The Passage:




I. Part One: Angels, Birth, Carpenter, Dove

1. Our first memory verse for this series was John 1:1-5, 14. What do the first three words of that memory verse remind you of?

2. The author of the book of Revelation worshipped an angel, because the angel was so brilliant in appearance. Who was the person, and what was the angel’s response?

a. The Apostle John--- You must not do that! I am a fellow servant… worship God.

b. Daniel the Prophet--- You must not do that! I am a fellow servant… worship God.

c. The Apostle John--- Thank you for this honor; as an angel I am worthy of worship.

d. Daniel the Prophet--- Have you seen my trumpet? Where did I leave that thing…

3. Name a time when an angel acted as a messenger of God OR performed a task for God

4. Extra Credit (1 point): Why was the lake of fire created, and what passage speaks of this?

5. What two passages (respectively) depict an angel appearing to both Mary and Joseph, at separate times?

a. Luke 14 and Matthew 15

b. Luke 1 and Matthew 1

c. Luke McKay and Matthew McScottish

d. Luke 25 and Matthew 29

6. In the teaching, there were three (besides John 1) passages mentioned that hint at the eternal nature or “pre-existence” of Jesus. Name one:

7. Extra Credit (1 point): Name one prophecy that speaks of Jesus’ birth, and the passage that mentions it:



I. Part One: Angels, Birth, Carpenter, Dove

1. Our first memory verse for this series was John 1:1-5, 14. What do the first three words of that memory verse remind you of?

2. The author of the book of Revelation worshipped an angel, because the angel was so brilliant in appearance. Who was the person, and what was the angel’s response?

a. The Apostle John--- You must not do that! I am a fellow servant… worship God.

b. Daniel the Prophet--- You must not do that! I am a fellow servant… worship God.

c. The Apostle John--- Thank you for this honor; as an angel I am worthy of worship.

d. Daniel the Prophet--- Have you seen my trumpet? Where did I leave that thing…

3. Name a time when an angel acted as a messenger of God OR performed a task for God

4. Extra Credit (1 point): Why was the lake of fire created, and what passage speaks of this?

5. What two passages (respectively) depict an angel appearing to both Mary and Joseph, at separate times?

a. Luke 14 and Matthew 15

b. Luke 1 and Matthew 1

c. Luke McKay and Matthew McScottish

d. Luke 25 and Matthew 29

6. In the teaching, there were three (besides John 1) passages mentioned that hint at the eternal nature or “pre-existence” of Jesus. Name one:

7. Extra Credit (1 point): Name one prophecy that speaks of Jesus’ birth, and the passage that mentions it:

8. What happens when Jesus’ parents find him in the Temple, and what passage shows this?

a. He is amazing everyone with his knowledge of God’s Word- John 2

b. He is making 12 sparrows out of mud and making them fly away- John 2

c. He is making 12 sparrows out of mud and making them fly away- Luke 2

d. He is amazing everyone with his knowledge of God’s Word- Luke 2

9. We mentioned two unique aspects of the ministry of John the Baptist. Please name one below:

10. Share as many truths about the person of the Holy Spirit as you can. One required (up to three additional truths for one point of extra credit each!)

11. Give a one-sentence summary (each) of “Angels”, “Birth”, “Carpenter” and “Dove” (4 points):

II. Part Two: Enemy, First Followers, Guest

12. There were two primary reasons (from teaching) that Jesus was tempted in wilderness- please write one below:

13. A book by C.S. Lewis (who wrote Chronicles of Narnia) was referenced, along with a quote from a character in the book. What was the book, and the quote it contained?

a. The Screwtape Letters: “In some time periods, we demons convince people that we don’t exist. In others, we desire that they worship us. Both are caught in our grip.”

b. The Screwtape Letters: “We demons have as our main goal, the building of Islamic mosques and Catholic shrines”

c. The Abolition of Man: “In some time periods, we demons convince people that we don’t exist. In others, we desire that they worship us. Both are caught in our grip.”

d. The Abolition of Man: “We demons have as our main goal, the building of Islamic mosques and Catholic shrines”

14. Though fallen angels rebelled against God, God did not make a mistake. We discussed two ways in which the LORD “uses” fallen angels to accomplish His purposes. Name one below:

15. Extra Credit (1 point): Write down any Bible passage that speaks of the punishment of fallen angels.

16. There may be times when we can feel the presence of evil- a sense of fear or of being exposed. What are the best ways to respond (mentioned in the teaching)?

a. Ask God for help; recite Scriptures of the glory of Jesus and the certain end of the Enemy.

b. Pray to God for relief/help, and ask the demon what its name is.

c. Anoint yourself with oil or a charm bracelet to protect yourself

d. Just ignore the feeling; demons are just pretend anyway.

