
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT-1 (2016 – 17)SUBJECT: ENGLISH (SET-A) TIME: 3 Hrs. Class: VIIM.M.: 80GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:This paper consists of four sections: A, B, C & D.Attempt all questions. Do not write anything in the question paper. All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper and written in the answer sheet provided to you. Ensure that questions of each section are answered together. Read each question carefully and follow the instructions. Strictly adhere to the word limit given with each question. Marks will be deducted for exceeding the word limit.___________________________________________________________________________________SECTION-A: READING (20 Marks)Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow briefly: 10People talk of memorials to him in statues of bronze or marble or pillars and thus they mock him and belie his message. What tribute shall we pay him that he would have appreciated? He has shown us the way to live and the only fit memorial is to follow the path he showed us.He was a Hindu and an Indian, the greatest in many generations, and he was proud of being a Hindu and an Indian. To him India was dear, because she had represented throughout the ages certain immutable truths. Though he was intensely religious and came to be called the Father of the Nation which he had liberated, yet no narrow religious or national bonds confined his spirit. Thus, he became the great internationalist, believing in the essential unity of man, the underlying unity of all religions, and the needs of humanity, and more specially devoting himself to the service of the poor, the distressed and the oppressed millions everywhere.His death brought more tributes than have been paid at the passing of any other human being in history. Perhaps what would have pleased him the best was the spontaneous tributes that came from the people of Pakistan. On the morrow of the tragedy, all of us forgot for a while the bitterness that had crept in, the estrangement and conflict of these past months and Gandhiji stood out as the beloved champion and leader of the people of India, of India as it was before the partition. His dominating passion was truth. That truth led him to proclaim without ceasing that good ends can never be attained by evil methods, that the end itself is distorted if the method pursued is bad. That truth made the service of the poor and the dispossessed the passion of his life, for where there inequality and discrimination, there is evil, injustice and lie. 1.1(a) Who has the passage been written about? 1(b) What cause did Gandhi Ji devote himself to? Why? 2(c) What did Gandhi Ji’s dominating passion led him to? 1 (d) According to the writer, how can we rightly pay tribute to Gandhi Ji?1(e) Why was India dear to Gandhi Ji?1According to him, Good ends can never be attained by ____________. 1 Where there is inequality and discrimination, there is ________. 1Find words in the passage which are similar in meaning to the following. 2 treated harshly and unfairly (Para 2) announce publicly ( Para 4)succeed in doing (Para 4)unchanging or unchangeable (Para 2) Read the poem carefully. 5STOPPING BY THE WOODS ON A SNOWY EVENING Whose woods these are I think I know,his horse is in the village, though;He will not see me stopping here,To watch his woods fill up with snow.My little horse must think it queer,to stop without a farmhouse near;Between the woods and the frozen lake,the darkest evening of the year;He gives his harness bells a shake,To ask if there is some mistake;The only other sound is the sweep,Of easy mind and downy flake.The woods are lovely, dark and deep,But I have promises to keep;And miles to go before I sleep,And miles to go before I sleep.On the basis of your reading, answer the questions below.Who is the narrator of the given poem? (a) the poet (b) the horse (c) the strangerWhat does the horse find queer?To watch his woodsTo stop without a farmhouse Lovely woods and frozen lakeHow does the horse express his surprise?(a)By giving his harness a shake(b)By walking away(c)By running aroundHow does the poet find the woods?(a)lovely, dark and deep(b) alluring and mesmerizing(c)silent and unnerving(v) What is the message given by the poem? (a)To take proper sleep (b)To keep your promises (c)To look down the memory lane Read the passage given below and then fill in the blanks by choosing the correct option. 