Lancer Lesson – Personal Responsibility

Lancer Lesson – Personal Responsibility

Being On Time

I. Setup of Homeroom

Options a. Have students sit in circle format with teacher as part of the circle – OR -

b. Have students sit in regular seats

II. Providing Context – Personal Responsibility of Being Punctual

Start discussion with following questions (optional: write board)

What is the best movie you have seen in theaters lately?

What are some of the benefits of being on time to the movie (below are possible answers)?

• You get a great seat

• Your group/friends sit together

• Time to get snacks and popcorn

• Time to get cell phone off and jacket off

• Go to the bathroom before the movie

• Don’t have to trip over people

• Get to see previews

Imagine you are at the theater watching that movie and two people walk in late and sit right in front of you. They are getting settled in their seats, taking jackets off and talking. How does this make you feel? Why?

III. Personal Responsibility for Being Punctual/Both School and Non-School Settings (Hand out worksheet to students. Read questions out loud and have students write down answer then share in circle format or class discussion):

Some of you have experienced being annoyed/bothered by late movie attendees, some of you may have been that late person to the movies. Similar to the impact tardy moviegoers have on the crowd, there is a similar impact at school, work, and in the community.

When have you struggled with being on time?

• Getting to class?

• Getting to parties?

• Getting to work?

• Getting to practice (sports, music)

• Getting up in the morning


What are reasons you arrive late?

• Stayed up too late

• Talking with friends

• Not giving enough time to get places

• Not setting alarm

• Walking with friends to class

• A long way to go to next class/locker

• My ride or the bus was late

How does this impact you?

• Missed first part of class

• Starts my day off bad

• In trouble with the coach/teacher

• I get stressed out

How does it impact others?

• Frustrates parents

• Seems rude to friends or family

• People have to wait for me

IV. Student Tardiness (write on worksheet first then discuss. Tip – again connect to movie)

A. When a student is late to class, what is the impact…..

For the tardy student?

• Miss directions

• On “no pass” list = no dances, games

• don’t know what is going on

• embarrassing, students look at you

• teachers frustrated

• stressful for student

Other classmates

• Interrupts learning

• Teacher stops teaching or repeat directions

• Students distracted

• Not participating in group work

- The teacher?

• Stop instruction

• Distracted from teaching

• Repeat directions

• Get kids back on track

- Other staff

▪ Monitor in hallways

▪ Write late passes for students

▪ Monitor detentions

B. What is the benefit of being on time to class?

• Know what is happening in class

• Not stressed, have materials ready and organized

• Improved grades

• Understand material

• More focused

• Not embarrassed

• Feel more connected with the class

C. What would be the impact of chronic tardiness in the workplace? (Connect school – work)

• Co-workers would have to pick up the slack

• Wouldn’t get your work done

• Could impact pay/promotion/work hours given

• Boss would not be happy

• Could get fired

• Negative recommendation from former boss

D. What is the benefit of being on time to work or a job interview?

• More likely to get the job

• Make a good impression

• More confident

• More likely to get a raise, promotion

• Get a good recommendation for future job

• Get the hours you want

• Pride in your work

V. Personal Responsibility for Being on Time:

What will you do to continue being on time or how will you make improvements?

• Stop talking to friends at least a minute before the bell rings

• Have my materials with me

• Go to sleep earlier at night

• Set my alarm

• Encourage friends to get to class on time

VI. Summary of School Tardy Policy:

VII. Acknowledgement of Being Punctual

Thanks to the majority of you who are always on time! Just like in the workplace, there are benefits for being punctual. We would like to recognize on-time behavior this month.. We will have ADMIN and Student Service Staff randomly stopping in classes to acknowledge students demonstrating “Personal Responsibility” and being committed to learning. Students in those classes who are on time will be given a raffle ticket. Each Friday for the next month, there will be a drawing. Students will have a chance to win the following:

• Principal parking for a week

• Early to lunch passes

• Lancer Bucks for the Lancer Zone

• Movie passes

• Gift cards

Teachers: Please turn in worksheets to Lancer Lesson box in mail room.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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