17. Complete the following phrase from the original teaching (4 points) Hint: Each blank is a number: Jesus had ___________________ of disciples, ___ apostles, __ in his inner circle, and __ as His closest disciple.


8. What happens when Jesus’ parents find him in the Temple, and what passage shows this?

e. He is amazing everyone with his knowledge of God’s Word- John 2

f. He is making 12 sparrows out of mud and making them fly away- John 2

g. He is making 12 sparrows out of mud and making them fly away- Luke 2

h. He is amazing everyone with his knowledge of God’s Word- Luke 2

9. We mentioned two unique aspects of the ministry of John the Baptist. Please name one below:

10. Share as many truths about the person of the Holy Spirit as you can. One required (up to three additional truths for one point of extra credit each!)

11. Give a one-sentence summary (each) of “Angels”, “Birth”, “Carpenter” and “Dove” (4 points):

II. Part Two: Enemy, First Followers, Guest

12. There were two primary reasons (from teaching) that Jesus was tempted in wilderness- please write one below:

13. A book by C.S. Lewis (who wrote Chronicles of Narnia) was referenced, along with a quote from a character in the book. What was the book, and the quote it contained?

a. The Screwtape Letters: “In some time periods, we demons convince people that we don’t exist. In others, we desire that they worship us. Both are caught in our grip.”

b. The Screwtape Letters: “We demons have as our main goal, the building of Islamic mosques and Catholic shrines”

c. The Abolition of Man: “In some time periods, we demons convince people that we don’t exist. In others, we desire that they worship us. Both are caught in our grip.”

d. The Abolition of Man: “We demons have as our main goal, the building of Islamic mosques and Catholic shrines”

14. Though fallen angels rebelled against God, God did not make a mistake. We discussed two ways in which the LORD “uses” fallen angels to accomplish His purposes. Name one below:

15. Extra Credit (1 point): Write down any Bible passage that speaks of the punishment of fallen angels.

16. There may be times when we can feel the presence of evil- a sense of fear or of being exposed. What are the best ways to respond (mentioned in the teaching)?

a. Ask God for help; recite Scriptures of the glory of Jesus and the certain end of the Enemy.

b. Pray to God for relief/help, and ask the demon what its name is.

c. Anoint yourself with oil or a charm bracelet to protect yourself

d. Just ignore the feeling; demons are just pretend anyway.

17. Complete the following phrase from the original teaching (4 points) Hint: Each blank is a number: Jesus had ___________________ of disciples, ___ apostles, __ in his inner circle, and __ as His closest disciple.

18. Extra Credit (1 point): Who was Jesus’ closest disciple, and name at least two books in the Bible that he wrote?

19. In the “first followers” teaching, we talked about the differences between Peter and John, though both men were part of Jesus’ “inner circle”. Name two attributes each of both Peter and John (2 points):

20. What were Jesus’ four main priorities, as discussed in the original teaching?

a. Living a life of perfect obedience by the Spirit, Dying for the sins of His people, Serving the multitudes with whatever signs they asked for, making disciples

b. Living a life of perfect obedience by the Spirit, Dying for the sins of His people, Serving the multitudes with compassion/teaching/miracles, making disciples

c. Living a life of perfect obedience by the Spirit, Dying for the sins of His people, Serving the multitudes with compassion/teaching/miracles, making doves into clay

d. Living a life of almost-perfection by the Spirit, Dying for the sins of His people, Serving the multitudes with compassion/teaching/miracles, making disciples

21. Give a one-sentence summary (each) of “Enemy” and “First Followers” and “Guest” (3 points):

22. Who is one, maybe 2-3 people whom you can invest in (people who are warm and willing, especially) by sharing God’s Word and spending time with them? How will you do this? Or if you’ve already been doing this since the first time you saw this question- how are things going with these “main people”? (4 points)

23. Memory verse: Fill in blanks without using your Bible (1/2 point each; 6 points total):

In the beginning was the __________, and the Word was with God, and the Word was_______. He was in the __________________________ with God. ______ things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was _________, and the life was the light of men. The light __________________ in the darkness, and the darkness has _______ overcome it…And the ___________ ___________________ _______________ and dwelt among us, and we have ____________ his glory, glory as of the only _________ from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:1-5 & 14 ESV)


Take a deep breath; you’re about halfway there!