5When we are young we learn that tigers and sharks are dangerous animals. We might be scared of them because they are big and powerful.As we grow older, however, we learn that sometimes the most dangerous animals are also the smallest animals. In fact, the animal that kills the maximum number of people every year is one that you have probably killed yourself many times: the mosquito.While it may seem all mosquitoes are biters, this is not the actual case. Male mosquitoes eat plant nectar whereas female mosquitoes feed on animal blood. Two of the most deadly diseases carried by mosquitoes are malaria and yellow fever. More than a million people become sick from these diseases every year and a lot of people die from these diseases.Many scientists are working on safer and better ways to protect everyone in the world from their deadly bites. A lot of vaccinations are available for our safety. Mosquito nets can be used to protect people against being bitten. Although mosquitoes may not seem as scary as larger animals but stilly they could be equally deadly and dangerous for human beings. The two dangerous animals we might be scared of are ------ &------ (2)------------ mosquitoes feed on animal blood. (1)Two of the most deadly disease carried by mosquitoes are -------------- & ------------. (1)(d)---------- can be used to protect people against being bitten. (1)SECTION-B: WRITING (20 Marks)You are Vivaya / Advik, the Head Boy / Head Girl of VANASTHALI SCHOOL, NEW DELHI has decided to organize a poetry recitation competition for classes VI to VIII in your school. Draft a notice for the School Notice Board inviting the interested students to get themselves registered in the poetry competition. Write a notice in not more than 50 words. (4) OROn the basis of your reading of the following telephonic conversation, draft a message in not more than 50 words.Ravi: Can I talk to Aditya?Avinash: He is not at home right now. I am his elder brother speaking.Ravi: I am his classmate, Ravi. Can you give him a message?Avinash: Yes, sure.Ravi: Our English teacher has asked us to submit our assignments by tomorrow. Please inform him to bring his assignment tomorrow positively.Avinash: Okay. Anything else?Ravi : Please tell him to call me. Thank you.You are Richa of Class-VII of Arya Public school, Shimla. You have recently attended a workshop on career counseling and learnt about the importance of different professions. Prepare a speech to be delivered in the morning assembly, making students aware of the contribution of different professions in the society, using ideas from Unit-1 of Reader ‘People At Work’. (8) OR“Success comes to those who will and dare”. In the light of the following statement, write an article stating the importance of positive attitude in life, using your own ideas and taking hints from Unit-3 of Reader ‘Attitude’.You have recently taken admission in a boarding school and you realized that your attitude and personality has undergone a drastic change. Write a letter to your friend telling him about your experience of living in a new abode. (8)SECTION-C: GRAMMAR (15 Marks)The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each of these lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. (3) Incorrect word Correct wordEngland had been long famous had has for her dramatist, the greatest of (a) ------------- -------------who was William Shakespeare. (b) ------------ ------------It is hard to find the educated man (c) ------------ --------------in the English speaking world whom (d) ----------- -------------has not heard for his name. The actor (e) ------------ -------------and playwright had become not only (f) ------------ ------------- for Englishmen but for the whole worlda chief symbol of British culture. Rearrange the following words and phrases to make meaningful sentences. (3) Lies/ in the/beholder/ of/ beauty/eyes the.(b)was out/replied/for a long/of his place/ he/time/he/that.(c)too much/he had/earned/by/now/money.9. Choose the best word from the given options given below to complete the following passage. (3)Without water(a) -------animal can survive. In desert regions, the greatest (b) ------------- of life is drying up. But many creatures are able to make use of (c) ------------little water that exists in arid areas. One of nature’s masterpieces(d)---------creatures equipped to (e)---------with desert life is the hardy camel. There are several stories describing the (e) -------- endurance of these animals. (i) no (ii) every (iii) any (iv) desert(b)(i) want (ii) inadequacy (iii) requirement (iv) worry(c) (i) what (ii) the (iii) very (iv) thatd) (i) for (ii) about (iii) among (iv) with(e) (i) live (ii) resist (iii) bear (iv) cope(f) (i) remarkable (ii) little (iii) tolerable (iv) popular10. