( Last amended in 2010.)  

Article I. Name   

The official name of this society shall be: Sigma Delta Pi, Sigma Psi Chapter at Iowa State University, National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society.  In Spanish: Sigma Delta Pi, La Sociedad Nacional Honoraria Hispánica.  

Sigma Delta Pi will abide by Iowa State University rules and regulations, state and federal laws.  

Article II. Purposes

The purposes of this society are:

1. To honor those who attain excellence in the study of the Spanish language and in the study of the literature and culture of the Spanish-speaking peoples;

2. To honor those who have made the Hispanic contributions to modern culture better known in the English-speaking world;

3. To encourage college and university students to acquire a greater interest in and a deeper understanding of Hispanic culture;

4. To foster friendly relations and mutual respect between the nations of Hispanic speech and those of English speech;

5. To serve its membership in ways which will contribute to the attainment of the goals and ideals of the society.

Article III. Membership

Section 1.    

The society shall receive into its membership, irrespective of membership in or affiliation with other organizations, only those who attain its standards of high academic achievement in the study of the Spanish language, the literature and culture of Hispanic nations, and other college-level subjects. Membership may also be granted to those persons who give evidence of professional merit, proficiency, or special distinction in the fields of Hispanic study and culture or who have made significant contributions to these fields of endeavor. Membership shall be conferred in strict accordance with the standards established by the Association of College Honor Societies. The bases of selection shall be: (1) the scholastic or professional record of the candidate; (2) the distinction the candidate has achieved in the field of Hispanic studies; (3) the candidate's demonstrated support of the goals and ideals of the society; (4) the character of the candidate. Reception into membership shall be without formal pledge or secret order training.    

Section 2. There shall be three classes of membership: active, alumnus, and honorary.

Section 3. Active Membership.    

Active membership shall be limited to college students who have demonstrated high scholarship in general and excellence in the academic study of Spanish. Specifically, they must meet the following requirements:  


1. Each must have completed three years of study of college-level Spanish (eighteen semester credit hours) or the equivalent thereof, including at least three semester hours of a course in Hispanic literature or Hispanic culture and civilization at the junior (third-year) level. A student may be admitted to active membership while still enrolled in the second junior-level course if all other requirements have been met and if the instructor of the course certifies that the student's work is of "B" or "A" quality.

2. The candidate for active membership must have a minimal grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 point scale in all Spanish courses taken.

3. The candidate must rank in the upper 35% of his/her class--sophomore, junior, or senior--and must have completed at least three semesters or five quarters of college work.

4. Graduate students who have been unconditionally admitted to a degree-granting program may be elected to membership upon completion of two graduate courses in Spanish with an average which, if continued, will make them eligible for a graduate degree.

5. Sigma Delta Pi does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, marital status, disability or status as a U.S. Veteran.  

Section 4. Alumnus Membership.    

This category shall be composed solely of active members who have been graduated or for other reasons have left college. If alumnus members re-enroll either as undergraduate or as graduate students they shall revert to active membership. Alumnus members are welcome at all chapter meetings, but they shall not have the right to vote on matters brought before the chapter nor can they hold office in the chapter.

Section 5. Honorary Membership.    

Persons who are obviously interested in, and supportive of, things Hispanic may be elected to this category of membership. Members of the college Spanish teaching staff and other faculty members or college administrative officials notably devoted to the goals and ideals of Sigma Delta Pi and who have supported the work of the chapter are generally initiated as honorary members. Outstanding high-school or community-college teachers of Spanish may be granted honorary membership. This class is not open to students, graduate or undergraduate. For honorary and all other types of members, the national initiation fee must be paid and the membership certificate and insignia presented during the initiation ceremony.

Section 6. Election to Membership.    

Once a chapter is installed and has held its first initiation ceremony, the responsibility for the election of candidates to all categories of membership is assumed by the local chapter. Advisers and chapter officers must exercise extreme care in selecting candidates for membership, and they must make sure that candidates meet fully all requirements. Doubtful cases shall be referred to a regional or national officer.

Section 7. Initiation Ceremony.    

A neophyte must be initiated personally, not by proxy, and shall be admitted only if he/she arrives in time for the beginning of the ceremony. The initiation ceremony shall be private but not secret. Other than members and initiates, a few special guests such as spouses and parents of neophytes as well as administrative officers of the college or university may be invited to witness the ceremony with the approval of the Adviser and chapter officers.

Section 8. Insignia and Membership Certificates.    

