Pharmacy Work Group - Orlando

Pharmacy Working Group Meeting Minutes

Orlando, FL, USA; Monday 16th May 2011; Q1


|John Hatem (Scribe) |Oracle |USA |john.hatem@oracle .com |

|Hugh Glover |Blue Wave |UK | |

|Tom de Jong (Chair) |HL7 Netherlands/ NICTIZ |Netherlands | |

|Rob Hallowell |Siemens Healthcare |USA |Robert.hallowell@ |

|Julie James |Blue Wave |UK | |

|Line Saele |HVIKT |Norway | |

|Melva Peters |Canada Health Infoway |CA |mpeters@infoway-inforoute |

1. Introductions

2. Agenda Review (Tom de Jong)

• Tom reviewed the entire weeks schedule and we discussed in detail each days work to educate the members about the agenda topics and to assess if we need to make any changes. Minutes updated.

3. Australia WG Meeting Minutes

• Motion to accept Sydney, AU WG Meeting minutes by Melva Peters and seconded by Rob Hallowell. Motion passed 6 yes: 0 no: 0 abstains.

• Action Item: John to review minutes and assure that all action items are in the Action Item list.

4. Ballot Related discussions

• Rob Hallowell reviewed the schedule for the September ballot.

• Harmonization Proposals question from John H. Is there any potential for saving time in ballot prep by delegating this work to a smaller group within the Pharmacy committee? No was the general consensus.

• Ballot Preview discussions

1. What is the effort it takes to bring something normative?

2. What is the state of our overall pharmacy content, normative and non-normative?

• Action Item: Hugh to review previous ballots and the latest Normative edition content to assess overall pharmacy content/coverage.

• Ballot Reconciliation Process discussion

• Action Item: Check with Don Loyd in Q3 to review how ballot reconciliation works.

• Ballot Status for Pharmacy

• We reviewed the status of our ballots by looking at the PBS Metrics spreadsheet on the HL7 Wiki.

• Action Item: Check with Don Loyd in Q3 to review how Pharmacy can determine where we stand on our ballots, including reconciliation.

Orlando, FL, USA; Monday 16th May 2011; Q2


|John Hatem |Oracle |USA |john.hatem@oracle .com |

|Hugh Glover |Blue Wave |UK | |

|Tom de Jong |HL7 Netherlands/ NICTIZ |Netherlands | |

|Rob Hallowell |Siemens Healthcare |USA |Robert.hallowell@ |

|Julie James |Blue Wave |UK | |

|Line Saele |HVIKT |Norway | |

|Melva Peters (Scribe) |Canada Health Infoway |CA |mpeters@infoway-inforoute |

|John Hatem |Oracle |USA |john.hatem@ |

|Jean Duteau |Gordon Point Informatics |CA |Jean.duteau@ |

|Tim Buxton |EMA |UK |Tim.buxton@ema.europa.en |

|Ana Estelrich |PHAST |France | |

|Rich Furr |Safe Bio Pharma | |rfurr@ |

1. Overview of Pharmacy and Medication Domains

• Overview provided by Hugh Glover - Pharmacy DMIM is the starting point for the review.

• ACTION: Suggestion that we use this simplified version of the DMIM ??

• Discussion of how the material developed by Pharmacy may be used in a particular country.

• Discussion of Use Case for “e-pedigree” – there are requirements in the US and in some states to be able to track and report. This is at every stage of manufacture and distribution chain.

• Hugh reviewed the CPM Product Instance RMIM - The pieces that are needed are likely in the CPM Product Instance Model

• This may be a project that Pharmacy could take on, although Pharmacy hasn’t done any work on distribution stages

• If Pharmacy works on this use case – need to look at work that other WGs (i.e. Patient Safety) have done. Use CPM and follow any work that has been done. May have a relationship to RCRIM and/or Patient Safety as well. May be a joint initiative project

• ACTION: Tim to report back how GS1 is involved and the work going on in the JIC

5. Ballot status

• Continued review of the Project Metric spreadsheet for Pharmacy

• Drug Knowledge base query – has been re-balloted – May 2011 ballot.

• Pharmacy CMETs – Non-advancing – incorrect. Review with Don – need to make sure we have made available the view to negative commenters

• Medication dispense and supply event – Was balloted in January. Has not been updated based on reconciliation. Have not notified negative commenters to review updated material. Updated material did not get added to May ballot.

• ACTION: correct ballot status

• Common Dispense and Supply event – Was balloted in January. Has not been updated based on reconciliation. Have not notified negative commenters to review updated material. Updated material did not get added to May ballot.

• ACTION: correct ballot status

• Common Order – Was balloted in January. Has not been updated based on reconciliation. Have not notified negative commenters to review updated material. Updated material did not get added to May ballot.

• ACTION: correct ballot status

• Not active - Generic Patient-Related Pharmacy Query

• How do other groups use report card?

• How are we supposed to work through the flags and comments?

• What is the process for removing idle ballots?

• The process isn’t clearly understood by the WG

• Projects

• Generic Patient-related pharmacy query – we still plan to bring this forward

• Pharmacy shared messages – this should be deleted. Have been brought into other topics.

• Medication Statement – has been balloted

• Administration event and institutional – rolled administration into medication statement. Will still do institutional – there should be a project scope statement – Project 556 – no approval date.

• Dietary – co-sponsor

• Device order – not likely to do immediate work

• Device dispense – not likely to do immediate work

• Patient medication contraindication query – has been implemented in Canada. Passed informative ballot – May 2007. To be considered in future.

• IDMP terminologies

• Patient related device query – not likely to do immediate work

• Administrations for Medicinal substances (AfMS) terminology

• ACTION: Rob to update and post project planning spreadsheet to WIKI

• We should focus on getting the material that has been completed to Normative status as a priority.