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of modals from the given options: (3)a. There are plenty of tomatoes in the fridge. You ------(mustn’t, needn’t) buy them.b. It’s a hospital. You -------(may not ,must not) smoke.c. He had been working for long. He ------( should, must) be tired.d. Take an umbrella. It --------(may, might) rain.e. -------(can, should) you speak Italianf. If you want to learn English, you -------- (ought to, need) to work hard.11.Change the following sentences into passive voice: (3)a. We found him plucking the flowers.b. The news of her death shocked me.C. They pulled down the old building.SECTION-D: LITERATURE (25 Marks)12. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. (4) “ Can running water be drunk from gold?Can a silver dish the forest hold? A rocking twig is the finest chair, And the softest paths lie through the air— Good-bye, Good-bye to my lady fair!” Name the poem and the poet. What does she prefer?Who is the speaker of the above lines? What is the rhyme scheme of the above lines?What has been referred to as the finest chair by the bird? Why?13. Read the extract given below and answer the following questions. Write the correct option in your answer sheet. (4)“Where wretchedness will hang its head,And joy, like a pearl,Attend the needs of all mankind.Of such I dream-Our world.What has been joy compared to in the above lines?(a)wretchedness(b)world(c)pearl (2) The rhyme scheme of the above extract is (a) aabb (b) abab (c) none (3) Name the poem and the poet (a) My Mother: APJ Abdul Kalam (b) I dream a world: Langston hughes (c) Friends and Flatterers: William Shakespeare (4) Which figure of speech has been used in line-1 or line-2 (a) personification (b) simile (c) alliteration14. Answer any four questions in 30-40 words. (8)(a) Why do you think some guests were not seen for several days after the marriage?(b) What happened to the necklace that Tutu took from the shop? How did the shopkeeper get it back?(c) What did Swami’s father challenge him to do? How did Swami react to it?(d) What led Manjula to tear her painting into pieces?(e) Which necklace does the bird prefer and why?15.Answer the following Value based questions in about 30-40 words each. (4)(a) ‘Strong will power can overcome any obstacles in life’. Justify this statement in the light of ‘Fight,Manju, Fight’.(b) On the basis of your reading of the poem ‘I Dream a World’, write your comments emphasizing the point that ‘Human beings should not be divided on the basis of color, religion and caste’.16. Imagine you are Swami. Write a diary entry expressing your feelings about sleeping alone in your father’s office room at night. (80-90 words) (5)ORImagine you are Manjula. Write a diary entry expressing your feelings when you overheard the conversation between your parents regarding your painting. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT-1 (2016 – 17)SUBJECT: ENGLISH (SET-B) TIME: 3 Hrs. Class: VIIM.M.: 80GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:This paper consists of four sections: A, B, C & D.Attempt all questions. Do not write anything in the question paper. All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper and written in the answer sheet provided to you. Ensure that questions of each section are answered together. Read each question carefully and follow the instructions. Strictly adhere to the word limit given with each question. Marks will be deducted for exceeding the word limit.___________________________________________________________________________________SECTION-A: READING (20 Marks)Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow briefly (10)Clean water supplies are essential for good health and cleanliness in home. Often, the only source of drinking water is polluted. More than 70 percent of rural households have no safe drinking water. Their supplies are often carried some distance from a river, pond or well, or a community pump or tap. Carrying water takes time and energy. For these reasons water is often kept in the house for a long time and of necessity, it is rationed carefully.Several diseases are spread by polluted water. These include diarrhea, cholera and typhoid. Families using water from uncovered ponds or wells are likely to suffer more frequently from all these infections than those whose water comes from protected sites. An adequate supply of water is also needed for personal cleanliness and general hygiene in the home. Health workers should encourage the provision of good household water supplies as much as possible. If there is no tap, the main water container in the house must be kept clean, covered and free from debris. Overnight storage in earthen ware vessels reduces the number of bacteria in the water. Nevertheless, it is important that any water given to infants is first boiled. After boiling water it should be left covered until it is cool enough to drink.1.1Why is water kept in the house for a long time?