The insignia shall be the same for all kinds of membership, but the certificates shall indicate the type of membership: "activo(a) or honorario(a)".

Section 9. Privileges.    

Only active members shall vote or hold office in a chapter.

Section 10. Terminology.    

The members of the society shall exercise care in the use of terminology to distinguish between Sigma Delta Pi as an honor society and such organizations as language clubs, social fraternities, professional fraternities, and recognition societies.

Section 11. Revocation of Membership.    

Membership may be revoked for stated and just cause following a formal investigation conducted by the institution and the Society, a formal vote of the faculty/administration of the institution in question, and subsequent approval (majority vote) by the Executive Council. Such member will be required to return his/her membership pin and certificate to the Executive Secretary-Treasurer. Sufficient cause for revocation of membership may result from violation of these by-laws, violation of the honor code of the institution in question, violation of any Society rule or practice, or other conduct that the Executive Committee deems detrimental to the mission and interests of the Society. A member suspended or terminated for just cause would not be entitled to return of dues.  


Article IV. Officers   

Only students may serve as chapter officers. Only faculty members actively teaching in some area of Hispanic studies may hold or regional office. Such officers may be reelected to office after retirement from teaching. and regional officers shall hold an earned doctorate in their teaching field.

Section 1. Officers.    

The officers shall be the President, the Vice Presidents and the Secretary-Treasurer. immediate past President (The immediate past President is one who has served to the end of his/her elected term.) and the officers will:

(a) Have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) as stated below and meet that minimum GPA in the semester immediately prior to the election/appointment, the semester of election/appointment and semesters during the term of office. For undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, the minimum GPA is 2.00. In order for this provision to be met, at least six hours (half-time credits) must have been taken for the semester under consideration.

(b) Be in good standing with the university and enrolled: at least half time(six or more credit hours), if an undergraduate student (unless fewer credits are required to graduate in the spring and fall semesters) during the term of office, and at least half time (four or more credits), if a graduate level student (unless fewer credits are required in the final stages of their degree as defined by the Continuous Registration Requirement) during their term of office.

(c) Be ineligible to hold an office should the student fail to maintain the requirements as prescribed in (a) and (b)." 


Article V. Executive Council and Executive Committee

Section 1. Executive Council.    

The Executive Council shall be composed of the Executive Committee (see Article V, Section 2) and the five Vice Presidents. The President shall chair the Executive Council. There shall be a regular meeting of the Executive Council just prior to the triennial convention. Those present, with a minimum of three attending, shall constitute a quorum.

Section 2. Executive Committee.    

The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the Executive Secretary-Treasurer, the Presidents Emeriti, the immediate past President and one Member-at-Large (see Article VI, Section 5: Additional Executive Committee Member). The Executive Committee shall authorize the Executive Secretary-Treasurer to disburse funds for the most efficient operation of the society. The Executive Committee, without the vote of the Executive Secretary-Treasurer, shall determine annually the amount to be paid the Executive Secretary-Treasurer and his/her assistant(s), if any. The Executive Secretary-Treasurer and his/her assistant(s), if any, shall be the only paid officials of the society. The Executive Committee shall meet on call of the President whenever such a meeting is needed to serve the best interests of the society. The President shall report to the Executive Council all actions taken.  


Article VII. Duties of Officers

Section 1. President.    

The President shall have the following responsibilities: (1) to recruit and install new chapters; (2) preside at all meetings; (3) to represent the chapter on special occasions; (4) to appoint the Webmaster of the Society's website; (5) to design and issue all certificates in cooperation with the Executive Secretary-Treasurer; (6) to serve as Chair of the Executive Council and the Executive Committee; (7) to encourage Chapter Advisers and other officers to work for the benefit of the society; (8) to seek support for the society from outside sources; (9) to identify and to implement ways to improve the society's operation; (10) to consult regularly with the Executive Council on matters of policy, approval of new chapters, and other matters requiring Council approval; (11) to represent the society as its chief executive officer at important meetings or ceremonies or to designate others to do so; (12) to maintain contact with chapters through Entre Nosotros and other means to keep them informed of opportunities available to the membership and of changes in policy; (13)

Section 2. Secretary-Treasurer.    

