Guided Reading: 7-4 - Mrs. Manning's Social Studies Site

Guided Reading: 7-4.4 The Rise of Totalitarian leaders as a Response to the Great Depression


Fascism became popular in Italy and Germany because people blamed the democratic governments in the two countries for the problems that existed after World War I and during the Great Depression. Fascism was the political movement that emphasized an extreme form of nationalism and power to the state. Named for a Roman symbol of power, a bundle of rods tied with an axe called a fasces. Fascist governments denied people their individual liberties and were led by authoritarian leaders. The leaders of Fascist governments used various methods to create unity and spirit and consolidate their power. Such methods included special salutes, military steps and emblems; holding rallies and military parades for the public; and instituting elite military groups that utilized absolute power and terror tactics.

1. What political party became popular in Germany and Italy?

2. What was Fascism?

3. What did Fascist governments deny people?

4. What methods did Fascist governments use to create unity and spirit in their countries?

___________ steps and emblems, holding ____________ and military __________ for the public, and instituting military groups that utilized _________power and ____________ tactics.

Italy and the Fascist Party

Italy did not like the outcome of World War I in the Treaty of Versailles because the country was not rewarded a large amount of land. Benito Mussolini was able use the political and economic unrest in his country to gain power and founded the Fascist Party in 1919. He organized a group of supporters called the Black Shirts, based on the color of their uniforms, who started to attack communists and socialists. Mussolini promised to strengthen the economy and was soon able to gain the support of the middle class and industrialists by ending a general strike that paralyzed the country.

5. Why did Italy did not like the outcome of the Treaty of Versailles?

6. Benito Mussolini used the _____________ and _________________ unrest in his country to gain power and founded the ________________ party in 1919.

7. The Fascist Party supported were called Black Shirts. Why were they called Black Shirts?

He seized power in 1922 when his fellow Fascists marched to Rome and told King Emmanuel to make Mussolini the leader of the government. Mussolini was given the title of “Il Duce”, or The Leader. He set up a Fascist dictatorship and used a secret police and censorship to maintain his power. Once his power was established, Mussolini was able to begin increasing the size of the military. In an attempt to display that Italy was becoming an empire and show dissatisfaction with the Treaty of Versailles, Mussolini used his new military to invade Ethiopia in 1935 and again in 1937.

8. Why did the Fascists march to Rome?

9. What title was given to Mussolini?

10. Where did Mussolini invade first?

Fascism in Germany - Nazi Party

Nazism, which was based on Fascism, began in Germany. Germany was devastated by World War I and furious with the Treaty of Versailles. Adolf Hitler helped to found a fascist group called the National Social German Workers or the Nazi Party. Like the Italian Fascists, the Nazis used mass rallies, special salutes, and special troops called the Brown Shirts and used the swastika as its symbol.

1. What is NAZI short for?

2. What did the Nazis use to gain support?

Mass _____________, special _________________, and special troops called the _____________ shirts and used the ___________________ as its symbol.

Hitler and his group attempted to overthrow the Weimar Republic in 1923, but failed. Hitler was imprisoned, and wrote Mein Kampf, in which he discussed his goals for Germany. He claimed that the Germans, whom he called “Aryans” were the “master race” and blamed others for Germany’s woes. His book discussed his hatred for the Hebrew people (Jews), and his desires to regain lost German lands and unite all German speaking people.

3. What happened to Hitler when he attempted to overthrow the Weimar Republic?

4. What book did Hitler write while in Jail?

5. Who did Hitler believe were the master race?

6. Who did Hitler hate?

The deepening of the Great Depression strengthened support for Hitler and the Nazi Party, which became the largest political party in 1932. Consequently, President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor. Hitler then gained control of the new government and created a totalitarian state by establishing a secret police called the gestapo, outlawing all other political parties, imprisoning political opponents utilizing censorship and propaganda, banning unions, and controlling the economy. Known as the Fuhrer, or leader, Hitler and his government focused on building factories and infrastructure and ignored the stipulations of the Treaty of Versailles, by beginning to militarize Germany. With this strengthened military, Hitler continued defying the Treaty of Versailles and began aggressive actions in Europe by moving troops into the Rhineland in 1936, taking over Austria in 1938, taking the Sudetenland in 1938, and finally claiming all of Czechoslovakia in 1939.

7. What position was Hitler appointed to?

8. Who were the Gestapo?

9. Hitler outlawed ________________ parties, imprisoned _________________ opponents, utilized ________________ and __________________, banning unions, and controlling the economy.

10. How did Hitler defy the treaty of Versailles?

11. Hitler took over ___________ in 1938, took over the __________________ in 1938, and finally claimed all of ____________________________ in 1939.


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