• Next Ballot planning – We need to do work on 4 current topics to clean up previous ballots. Propose that we do not ballot any new topics for September.

• Focus on cleanup of previous ballot material and get material updated.

• Completion of institutional

Orlando, FL; Monday 16th May 2011; Q3


|Hugh Glover |Blue Wave |UK | |

|Tom de Jong |HL7 Netherlands/ NICTIZ |Netherlands | |

|Rob Hallowell (Chair) |Siemens Healthcare |USA |Robert.hallowell@ |

|Julie James |Blue Wave |UK | |

|Melva Peters (Scribe) |Canada Health Infoway |CA |mpeters@infoway-inforoute |

|John Hatem |Oracle |USA |john.hatem@oracle .com |

|Jean Duteau |Gordon Point Informatics |CA |Jean.duteau@ |

|Andy Stechishin |Gordon Point Informatics |Canada |Andy.stechishin@ |

|Don Lloyd |HL7 | |dlloyd@ |

|Austin Kreisler |SAIC |USA |Austin.j.kreisler@ |

1. Discussion of publication issues

• Need to distribute a full domain package and use PubDB manager to split out. Then bring back in to produce a package

• Help resources to get familiar with tools

• QA reports are available after models are run through generators – content editors could use these reports

• Use of MIF – not available in PubDB

• Pharmacy needs to manage merging

• Can we look at splitting PubDB appropriately to be able to effectively work on models separately? Don showed the PubDB manager and how to remove some topic.

• Reports are available on Ballot desktop but have to run the Desktop Publishing

• Pre-Pre-Publishing site – for review. This may be an ES issue

• ACTION: John and Jean to discuss the availability of a site that could be used

• ACTION: Don and Andy to discuss to see if something could be done

• Hugh raised an issue with the Structured Sort Name (SSN) – Base Class caused issues with merging

• Split has to be done carefully – can’t be done strictly by topic

• Queries and reports could be developed by Pharmacy. If useful, can be promoted up through Publishing

6. Discuss ballot status

• Not planning on publishing any new topics in next ballot cycle

• Merging topics - will have to go through one additional ballot.

• We have to open these up with balloted and can not restrict the types of comments

• Look at what substantive changes are being made as a result of the merge. Identify the things that have changed as a result of the merge.

• Projects – do we need to close original projects? Suggested that we revise one project and close the other

• Re-circulation Ballot – only doing this for negative comments that have not been withdrawn. If all negatives withdrawn, there is no need to do this ballot

• Response to negative comments – emails to negative commenters.

• Spreadsheet of existing negative comments with WG disposition (times and dates of the meetings where there was discussion). Announcement released – then 2-week ballot period. Outside of normal ballot period. No new publication. Just publishing ballot comment spreadsheet. Can be published on the next preview site to allow commenters to review changes

• Re-Affirmation Ballot – re-affirm an existing standard after the 5 year per ANSI

• Ballot reconciliation – where negative withdrawn. Could publish to preview site to show commenters what changes have been made or how will be changes. Can be done on request to Don Lloyd. This can be done outside of the normal ballot cycle.

• For normative edition – there is a content review list on the Publishing Committee wiki page. Shows the content and status for the NE

• Reconciliation How to – on the Publishing Committee wiki page.

• Ballot desktop shows who have not withdrawn negative.

• There is link from the NE 2011 content to ballot desktop

• Topic by Topic vs. Domain

• Institutional material – may cross topics – would make more sense to do by domain in this particular case

• Understood that once you make a decision to ballot by topic by topic you need to stay with this.

• No clean why to bundle topics in publishing.

• ACTION: Talk to Karen about how we could do this and meet ANSI requirements.

• Could have a non-product project.

• PBS Metric spreadsheet – new reports will be available tonight. Wait until this comes out and verify using the new reports.

• ACTION: Review updated PBS metric reports and contact Don with all discrepancies including name changes.

Orlando, FL; Monday 16th May 2011; Q4


|Hugh Glover |Blue Wave |UK | |

|Rob Hallowell |Siemens Healthcare |USA |Robert.hallowell@ |

|Jean Duteau |Gordon Point Informatics |CA |Jean.duteau@ |

|Tom de Jong (Chair) |HL7 Netherlands/ NICTIZ |Netherlands | |

|John Hatem |Oracle |USA |john.hatem@oracle .com |

|Melva Peters (Scribe) |Canada Health Infoway |CA |mpeters@infoway-inforoute |

1. Overview of action item list

• Defer

• See action item list for updates

• Open

• See action item list for updates

• ACTION: John to send action item list to Hugh and Hugh will post to SVN

• ACTION: Everyone should review action list and determine current status

7. Ballot Review – Drug Knowledge Base

• See ballot comment spreadsheets for disposition

Orlando, FL; Tuesday 17th May 2011; Q1

Joint meeting with O&O

Orlando, FL; Tuesday 17th May 2011; Q2

Joint meeting with O&O

Orlando, FL; Tuesday 17th May 2011; Q3


|Tom de Jong (chair) |HL7 Netherlands/ NICTIZ |Netherlands | |

|Line Saele (scribe) |Helse Vest IKT |NO | |

|John Hatem |Oracle |USA |john.hatem@oracle .com |

|Tim Buxton |EMA |UK | |

|Rob Hallowell |Siemens Healthcare |USA |Robert.hallowell@ |

|Melva Peters |Canada Health Infoway |CA |mpeters@infoway-inforoute |

|Jean Duteau |Gordon Point Informatics |CA |Jean.duteau@ |

1. Reviewing missing actions for Pharmacy in TSC’s list for a healthy WG.

• SD vote

• SD Elect

• Post WGM survey

• DMP Update

• M&C ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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