18. Extra Credit (1 point): Who was Jesus’ closest disciple, and name at least two books in the Bible that he wrote?

19. In the “first followers” teaching, we talked about the differences between Peter and John, though both men were part of Jesus’ “inner circle”. Name two attributes each of both Peter and John (2 points):

20. What were Jesus’ four main priorities, as discussed in the original teaching?

a. Living a life of perfect obedience by the Spirit, Dying for the sins of His people, Serving the multitudes with whatever signs they asked for, making disciples

b. Living a life of perfect obedience by the Spirit, Dying for the sins of His people, Serving the multitudes with compassion/teaching/miracles, making disciples

c. Living a life of perfect obedience by the Spirit, Dying for the sins of His people, Serving the multitudes with compassion/teaching/miracles, making doves into clay

d. Living a life of almost-perfection by the Spirit, Dying for the sins of His people, Serving the multitudes with compassion/teaching/miracles, making disciples

21. Give a one-sentence summary (each) of “Enemy” and “First Followers” and “Guest” (3 points):

22. Who is one, maybe 2-3 people whom you can invest in (people who are warm and willing, especially) by sharing God’s Word and spending time with them? How will you do this? Or if you’ve already been doing this since the first time you saw this question- how are things going with these “main people”? (4 points)

23. Memory verse: Fill in blanks without using your Bible (1/2 point each; 6 points total):

In the beginning was the __________, and the Word was with God, and the Word was_______. He was in the __________________________ with God. ______ things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was _________, and the life was the light of men. The light __________________ in the darkness, and the darkness has _______ overcome it…And the ___________ ___________________ _______________ and dwelt among us, and we have ____________ his glory, glory as of the only _________ from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:1-5 & 14 ESV)


Take a deep breath; you’re about halfway there!


III. Part Three: Housecleaning, Interview, Jacob’s Well

24. What is one way that the Passover is relevant for believers in Christ? (2 points)

25. Why did Jesus (likely) drive out in anger, both the animal sellers and money-changers, respectively?

a. The cages of the animals were too cramped & moneychangers gave him dirty looks.

b. They had a greedy monopoly on animals for sacrifice, and took advantage of their “foreign” fellow Israelites by way of charging a fee for currency exchange.

c. The clucking of chickens and the presence of money was a distraction.

d. There were animal droppings everywhere, and the love of money is the root of all evil.

26. What book of the Bible shows us that Jesus walks among the gatherings of His people- observing, testing their hearts, and loving them as a close, personal savior and Lord? (…him who holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walks among the seven golden lampstands.)

27. Extra Credit (1 point): Name the two men who were“secret followers” of Jesus?

28. Since there may be some within the systems of Islam, Catholicism, Mormonism, etc that do truly have saving faith in Jesus, but are “secret followers”… what is the best response, according to the teaching?

a. Rejoice that some of them are saved, and don’t worry about it.

b. Praise God for those who might be saved, pray that they would be bold for Jesus where they are at, and if I feel led by the Spirit- reach out to that people group with the Gospel!

c. Call them out as hypocrites.

d. Become a lumberjack in Oregon, wear flannels & join a bearded man support group.

29. Extra Credit (1 point): Thinking back to the evangelism case study from “Interview”- what did the “dirty evangelist” (who was code-named Ethan) wrongly believe about Jesus?

30. Give a one-sentence summary (each) of “Housecleaning”, “Interview” and “Jacob’s Well” (3 points):

31. What four things (in teaching today) did we see Jesus doing in His “outreach” interactions?

a. Putting his finger on their greatest need, piquing their curiosity, correcting a wrong assumption and entering their world.

b. Putting his finger on their greatest need, punishing their curiosity, correcting a wrong assumption and entering their world.

c. Putting his finger on their greatest need, piquing their curiosity, correcting a wrong assumption and devastating their world.

d. Spitting in the dirt, piquing their curiosity, putting mud on their eyes, and telling them to wash in the pool of Siloam.