The Secretary-Treasurer shall have the following responsibilities: (1) to receive all monies collected by the society; (2) to receive initiation fees for new members and to forward membership certificates, insignia, and other materials to chapters; (3) to receive all charter and re-activation petitions and charter fees; (4) to disburse all monies expended by the society; (5) to have the society's accounts audited annually by a certified public accountant and to report the audit to the society through Entre Nosotros; (6) to prepare interim financial statements upon request of the President or the Executive Council; (7) to invest, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, any surplus funds in the most advantageous and secure manner possible; (8) to make arrangements for the national triennial convention; (9) to preside at the convention; (10) to keep a register of all persons initiated; (11) to keep a register of persons receiving the Order of Don Quijote, the Order of Los Descubridores, and other special honors from Sigma Delta Pi; (12) to keep a record of chapter initiations and to report inactive chapters to the President; (13) to order jewelry and membership certificates when needed; (14) to receive the results of and regional elections, inform the candidates of the results, and report the results at the triennial convention; (15) to assist the President, the Executive Council, and the Executive Committee in the performance of their duties by providing advice, information, and statistics; (16) to assist chapters in their activities; (17) to represent Sigma Delta Pi before federal, state, and local agencies and to handle all matters pertaining to taxes and the Internal Revenue Service.

Section 3. Vice Presidents.    

The responsibilities of a Regional Vice President are the following: (1) to contact personally each chapter in his/her region to offer encouragement, advice, and help; (2) to contact each four-year college or university in his/her region which does not have a chapter of Sigma Delta Pi in an effort to found new chapters; (3) to vote on petitions for new chapters and other matters of importance referred by the President; (4) to seek ways to improve service to the society's membership.

Section 4. Webmaster.    

The Webmaster will manage, edit and update the website in accordance with policies established by the Executive Council.  


Article VIII. Replacement and Removal of Officers

Section 1. Replacement of Elected Officers.    

In the event of the death, resignation, or incapacitation of the President, the Executive Secretary-Treasurer shall assume his/her duties until a new President is elected following procedures outlined in Article VI, Section 2, with the exception that the election process shall take place immediately.  The Executive Secretary-Treasurer, while performing the duties of President, shall at the same time continue to carry out his/her own duties and responsibilities.  In the event of the death, resignation, or incapacitation of the Executive Secretary-Treasurer, the Executive Committee shall elect a successor who shall serve until the end of the triennium in progress at the time of appointment.  In the event of the death, resignation, or incapacitation of a regional Vice President, the President shall appoint, with the approval of the Executive Council, a successor who shall serve until the end of the triennium in progress at the time of appointment.

Section 2. Removal of Officers.    

For causes of incompetence, lack of cooperation, or lack of time to perform the duties incumbent upon any officer, except the Executive Secretary-Treasurer and the Executive Committee Member-at-Large, the President may suggest that he/she resign his/her position.  If the individual refuses to resign, the President may, with the approval of the Executive Council, declare the position vacant and appoint, with the approval of the Executive Council, a successor who shall serve until the end of the triennium in progress at the time of appointment. The Executive Committee may remove and replace an incompetent Executive Secretary-Treasurer and an incompetent Executive Committee Member-at-Large by majority decision. The Executive Secretary-Treasurer may initiate action to remove from office an incompetent President by a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Council.  The Executive Secretary-Treasurer shall assume the President's duties until a new President is elected following procedures outlined in Article VI, Section 2, with the exception that the election process shall take place immediately.  The Executive Secretary-Treasurer, while performing the duties of President, shall at the same time continue to carry out his/her own duties and responsibilities.  


Article IX. Dues and Fees

All monies belonging to this organization shall be deposited and disbursed through a bank account established for this organization at the Campus Organizations Accounting Office and/or approved institution/office (must receive authorization via Campus Organizations Accounting Office). All funds must be deposited within 48 hours after collection. The Adviser to this organization must approve and sign each expenditure before payment.

Section 1. Charter Fee.    

For each new chapter approved, the chapter must pay a charter fee in an amount determined by the Executive Council. This fee must be paid before the petition for a charter in Sigma Delta Pi is approved. The President shall notify the petitioner of the amount of the fee.

Section 2. Membership Dues.    

For each member initiated into Sigma Delta Pi, the chapter into which he/she is initiated shall pay a specified membership fee to the society. This membership fee shall not exceed $25.00. This fee provides for lifetime membership, a membership certificate, and the society insignia in the form of a pin. The payment of the fee applies to all kinds of membership: active or honorary. Alumnus members have already paid the fee and are not required to pay again when they affiliate with a local chapter. The membership fee is normally paid by the new initiates themselves, and all fees must be sent to the Executive Secretary-Treasurer before the candidates are initiated. The fee may be changed upon recommendation of the Executive Council, subject to approval at the next triennial convention or by means of a convention by mail. Chapters will be notified well in advance of the effective date of any change.

