Oral Presentation Evaluation form - Learnhigher

Self Evaluation of Oral Presentation Performance

| | |Excellent |Satisfactory |Needs work |

|1. |Introduced self and the topic |( |( |( |

|2. |Captured the attention of the audience |( |( |( |

|3. |Stated purpose and main idea of the presentation at the |( |( |( |

| |beginning | | | |

|4. |Organisation and preparation |( |( |( |

|5. |Exhibited understanding of the topic |( |( |( |

|6. |Explained major points |( |( |( |

|7. |Made eye contact with the audience |( |( |( |

|8. |Voice dynamics |( |( |( |

|9. |Body language |( |( |( |

|10. |Included effective visual aids |( |( |( |

|11. |Personal presentation (appearance, mannerism, character, |( |( |( |

| |comfort) | | | |

|12. |Dealing with questions from the audience |( |( |( |

|13. |Overall evaluation |( |( |( |

| |Comments |

| |One or two strengths of the presentation: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |One or two weaknesses of the presentation: |

| | |


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