32. Memory Verse: Fill in blanks without using your Bible (1/2 point each; 8 points total):

And as ___________ lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the ______ ___ ______ be lifted up, that whoever ______________________ in him may have eternal life. “For God so loved the ______________, that he gave his _________ Son, that whoever ______________________ in him should not _______________ but have ________________

life. For God did not __________ his Son into the world to condemn the world, but

in order that the world might be ______________ through him. _________________________ believes in him is ______ condemned, but whoever does not believe is

condemned _____________________, because he has not believed in the name

of the __________ Son of God. (John 3:14-18 ESV)


Give a one-sentence summary (each) of “Kin” and “Location” and “Message” (3 points):

III. Part Three: Housecleaning, Interview, Jacob’s Well

24. What is one way that the Passover is relevant for believers in Christ? (2 points)

25. Why did Jesus (likely) drive out in anger, both the animal sellers and money-changers, respectively?

a. The cages of the animals were too cramped & moneychangers gave him dirty looks.

b. They had a greedy monopoly on animals for sacrifice, and took advantage of their “foreign” fellow Israelites by way of charging a fee for currency exchange.

c. The clucking of chickens and the presence of money was a distraction.

d. There were animal droppings everywhere, and the love of money is the root of all evil.

26. What book of the Bible shows us that Jesus walks among the gatherings of His people- observing, testing their hearts, and loving them as a close, personal savior and Lord? (…him who holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walks among the seven golden lampstands.)

27. Extra Credit (1 point): Name the two men who were“secret followers” of Jesus?

28. Since there may be some within the systems of Islam, Catholicism, Mormonism, etc that do truly have saving faith in Jesus, but are “secret followers”… what is the best response, according to the teaching?

a. Rejoice that some of them are saved, and don’t worry about it.

b. Praise God for those who might be saved, pray that they would be bold for Jesus where they are at, and if I feel led by the Spirit- reach out to that people group with the Gospel!

c. Call them out as hypocrites.

d. Become a lumberjack in Oregon, wear flannels & join a bearded man support group.

29. Extra Credit (1 point): Thinking back to the evangelism case study from “Interview”- what did the “dirty evangelist” (who was code-named Ethan) wrongly believe about Jesus?

30. Give a one-sentence summary (each) of “Housecleaning”, “Interview” and “Jacob’s Well” (3 points):

31. What four things (in teaching today) did we see Jesus doing in His “outreach” interactions?

a. Putting his finger on their greatest need, piquing their curiosity, correcting a wrong assumption and entering their world.

b. Putting his finger on their greatest need, punishing their curiosity, correcting a wrong assumption and entering their world.

c. Putting his finger on their greatest need, piquing their curiosity, correcting a wrong assumption and devastating their world.

d. Spitting in the dirt, piquing their curiosity, putting mud on their eyes, and telling them to wash in the pool of Siloam.

32. Memory Verse: Fill in blanks without using your Bible (1/2 point each; 8 points total):

And as ___________ lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the ______ ___ ______ be lifted up, that whoever ______________________ in him may have eternal life. “For God so loved the ______________, that he gave his _________ Son, that whoever ______________________ in him should not _______________ but have ________________

life. For God did not __________ his Son into the world to condemn the world, but

in order that the world might be ______________ through him. _________________________ believes in him is ______ condemned, but whoever does not believe is

condemned _____________________, because he has not believed in the name

of the __________ Son of God. (John 3:14-18 ESV)


Give a one-sentence summary (each) of “Kin” and “Location” and “Message” (3 points):

IV. Part Four: Kin, Location, Message

33. Fill in the following blanks (1/2 point each; 3 points total:

Philip and Nathanael were from the town of Bethsaida, which was in the _____________ part of Israel, while Nazareth was further ___________,, about ____ miles away. When Nathanael first heard of the hometown of Jesus, who was believed to be the Jewish _______________ (redeemer-king of

Israel), he responded with “Can anything _______ come from ______________________?”

34. Recall the “one minute sermon” that Jesus gave in his hometown of Nazareth. Give a one-sentence summary of the attitude of Jesus’ first coming, and a one sentence summary of the attitude of His second coming (2 points each; 4 points total):

35. Extra Credit (1 point): From the Bible, name the book and chapter which contains the following verse: For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

36. After being rejected in his hometown of Nazareth, Jesus moves north and sets up His “ministry headquarters”. Choose the most accurate description of this season of his life:

a. Jesus moves to a town called Bethsaida, lives his disciple Peter (and Andrew, James, John), travels around the district performing healings, exorcism and miracles, fulfills a prophecy from Jeremiah by living in Bethsaida, has a hole cut in the roof of his house as a “consequence” of showing hospitality, and packs the house with people eager to hear him rebuke the Pharisees.

b. Jesus moves to a town called Capernaum, lives with his disciple Peter (and Andrew, James, John), travels around the district performing healings, exorcism and miracles, fulfills a prophecy from Isaiah by living in Capernaum, has a hole cut in the roof of his house as a “consequence” of showing hospitality, and packs the house with people eager to hear him teach.

