The Role of Digital Platforms in the Collection of VAT/GST ...


As presented for consideration at the fifth meeting of the Global Forum on VAT March 2019

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Please cite this publication as: OECD (2019), The Role of Digital Platforms in the Collection of VAT/GST on Online Sales, OECD, Paris. tax/consumption/the-role-of-digital-platforms-in-the-collection-of-vat-gst-on-online-sales.pdf

? OECD 2019



The OECD's most recent work on VAT/GST policy and administration has focused primarily on the design of rules and mechanisms for the effective collection of VAT/GST on digital sales of goods, services and intangibles, incl. sales by offshore digital sellers. The latest deliverable from this work is this report on the "Role of digital platforms in the collection of VAT/GST on online sales". It provides practical guidance to tax authorities on the design and implementation of a variety of solutions for enlisting the platforms economy, including e-commerce marketplaces and other digital platforms, in the effective and efficient collection of VAT/GST on digital sales. It complements the International VAT/GST Guidelines, which were endorsed as a global standard by participants at the third meeting of the Global Forum on VAT in 2015 and the report on the Mechanisms for the Effective Collection of VAT/GST, which was discussed at the fourth meeting of the Global Forum on VAT in 2017.

This report has been developed through an inclusive process, by representatives from OECD members and from a considerable number of countries outside the current OECD-membership, as well as from the business community and academia.

It was submitted to the tax authorities and international organisations that were invited to the fifth Global Forum meeting in January 2019 for their comments and suggestions. These tax authorities and international organisations were invited to review this report carefully and to provide their views, comments and suggestions ahead of the meeting. They were also informed that this report will be considered in further detail at the Global Forum on VAT, with a view to achieving a broad consensus taking into account of the widest possible range of perspectives, not least from developing and emerging economies.

This report is structured as follows:

Chapter 1 provides the overall context for the report, most notably the explosive growth in online sales to private consumers, its challenges for VAT/GST collection and competitiveness and the possible role for digital platforms in the efficient and effective collection of VAT/GST on these sales. The chapter also describes the objective and the scope of the report and provides an overview of the measures identified and analysed by the report.

Chapter 2 considers regimes that impose a liability on digital platforms for the VAT/GST due on the online sales in which these platforms play a role. It notably considers the full VAT/GST liability regime, which makes the digital platform fully and solely liable for assessing, collecting and remitting the VAT/GST due on the online sales it facilitates. It includes an analysis of the key aspects and design considerations of a full VAT/GST liability regime both from the perspective of tax administrations and digital platforms, with a particular focus on the operation of such a regime for online sales connected with the importation of low-value goods (i.e. goods below the customs exemption threshold). This regime has been implemented or is under consideration by a growing number of jurisdictions. Its overarching key policy objective is to reduce the costs and risks for tax authorities of administering, policing and collecting VAT/GST on the ever increasing volumes of online sales, by drawing on the relatively limited number of platforms that facilitate large shares of online sales and that are capable of complying with the VAT/GST obligations in respect of these sales. This chapter also recognises that tax authorities may wish to consider introducing variations of a liability regime that do not impose a full


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VAT/GST liability on the digital platforms for the tax due on online sales they facilitate. It briefly considers some alternative approaches in this context.

Chapter 3 focuses on other roles for digital platforms than the full VAT/GST liability to assist with collection of VAT/GST on online sales. The obligations which are examined in this chapter include information sharing between platforms and tax authorities, education of suppliers, and formal co-operation agreements between tax authorities and platforms. This chapter also examines the merits of platforms taking a voluntary liability obligation. These obligations could be complementary to the full VAT/GST liability regime, such as in cases where such an approach is applied only to specific type of supplies from online sales.

Chapter 4 examines supporting measures for the efficient and effective collection of VAT/GST on online sales beyond measures specifically targeted at digital platforms. This chapter examines the possibilities of joint and several liability as a means to encourage compliance and co-operation; and possible measures to support compliance in respect of supplies made via socalled "fulfilment houses". It also recalls the need for measures to facilitate compliance for online suppliers that do not sell through a digital platform ("direct sellers"); and considers the importance of co-operation and information sharing between tax and customs authorities at domestic level, as well as of the international exchange of information and administrative cooperation at trans-national level, notably to support compliance through risk analysis.

This report does not aim at detailed prescriptions for national legislation, as is explicitly stated in its Preface. It is recognised that jurisdictions are sovereign with respect to the design and application of their laws. The report seeks to present a range of possible approaches and the associated policy considerations, to serve as a reference point and assist policy makers in their efforts to evaluate and develop the appropriate legal and administrative measures taking into account their specific economic, legal, institutional, cultural and social circumstances.

It is presented for consideration at the fifth meeting of the Global Forum on VAT and it will be officially released shortly after this meeting. It is evolutionary in nature and will be reviewed regularly in light of the rapid development of technology, online sates and delivery process.

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The Role of Digital Platforms in the Collection of VAT/GST on Online Sales

Report March 2019


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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