(2)What is essential for good health and cleanliness? (1)Write diseases that are spread by polluted water. (1) How can we reduce the number of bacteria in the water? (1)It is necessary to encourage the provision of good household water supplies. Do you agree? Give reason.(1)Complete the following sentences:Infants should be given ………….(1)…………….. have no safe drinking water.(1) Find the words in the passage which are similar in meaning to the following (2)Absolutely necessary. ( para 1)Scattered rubbish or broken pieces. ( para 3)The practice of keeping yourself and your surroundings clean. ( para 2)Limited supply of food, fuel etc. ( para 1) 2. Read the poem carefully. (5) I REMEMBER, I REMEMBERI remember, I remember,The house where I was born,The little window where the sunCome peeping in at morn;He never come a wink too soon;Nor brought too long a day,But now, I often wish the nightHad borne my breath away!I remember, I remember,The roses, red and white,The violets, and the lily-cups,Those flowers made of light!The lilacs where the robin built,And where my brother setThe laburnum on his birthday,The tree is living yet!I remember, I remember,The fir trees dark and high,I used to think their slender topsWere close against the sky;It was a childish ignorance,But now’ tis little joyTo know I’m farther off from heavenThan when I was a boy.Thomas HoodOn the basis of your reading, answer the questions below:(i) Who comes peeping into the poet’s room?Moon LightSun (ii) Which figure of speech has been used in ‘My spirit flew in feathers then’- a) Simile b) Alliterationc) Metaphor(iii) The poet is talking about which phase of his life-AdulthoodChildhoodYouth(iv) Find the word from the poem which means the same as gracefully thin, barely enough-LaburnumLilacSlender(v) The rhyme scheme of the poem in the first para is:AbacAbcbabab3. Read the passage given below and then fill in the blanks by choosing the correct option. (5)A kind hearted man, looking down into a well, saw the reflection of the moon in water.“Oh! My God! The moon has fallen into the well. He muttered mournfully and hurried to fetch a hook tied to the end of a long rope. Quickly, he let the hook fall deep into the well, holding fast to the rope. The hook reaching the bottom of the well, caught fast to a stone. Thinking that he had got the moon, the man pulled up the rope with such force that it broke and he fell flat on his back, nearly unconscious. The first thing he saw when he recovered was the moon shining serenely high up in the sky. The man groaned in pain but said contentedly. “I broke my back, but thank God, the moon is safe”.The kind hearted man saw………………….(1)The hook reaching the bottom of the well, caught ………..(1)The man thought that ……………and he fell flat on his back ……..................(2)The first thing man saw high up in the sky after recovering …………………(1)SECTION-B: WRITING (20 Marks)4. You are Mohit. As the captain selected of the school Football team,You have to invite applications from the students of Classes VI to VIII for the selection of the football team.Draft a notice for the notice board in this regard.( 50 words) (4) OROn the basis of your reading of the following telephonic conversation, write a message in not more than 50 words.Mr. Mehta: Hello. This is Mehta from Chennai. May I speak to Mr. Malik please?Bhuvan: Mr. Malik is not around at the moment. Can I take a message for him?Mr. Mehta: Please convey my thanks to him. I have just received the encyclopedia I had ordered. The last payment should reach him by tomorrow. I would also like some information on the latest reference books in Geography.Bhuvan: I shall make sure that he gets the message, Mr. Mehta.Mr. Mehta: Thank you.5. You value relationships and strongly believe that they require constant effort and nurturing. Taking hints from the reader and using your own ideas, write an article on ‘The Magic of a strong bond’ in 80-100 words, using ideas from the Unit-2 of Reader ‘Relationships’. You are Nimit/Nima.(8) OROn the occasion of the ‘Inspirational Week’ being celebrated in your school, you have been asked to speak in the morning assembly on the advantages of having a positive attitude in life. Using your own ideas and taking ideas from Unit-3 of Reader ‘Attitude’. Write a speech, describing the value ‘Where there is a will there is a way’. You are Sohail of Class-VII. (Word limit 80-100 words)6. Your school has organized an excursion to an entertainment park. Write a letter to your cousin telling him about your experience in the entertainment park.HINTS: swings, a theme park, exciting joy rides, fun and food, water rides, saw cartoon characters, rain dance. (8)SECTION-C: GRAMMAR (15 Marks)7. