righttop00Term III- 2017Name: ____________________English 8: P. DobieCreative Extension Project – MY ANIMAL SPIRIT(based on the film Wolf Children) : 12% of term IIIProject Description: Create an intriguing and engaging poster which uses illustration (art), description writing and expository writing to ‘pull the reader into the suspended form of disbelief needed for any work of fiction.’ Write a ~250-300 word description using of ‘stream of consciousness’ style to describe how you (or an imaginary character) changes from human form into an animal and or animal/hybrid (fantastical form) due to a natural phenonmena that occurs. Use present tense throughout the piece. How does it happen? How are you changing? How does it feel (scared, delighted, surprised, ‘freaked out’?) Use language rich in imagery, personification, metaphor, strong and rich verb choices which help the reader ‘feel’ the person’s transformation. Make it ‘feel’ real and make the reader empathize with the fictional character. Warm-up activities: (in class)a) Freewrites in the form of stream of consciousness style – discussion and identifying features of this type of writing. (I will also provide you with a history of this form of writing.) (participation points)b) Exploring expository style. We will look at National Geographic articles which describe real natural phenomena in the world (flora and fauna). For example: mirages, tropical storms, tornados, plants that bloom only once every ten years… ) This style of writing is extremely factual and detailed.SEE NEXT PAGE FOR DUE DATES: I will give you plenty of time for this assignment and so expect all parts of the assignment to be submitted on time. Ensure your name is always labelled clearly!DUE DATES:1. ~250-300 word description: APRIL __, 2017 (typed, proof2. ~100-150 word expository description of the natural phenomena: APRIL __, 2017 (typed, proof read)3. Image: hand drawn/painted/sculpted: APRIL4. FULL PROJECT TO BE HANDED IN (& proof read!)APRIL __, 2017Notes & questions:I fully understand the assignment.I have closely looked at the examples (posted on Ms. D`s website)I have practiced these styles of writing in class (warm up and guided writing)I have sought Ms. Dobie`s help during tutorial or after class when I don`t understand.I have organized my schedule to `make room`for this English work in order to avoid `last minute` work.I have used the thesaurus for rich verbs and nouns.I have used metaphors and personification to make my writing rich and engaging.I have made my very best attempt at this style of writing.I have not copied an exisiting character in film or in novels- this new creature is my very own. ................

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