c. Jesus moves to a town called Capernaum, lives with his extended family, travels around the district performing healings, exorcism and miracles, fulfills a prophecy from Jonah by living in Capernaum, has a hole cut in the roof of his house as a “consequence” of showing hospitality, and packs the house with people eager to hear him teach.

d. Jesus moves to a town called Bellingham, lives with a traveling company of bearded lumberjacks from Oregon, travels around the district performing shows with his trombone quartet, fulfills a prophecy from Nostradamus by making disciples, has a hole cut in the roof of his house in order to fit the subwoofers into the living room, and packs the house with people eager to get a free lunch from Dairy Queen.

37. Jesus grew up in Nazareth, but left to seek “broader horizons”, because God called him to do so. What lesson can we all learn from this?

38. Fill in the following blanks from the teaching (1/2 point each; 2 points total):

*God had a __________________ plan for where Jesus would live, and when, and every _____________ of his life… that sovereign plan extends to _____ people… even to _____!

39. Extra Credit (1 point): What book and chapter of the Bible shows Q#39 to be true, according to the teaching?

IV. Part Four: Kin, Location, Message

33. Fill in the following blanks (1/2 point each; 3 points total:

Philip and Nathanael were from the town of Bethsaida, which was in the _____________ part of Israel, while Nazareth was further ___________,, about ____ miles away. When Nathanael first heard of the hometown of Jesus, who was believed to be the Jewish _______________ (redeemer-king of

Israel), he responded with “Can anything _______ come from ______________________?”

34. Recall the “one minute sermon” that Jesus gave in his hometown of Nazareth. Give a one-sentence summary of the attitude of Jesus’ first coming, and a one sentence summary of the attitude of His second coming (2 points each; 4 points total):

35. Extra Credit (1 point): From the Bible, name the book and chapter which contains the following verse: For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

36. After being rejected in his hometown of Nazareth, Jesus moves north and sets up His “ministry headquarters”. Choose the most accurate description of this season of his life:

a. Jesus moves to a town called Bethsaida, lives his disciple Peter (and Andrew, James, John), travels around the district performing healings, exorcism and miracles, fulfills a prophecy from Jeremiah by living in Bethsaida, has a hole cut in the roof of his house as a “consequence” of showing hospitality, and packs the house with people eager to hear him rebuke the Pharisees.

b. Jesus moves to a town called Capernaum, lives with his disciple Peter (and Andrew, James, John), travels around the district performing healings, exorcism and miracles, fulfills a prophecy from Isaiah by living in Capernaum, has a hole cut in the roof of his house as a “consequence” of showing hospitality, and packs the house with people eager to hear him teach.

c. Jesus moves to a town called Capernaum, lives with his extended family, travels around the district performing healings, exorcism and miracles, fulfills a prophecy from Jonah by living in Capernaum, has a hole cut in the roof of his house as a “consequence” of showing hospitality, and packs the house with people eager to hear him teach.

d. Jesus moves to a town called Bellingham, lives with a traveling company of bearded lumberjacks from Oregon, travels around the district performing shows with his trombone quartet, fulfills a prophecy from Nostradamus by making disciples, has a hole cut in the roof of his house in order to fit the subwoofers into the living room, and packs the house with people eager to get a free lunch from Dairy Queen.

37. Jesus grew up in Nazareth, but left to seek “broader horizons”, because God called him to do so. What lesson can we all learn from this?

38. Fill in the following blanks from the teaching (1/2 point each; 2 points total):

*God had a __________________ plan for where Jesus would live, and when, and every _____________ of his life… that sovereign plan extends to _____ people… even to _____!

39. Extra Credit (1 point): What book and chapter of the Bible shows Q#39 to be true, according to the teaching?

40. Choose the most accurate description of the reasons that the Sermon on the Mount is significant:

a. It sets a perfect yet impossible standard for unbelievers so that they appreciate how much Jesus has done for them; It sets a perfect standard for believers so that they don’t trust in their own self-righteousness; It is a glorious “Communist Manifesto” of practical living for the Christian life, which can be lived by the power of the Holy Spirit.

b. It sets a perfect yet impossible standard for self-righteous sons so that they appreciate how much Jesus has done for them; It sets a perfect standard for unbelievers so that they don’t trust in their own self-righteousness; It is a glorious “Christian Manifesto” of practical living for the Christian life, which can be lived by the power of the self-will.

c. It sets a perfect yet impossible standard for believers so that they appreciate how much Jesus has done for them; It sets a perfect standard for unbelievers so that they don’t trust in their own self-righteousness; It is a glorious “Christian Manifesto” of practical living for the Christian life, which can be lived by the power of the Holy Spirit.

d. It sets a perfect yet impossible standard for bearded lumberjacks so that they appreciate how many Lego logs it takes to build a proper log cabin; It sets a perfect standard for beavers so that they don’t trust in their own self-righteous way of building Lego log cabins; It is a glorious “Outdoor Manifesto” of practical living for both the lumberjack and the beaver, who can pursue tolerance and community by the power of the Batcave Manifesto.

