Foundations of Well-Being Quizzes: Do You Know Your Purpose?

Foundations of Well-Being Quizzes: Do You Know Your Purpose?

Do you feel real clear about your purpose in life, and clear about your priorities? And is the "form" of your life ? your activities, relationships, spending of time and money, work, and experiences ? consistent with your purpose and priorities? You can explore these topics by reflecting on and answering the questions below. Of course, a brief quiz like this one can't cover all aspects of this topic, and feel free to adapt these questions to your own situation and needs, ignore some if you like, and even add new ones for yourself to answer. And it might be interesting to talk about these questions with others. For each question, try to find a response in one of these five categories: 1 - strongly disagree | 2 - disagree | 3 - neither agree nor disagree | 4 - agree | 5 - strongly agree A person's responses to questions like these are often more complex and nuanced than a single number can indicate. But for scoring purposes, for each question please choose the number above that is most accurate (or least inaccurate!).


_____ I have a clear sense of my overall purpose in life, an overarching framework and aim that organizes and guides me. _____ I have made my life purpose verbally explicit to myself, such as a sentence, phrase, or single word. _____ My priorities in life are clear to me, both what they are and their hierarchy (i.e., which ones are more important to me than other ones). _____ When I'm pulled in different directions ? such as a conflict between making money and spending time with my family ? I routinely refer back to my life

purpose and priorities for guidance. _____ In general, the "form" of my life ? my actions, schedule, relationships, etc. ? is very consistent with my life purpose and my priorities. _____ When I reflect on the life I've had so far, I can readily see the handful of purposes and priorities that have guided me like a North Star. _____ If I imagine myself toward the end of my life looking back over it, it is very clear to me what I will most want to have cared about and pursued. _____ I am very aware of the facts of my daily life (e.g., how I spend my time, what I eat, how often I express love or anger). _____ I periodically reflect on my life purpose and my priorities, revising them as feels right to me, and evaluating whether the "form" of my activities,

relationships, etc. is aligned with my purpose and priorities. _____ I am very skillful at doing things that move the form of my life into closer alignment with my purpose and priorities, such as stopping what is in conflict

with my life purpose or starting a daily practice of something that supports my purpose.


Your responses to particular questions can be taken at face value, in their own right, as opportunities for seeing useful things about yourself, for investigating further ? perhaps talking about them with others ? and for identifying inner resources that would be good to develop further in yourself. Additionally, it can be helpful to get an overall sense of where you stand. Add up your responses to each question to get your total score. See where your score fits in just below; please hold these descriptions lightly, but in a general sense it could well be true that:

40 - 50 You know what your life is about, and what you do each day is consistent with your values. You have an overall sense of meaning and purpose that guides and organizes your work, use of time, and actions in relationships. Your priorities are explicitly clear to you, and you periodically take a fresh look at your life and see if your priorities need to be updated; similarly, from time to time you see if you need to nudge the form of your life to be more aligned with your true purpose and priorities.

21 - 39 You're pretty clear about your overall life purpose and priorities, and your day to day activities are pretty consistent with these values. Still, it looks like it would be worth reviewing your purpose and priorities to see if some updates are in order, and worth looking at the "form" of your life ? your settings, actions, relationships, commitments ? to see if it could be more aligned with your true aims.

10 - 20 It seems like you are not very clear about your purpose and priorities ? plus there's a sense in you that the "form" of your life is not very close to what you really value and long for. The first step is to be honest with yourself about what is important to you; even if you cannot bring it into being right away, at least know what you want. Then think about small, realistic things you could do to nudge your activities, time, relationships, and circumstances bit by bit in the direction of your personal North Star.

Visit FWB. for more well-being resources!

? Rick Hanson, 2015


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