Section 3. Local Dues.    

Each chapter shall determine the amount of local dues, if any. The society recommends very modest fees of this sort and urges chapters to engage in other types of fund-raising activities to build a local treasury.

The Sigma Delta Pi, Sigma Psi Chapter at Iowa State does not charge dues.


Article XIII. Faculty Adviser       

The faculty chapter Adviser must be a member of Sigma Delta Pi and shall either be elected by members of the chapter or appointed by an administrative official of his/her college or university. The Adviser may be initiated as an honorary member at the time of his/her appointment as Adviser. The faculty Adviser's term is of indefinite duration. The duties of the Adviser are: (1) to represent the chapter before the national organization and the university or college where the chapter exists; (2) to advise the officers and members and supervise all activities of the chapter; (3) to attend all meetings personally or by delegation of another faculty member who is also a member of Sigma Delta Pi; (4) to supervise the admission of new members and to assure that all membership requirements are fully met; (5) to respond to requests from national and regional officers for information on the chapter's activities; (6) to maintain the active status of the chapter and to coordinate a reasonable program of activities; (7) to see that the chapter maintains permanent records of members and activities and that it meets its financial commitments to the national organization; (8) to assist chapter officers in making arrangements for initiation ceremonies; (9) to promote activities in cooperation with nearby chapters.  


Article XIV. The Orders

Section 1. The Order of Don Quijote and the Order of Los Descubridores recognize exceptional and meritorious service in the fields of Hispanic scholarship, the teaching of Spanish, and the promotion of good relations between English-speaking countries and those of Spanish speech.

Section 2. The Order of Los Descubridores.    

Election to the Order of Los Descubridores may be recommended by a majority vote of the active members of a chapter with the approval of the chapter sponsor, or by members of the Executive Council. Membership in this Order is restricted to: (1) outstanding teachers of Spanish or Hispanic studies at the college or university level; (2) outstanding community-college or high-school teachers of Spanish, with a proven record of excellence in teaching, who were elected to membership in Sigma Delta Pi while in college; (3) Chapter Advisers and regional Vice Presidents who have given distinguished service to Sigma Delta Pi; (4) others--such as government officials, professional people, and university personnel--who have served the cause of Sigma Delta Pi in an exceptional way.    

Nominations for this award shall be sent with ample supporting documentation to the Executive Secretary-Treasurer who will determine the eligibility of the nominee. If this award is granted, the nominating party must purchase the emblem and certificate and confer the honor at an appropriate ceremony of a local chapter.

Section 3. The Order of Don Quijote.    

So that membership in the Order of Don Quijote, one of Sigma Delta Pi’s highest honors, may continue to have full meaning, it shall be controlled by the national office, requiring the approval by a majority vote of a committee chaired by the Executive Secretary-Treasurer and comprised of at least three past inductees of this Order. The corresponding plaque and pin must be purchased through the Executive Secretary-Treasurer and presented at an appropriate ceremony to the honoree. Membership in this order shall be restricted to: (1) nationally or internationally distinguished scholars in the field of Hispanic studies; (2) distinguished teachers of Spanish who are employed in an accredited four-year college or university, or retired from such service, and have published extensively in the field of Hispanic studies; and (3) college officials, members of the clergy, officers of service clubs or fraternal organizations, members of the judicial, legislative, or executive branches of our federal or state governments, and other such professional people who have served our cause in a very distinguished manner and who would honor us by accepting this award. Nomination to this order may be made by a local chapter (by unanimous vote of all active members and approval of the Chapter Adviser), or by a national or regional officer, and must be sent together-preferably via e-mail-with a detailed supporting letter and résumé of the nominee, to the Executive Secretary-Treasurer. He/She shall distribute the nomination to the committee members and relay the final decision to the nominating chapter or officer within three weeks, unless additional information is needed.  


Article XV. The Gabriela Mistral Award   

The Premio Gabriela Mistral is an award that may be granted to an outstanding graduate or undergraduate student of Spanish who is an active member of Sigma Delta Pi. Honorary members are not eligible. Any active chapter may nominate one student per year for the Gabriela Mistral Award and shall send the nomination together with supporting documentation, including at least two letters of recommendation and a current transcript, to the Executive Secretary-Treasurer. Winners of the award will be given a certificate.

Article XVI. The José Martel Award    

Once every three years, at the national triennial convention, Sigma Delta Pi honors one of the Society's most outstanding chapter advisers with a monetary award and a certificate. Nominations with all supporting documents should be received by the Executive Secretary-Treasurer no later than April 1 of the year in which the national triennial convention is held.    