41. According to Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, what one word describes those who are poor in spirit, those who are meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, and those who are merciful?

42. According to the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:38-42), what does Jesus say about retaliation (3 points)?

43. What is the commonality in Jesus’ teaching on giving to the needy, praying and fasting in Matthew 6 (2 points)?

*You are almost done, friend! We hope you have been richly, eternally blessed in this Life of Christ series. Remember the details of the life of our Lord Jesus, who lived the most effective life ever lived. Rejoice in his powerful work of redemption on your behalf, and follow His example in everything that he does! Read the Gospels over and over and obey them… “build your house on the rock”.

Now, one final exercise to summarize all you’ve learned the past 3 months… On the next page!

40. Choose the most accurate description of the reasons that the Sermon on the Mount is significant:

a. It sets a perfect yet impossible standard for unbelievers so that they appreciate how much Jesus has done for them; It sets a perfect standard for believers so that they don’t trust in their own self-righteousness; It is a glorious “Communist Manifesto” of practical living for the Christian life, which can be lived by the power of the Holy Spirit.

b. It sets a perfect yet impossible standard for self-righteous sons so that they appreciate how much Jesus has done for them; It sets a perfect standard for unbelievers so that they don’t trust in their own self-righteousness; It is a glorious “Christian Manifesto” of practical living for the Christian life, which can be lived by the power of the self-will.

c. It sets a perfect yet impossible standard for believers so that they appreciate how much Jesus has done for them; It sets a perfect standard for unbelievers so that they don’t trust in their own self-righteousness; It is a glorious “Christian Manifesto” of practical living for the Christian life, which can be lived by the power of the Holy Spirit.

d. It sets a perfect yet impossible standard for bearded lumberjacks so that they appreciate how many Lego logs it takes to build a proper log cabin; It sets a perfect standard for beavers so that they don’t trust in their own self-righteous way of building Lego log cabins; It is a glorious “Outdoor Manifesto” of practical living for both the lumberjack and the beaver, who can pursue tolerance and community by the power of the Batcave Manifesto.

41. According to Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, what one word describes those who are poor in spirit, those who are meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, and those who are merciful?

42. According to the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:38-42), what does Jesus say about retaliation (3 points)?

43. What is the commonality in Jesus’ teaching on giving to the needy, praying and fasting in Matthew 6 (2 points)?

*You are almost done, friend! We hope you have been richly, eternally blessed in this Life of Christ series. Remember the details of the life of our Lord Jesus, who lived the most effective life ever lived. Rejoice in his powerful work of redemption on your behalf, and follow His example in everything that he does! Read the Gospels over and over and obey them… “build your house on the rock”.

Now, one final exercise to summarize all you’ve learned the past 3 months… On the next page!

44. Extra Credit (8 points): Write a concise, 2 paragraph essay on one of the following major themes of A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M. Your goals are to:

A. Include at least two Scripture references

B. Cite details from at least three of the “Letters”.

Here are your options:

1. The importance of prophecy in the life of Jesus Christ

2. The details of what Jesus accomplished for His people by coming to redeem them.

3. The way Jesus interacted with his “inner circle” of disciples (Peter, James, John and Andrew)

4. Jesus’ methods of reaching out to lost people with the Gospel

*You may use the back of this sheet if you desire more room.


44. Extra Credit (8 points): Write a concise, 2 paragraph essay on one of the following major themes of A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M. Your goals are to:

A. Include at least two Scripture references

B. Cite details from at least three of the “Letters”.

Here are your options:

1. The importance of prophecy in the life of Jesus Christ

2. The details of what Jesus accomplished for His people by coming to redeem them.

3. The way Jesus interacted with his “inner circle” of disciples (Peter, James, John and Andrew)

4. Jesus’ methods of reaching out to lost people with the Gospel

*You may use the back of this sheet if you desire more room.



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