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each of these lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers: (3) Incorrect word Correct wordTo the great delight for childrenFor Ofschools were being hurriedly close(a) …………………… children of all ages ran here andthere, screamed joyously, “ No (b) …..........…………school, no school. Tiger, tiger!” They are (c) ……………………shouting and laughing even enjoy(d) ……………………being scared. They seemed to welcomeme. I felt if joining them and bounded(e) ……………………away on the restaurant door and (f) ……………………trotted along with them. 8. Rearrange the following words and phrases to make meaningful sentences. (3)(a) course / which / I / take / should/?(b) jungle / in / lost / the / boys / their way / the (c) attach / they / when / monkeys / are / frightened 9. Choose the best word from the given options below to complete the following passage.(3)After months of colder weather, the days get longer, the buds (1) ……….. in the trees, birds sing, and the world (2) …………. a green dress. Spring passes (3) …………. summer. Everyone knows that summer will not (4)………….. . The power of all the wisest man and women in the world cannot keep it for us. The corn becomes ripe, the leaves turn brown and then drop to the ground. (5) ……………. the world changes its green dress (6)…………….. a dress of autumn colours.(1) (a) fall of (b) take up (c) put off (d) come out (e) bring down(2) (a) looks after (b) puts on (c) carries on (d) comes round (e) deals with(3) (a) into (b) by (c) from (d) on (e) out of(4) (a) forego (b) evaluate (c) succumb (d) last (e) evolve (5) (a) yet (b) therefore(c) since (d) whereas (e) and(6) (a) to (b) for (c) of (d) but (e) it 10. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of modals from the given options: (3)(a) Who …………… answer this question?( will / can )(b) We …………… live a disciplined life.( must /ought to )(c) I …………… like to tell you something.( should /would )(d) You …………… not buy this dress.( should /must )(e) …………………. I use your pen please?( might /could )(f) Not everyone ………… work so hard.(could / can ) 11. Change the following sentences into passive voice:(3) (a) The newspaper man tosses the paper into the balcony.(b) The postman leaves the letters at the society gate.(c) Even the maid takes four holidays and sick leave in a month.SECTION-D: LITERATURE (25 Marks)12. Read the extract given below and answer the following questions(4)“O Birdie, Birdie, won’t you pet?We’ll buy you a dish of silver fret,A golden cup and an ivory seat,And carpets soft beneath your feet!”(1) Name the poem and the poet.(2) Who is speaking the above lines? (3) Write the rhyme scheme of the above lines.(4) What is the figure of speech used in the first line of the above poem? 13. Read the extract given below and answer the following questions. Write the correct option in your answer sheet.(4)“ I dream a world where allWill know sweet freedom’s way,Where greed no longer saps the soulNor avarice blights our day.”(1) What are the two immoral qualities mentioned in the above lines? (a) anger, frustration (b) sadness, jealousy (c) greed, avarice(2) The rhyme scheme of the above extract is (a) accb (b) abcb (c) abab(3) Name the poem and the poet (a) Friend and flatterers: William Shakespeare (b) I Dream a world : Langston Hughes (c) My Mother : APJ Abdul Kamal(4) According to the poet’s dream world, what will not sap the soul? (a) avarice (b) greed (c) malice14. Answer any four questions in 30—40 words(8)(a) Why wasn’t Grandmother convinced to keep Tutu as a pet?(b) What is the necklace that the bird adorned made of?(c) What all emotions were experienced by Swami in the office room at night?(d) What captivated Manjula’s thoughts as she drifted to another world?(e) What all positive things comprises poet’s dream world? 15. Answer the following value based questions in about 30—40 words each (4)(a) ‘Courage is everything, strength and age are not important’. Justify this statement in the light of the chapter ‘A Hero’.(b) ‘Firm determination plays a key role in becoming successful in life’. Write your views emphasizing this point on the basis of your reading of the chapter ‘Fight, Manju, Fight’.16. Imagine you are Swami. Write a diary entry expressing your feelings about the village lad’s bravery and your father’s reaction to it.(5)ORImagine you are Manjula. Write a diary entry expressing the emotions that went through Manjula’s mind after reading Rich Belanger’s story. ................

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