Care Type Policy for Acute, Sub-Acute and Non-Acute and Mental ...

Policy Directive

Care Type Policy for Acute, Sub-Acute and Non-Acute and Mental Health Admitted Patient Care

Summary This Policy Directive introduces the new Mental Health Care Type in NSW which is to be introduced across all Local Health Districts (LHDs) and Specialist Health Networks (SHNs) during 2016/17. Introduction within each LHD/SHN will be negotiated with the NSW Ministry of Health during the 2016/17.

Document type Policy Directive Document number PD2016_039

Publication date 06 September 2016 Author branch System Information and Analytics Branch contact 02 9391 9710 Review date 30 September 2024 Policy manual Not applicable File number H16/60889

Previous reference N/A Status Review

Functional group Corporate Administration - Information and Data, Governance Applies to Local Health Districts, Board Governed Statutory Health Corporations, Specialty Network Governed Statutory Health Corporations, Affiliated Health Organisations, Ministry of Health, Private Hospitals and day Procedure Centres, Public Hospitals, NSW Health Pathology, Cancer Institute

Distributed to Public Health System, Ministry of Health, Private Hospitals and Day Procedure Centres

Audience Administration Staff;Clinical Staff

Secretary, NSW Health This Policy Directive may be varied, withdrawn or replaced at any time. Compliance with this directive is mandatory for NSW Health and is a condition of subsidy for public health organisations.




`Care type' refers to the overall nature of a clinical service provided to an admitted patient during an episode of admitted patient care. Correct assignment of care type for admitted patient episodes will ensure that each episode is classified appropriately for Activity Based Funding. This is vital as the classification used will also determine how the episode is reported, weighted, costed and funded:

? Acute care is classified using the Australian Diagnosis Related Groups (ARDRGs)

? Sub-Acute and Non-Acute care is classified using Australian National Subacute and Non-Acute (AN-SNAP) classification

? Mental health care is classified using the Australian Mental Health Care Classification.

This version of the Policy Directive introduces the mental health care type.


Local Health Districts (LHD) and Specialty Health Networks (SHN) are responsible for accurately reporting the clinical activity within their facilities to the NSW Ministry of Health in order to meet State and Commonwealth reporting requirements. In order to do so, clinical services must ensure that episodes of patient care are classified using the care type that best reflects the primary clinical purpose or treatment goal of the care provided. When the clinical purpose or treatment goal changes so must the care type. The care type to which the episode is allocated must always be evidenced by documentation in the patient health record.


Chief Executives are required to ensure that: ? Staff responsible for entering care type changes are made aware of and gain an understanding of the provisions of this policy directive, and ? Relevant staff comply with this Policy Directive.


Issue date: September-2016

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Version September 2016 (PD2016_039)

April 2014 (PD2014_010)

Approved by Deputy Secretary, Systems, Purchasing and Performance

Deputy Secretary, Systems, Purchasing and Performance

Amendment notes Addition of mental health care type

New policy.


1. Care Type Policy for Acute, Sub-Acute and Non-Acute Admitted Patient Care: Standard.


Issue date: September-2016

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Care Type Policy for Acute, Sub-Acute, Non-Acute and Mental Health Admitted Patient Care


Issue date: September-2016 PD2016_039

Care Type Policy for Acute, Sub-acute and Non-Acute and Mental Health Admitted Patient Care



1 BACKGROUND....................................................................................................................1 1.1 About this document......................................................................................................1 1.2 Key definitions...............................................................................................................1

2 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................3

3 INTENDED AUDIENCE ........................................................................................................3

4 EXPECTED OUTCOMES .....................................................................................................3

5 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................4

6 NATIONAL CARE TYPE DEFINITIONS ...............................................................................4 6.1 Acute care type .............................................................................................................4 6.2 Rehabilitation care.........................................................................................................4 6.2.1 Rehabilitation care guidelines ............................................................................5 6.3 Palliative care................................................................................................................5 6.3.1 Palliative care guidelines....................................................................................5 6.4 Maintenance care..........................................................................................................6 6.4.1 Maintenance care guidelines..............................................................................6 6.5 Newborn care................................................................................................................6 6.5.1 Newborn care guidelines....................................................................................6 6.6 Other care .....................................................................................................................7 6.6.1 Other care guidelines.........................................................................................7 6.7 Geriatric Evaluation and Management (GEM) ...............................................................7 6.7.1 Geriatric Evaluation and Management guidelines ..............................................7 6.8 Psycho-geriatric ............................................................................................................8 6.9 Organ procurement ? posthumous ................................................................................8 6.9.1 Organ procurement care type guidelines ...........................................................8 6.10 Hospital boarder............................................................................................................9 6.11 Mental health care.........................................................................................................9 6.11.1 Mental health care guidelines.............................................................................9

7 PROCEDURE FOR ASSIGNING CARE TYPES ................................................................10 7.1 Care type assignment upon admission........................................................................10 7.2 Care type change during the admission event.............................................................11 7.2.1 Additional guidelines for care type change during admission ...........................12 7.3 Retrospective care type changes not identified during the admission event ................13

8 REFERENCES AND RELATED POLICIES........................................................................14

9 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS ..................................................................................................15

Appendix 1: Care Type Change Scenarios ...........................................................................16

Appendix 2: Definitions of Terms ..........................................................................................23


Issue date: September-2016

Contents page


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