A nominee for the Premio José Martel must have served at one college or university as a successful chapter adviser for five consecutive years with at least one initiation each year, be currently serving as chapter adviser, and be nominated by a chapter or by a member of the Executive Council. The nomination must document the accomplishments of the adviser in connection with the chapter, as well as the adviser's other academic attainments. Supporting letters from the nominee's dean and another high college official must accompany the nomination. It is suggested that the activities of the chapter during the past five years be enumerated and described, and that a résumé that details the nominee's professional activities be included.    

The Premio José Martel commemorates the service of Dr. José Martel, who died August 22, 1979, at the age of 96, after serving Sigma Delta Pi loyally and unselfishly for over half a century in many capacities: chapter adviser, vice president, honorary president, faithful counselor, orator on national occasions, and polished author in the rewriting of parts of our ritual and in the preparation of certificates of award.

Article XVII. The Minaya Álvar Fáñez Award    

Established in 2004, this award may recognize yearly one Chapter Adviser for exemplary initiative in encouraging and assisting with chapter activities. The awardee will receive a plaque and a cash award and will be chosen by the Executive Committee on the basis of the Annual Reports that each active chapter submits at the end of the academic year.

Article XVIII. The Frida Kahlo Award    

Established in 2006, this award is presented yearly to a chapter for its outstanding website. To be considered for this honor, chapters must e-mail their website addresses to the Executive Secretary-Treasurer by December 1 of the year in question. Websites are judged on the basis of information provided, navigability, appearance, innovation and current maintenance. The selected chapter will receive a handsome plaque.

Article XVIX. The Jorge Luis Borges Award    

Established in 2007 as one of Sigma Delta Pi’s most prestigious honors, this recognition for lifetime achievement will be reserved for those persons who have demonstrated sustained and exemplary dedication to the work of the Society. Nominations detailing the nominee’s relevant contributions must be sent to the Executive Secretary-Treasurer by a chapter or a member of the Executive Council; awardees will be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Committee, and the award presented in a venue determined by the same committee.

Article XX. Honor Chapters

Section 1. Honor Chapters (Capítulos de Honor y Mérito) are selected each year by the Executive Committee based upon annual reports submitted by the chapters. Awardees are those chapters that have distinguished themselves during the academic year with activities and projects that best reflect the mission of the Society. Honor Chapters receive a certificate along with recognition both on the Society's national website and in Entre Nosotros.

Section 2. The Ignacio and Sophie Galbis Award.    

The Premio Ignacio y Sophie Galbis is named in memory of Ignacio Galbis, former Executive Secretary-Treasurer, who, along with his wife Sophie, served Sigma Delta Pi for more than two decades with uncommon love, dedication and efficiency. This award will be presented each year to a chapter whose annual report of activities is judged indicative of genuinely outstanding work in the furtherance of our purposes.

Section 3. The Octavio Paz Award.    

This award (Premio Octavio Paz) recognizes chapters that maintain Honor Chapter status for a complete triennium, and it is presented to the corresponding chapter representatives at the national triennial convention.

Article XXI. Scholarships    

The Executive Committee, under the direction of the President, will establish policies for the annual scholarship program.

Section 1. The T. Earle Hamilton Scholarship.    

This award is named in memory of Honorary President and President Emeritus, T. Earle Hamilton, who died October 2, 1996. Hamilton served as President of Sigma Delta Pi for a total of fifteen years (1960-68 and 1972-77). The highest ranked applicant who accepts one of the scholarships for study in Spanish America will receive this award. The scholarship will consist of a supplement to the basic award and is contingent upon the availability of scholarships during the year in question.

Section 2. The Richard E. Chandler Scholarship.    

This award is named in honor of President Emeritus and Honorary President, Richard E. Chandler. He served as President of Sigma Delta Pi for a total of fifteen years (1977-92) during which time 141 new chapters were installed. The highest ranked applicant who accepts one of the scholarships for study in Spain will receive this award. The scholarship will consist of a supplement to the basic award and is contingent upon the availability of scholarships during the year in question.

Article XXII. Amendments

Section 1. Amendments.    

These by-laws may be amended by a simple majority vote of all members.


Article XXIII. Disposition of Assets    

If Sigma Delta Pi should ever be dissolved, all assets shall be transferred to another like nonprofit organization which is tax exempt under Article 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or such similar provision as shall then be in effect.  


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