Interpreting Your ACCUPLACER Test Results - Butler County Community College

Interpreting Your ACCUPLACER Test Results

English Tests

Your Writing Score:

Your Reading Score:

Writing Score / Reading Score 200 ? 235

236 ? 255

256 ? 300

200 ? 239

ENGL 036: Devel. Integ. ENGL 037: Prep. Integ. Reading & ENGL 101 + 031: College Writing w/ Engl 031

Reading & Writing


240 ? 255

ENGL 036: Devel. Integ. ENGL 037: Prep. Integ. Reading & ENGL 101 + 031: College Writing w/ Engl 031

Reading & Writing


256 ? 300

ENGL 036: Devel. Integ. ENGL 101 + 031: College Writing ENGL 101: College Writing

Reading & Writing

w/ Engl 031

Math Tests

Your Arithmetic Score:

Your Quant. Reasoning, Alg. & Stats Score:

Your Advanced Algebra & Functions Score:


200 ? 236 237 ? 300

MATH 090: Devel. Algebra or BUSN 121 + 021: Business Math w/ Prep. Business MATH 091: Prep. Algebra or BUSN 121: Business Math

200 ? 250

Use Arithmetic

Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra & 251 ? 264

MATH 100: Intermediate Algebra, BUSN 121: Business Math, MATH 117: Technical Math,


or MACH 117: Applied Machine Shop Math

265 ? 300

Use Advanced Algebra & Functions

200 ? 236

MATH 100: Intermediate Algebra, BUSN 121: Business Math, MATH 117: Technical Math,

or MATH 117: Applied Machine Shop Math

Advanced Algebra & Functions

237 ? 257

MATH 101: College Algebra, MATH 107: Elementary Statistics, or MATH 182: Mathematics for Teacher Ed I

258 ? 300

MATH 102: Trigonometry & Functions, MATH 221: Calculus & Analytic Geometry I, MATH

125: Business Calculus or higher

SAT / ACT Exemption Chart

Turn over

Next Steps:

Paying for College

Information is available at regarding payment deadlines, scholarships and payment plan options. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Be sure to use the free site at


You are permitted to retake the Placement Test one time in each of the three areas assessed (Reading, Writing and Math). There is no charge. If you have not scheduled your retest and would like to do so, please call your test site (see below) or email us at It is strongly recommended that you review prior to your retest. This will give you the best opportunity to reach your highest course placement. Starting at the college level saves you time and money. Please check out accuplacer.students for study resources.

If you have a disability or temporary disabling condition that has prevented you from performing well under standard test conditions, please call 724-431-4606 for information on testing accommodations.

Orientation, Advising and Registration

You will receive an email to your MyBC3 email account with a link to the New Student Orientation Part 1: Advising and Registration module. Within this online module, you will receive a link to set up a 1:1 appointment with and Academic Advisor, who will guide you through the final course selection, advising and registration process.

Unsure of Your Major?

Try this great site called Focus2 to help you discover some possibilities. Call your testing site to set an appointment to discuss your results! Don't waste time and money on classes you may not need!

Armstrong - 724.902.7452 Cranberry - 724.772.5520

Brockway - 814.265.1810 Lawrence Crossing - 724.658.1938

Butler - 724.431.4606 LindenPointe - 724.346.2073


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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