going further and further into debt!

And it wasn't until I met my first mentor, a super successful "Internet Millionaire" that my business and life changed forever...

2 The Freedom Formula

"I Made More Money In A Week, Than I'd Previously Made In A Year"

At the time, I was a dating coach, helping men meet and date women by building their confidence and social skills. And after helping this guy with his dating life, he took me under his wing and taught me what REALLY worked online. I learned how to position myself as an authority, build automated marketing funnels that quickly built trust with your prospects, and he helped me launch my first product online...

Making Over $120,000.00 In One Week!

Now I can't tell you how much this changed my life. Growing up in a blue collar family from Wisconsin, I never imagined I'd reach this level of financial freedom. But more than the money, it was this new sense of power that was the real game-changer...

3 The Freedom Formula

A Proven Formula For Success To Scale Your Business To $10k/Month And Beyond

Fast forward another 6 months, and with my newfound marketing confidence, I wanted to see if I could do it again on my own.

I tweaked the formula, launching a product in the self development niche, and that program ended up doing even better!

Bringing In More Than $1.2 Million In The First 18 Months!

People started noticing my success online, and I began working with a few consulting clients.

That's when I realized how powerful this stuff really was, distilling it all down into what I call: "The Freedom Formula for Coaches and Consultants."

Since developing this new framework, I've now helped dozens of coaches and consultants apply the following 6 Steps to scale their businesses to that magical $10k/month mark and beyond.

But before we dive in to The Freedom Formula, I should probably introduce myself...

4 The Freedom Formula

Hi, My name is Wade Alters.

Founder and CEO of Wade Alters Consulting

I'm a business and life coach who helps people live a better lifestyle through "Inner Game Transformation," Business Strategy, and Marketing Consulting. I've successfully launched 12+ information products online in extremely competitive niches including: Dating advice for Men, Internet Marketing, and Self Development And now spend most my time helping other coaches and consultants grow their businesses faster...

Giving Them The Freedom, Impact, And Profits To Live The Life they Want

Alright. So now that we've met, let's dive in to the first step of The Freedom Formula...

5 The Freedom Formula

Step 1: Apply The $10k Test

If your business isn't consistently bringing in $10k/month or more, it's most likely because you don't have an effective marketing strategy.

Now of course, there's a million and one ways to market your business online... How do you know which one is right for you?

What I've discovered, after analyzing hundreds of marketing campaigns in my own business as well as with my clients, is this:

The Reason Most Marketing Methods FAIL Is Because You've Got The Wrong ANGLE!

It doesn't matter how effective your marketing strategy is, if you've got the wrong "market to message fit."

It doesn't matter how many times you post on social media, how great your content is, or how sneaky your marketing materials are...

If you're not able to position your product in a way that immediately resonates with your audience...

6 The Freedom Formula

Give Them The Tools For Survival And Replication

Which is why I created "The $10k Test." It guarantees that your market to message fit is perfectly aligned with your clients most basic needs.

Giving you the power to reach out to colder and colder audiences who don't know you, and scale your business faster.

All you have to do is ask yourself this: How can I position my message to help my customers...

"Get Laid or Get Paid"

The $10k Test positions your message in a way that hits your customer on the most basic reptilian level, and helps them see the IMMEDAITE benefit of working with you.

Remember, they don't want a better Facebook ad campaign, they want the money those ads will bring in. (And the lifestyle that money will give them!)

They don't want more confidence or self esteem, they want what that confidence gives them: Money, Power, Impact, Etc.

Here's a few more examples...

7 The Freedom Formula


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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