NAME: _____________ DATE: ________________


The alternative physical education assignments below are for students who are unable to participate in their physical education class for an extended period of time due to a legal and authorized medical reason.

• Students on medical for 1-2 weeks must complete assignment #1.

• Students on medical for 2-4 weeks must complete assignments #1, #2.

• Students on medical for 4 weeks or more must complete assignments #1, #2, #3.

Students are responsible for returning all work to their teachers which will be graded and included as part of their final grade. This assignment is due on_________________________.

ASSIGNMENT #1 [O.E. B2, B3, C4]

In a three (3) page, double spaced, typed paper, discuss how five (5) common health risk factors can significantly impact a person’s overall wellness and physical fitness. In this assignment, define wellness and physical fitness. List five (5) common health risk factors (obesity, high blood pressure, smoking, etc.) and define how each one can play a major role in a person’s overall health. Finally, explain how a person who suffers from one or more health risk factors can increase their health and overall fitness (regular doctor visits, exercise, etc.).

ASSIGNMENT #2 [O.E. B2, B3, C4]

In a three (3) page, double spaced, typed paper, discuss why muscular strength and muscular endurance are important factors when weight training. In this assignment, define muscular strength and muscular endurance. Research “muscular fitness” and develop a plan for an individual who is a novice in the area of weight training. This may include the frequency, intensity, and time considered when learning how to properly weight train. Finally, explain how weight training and muscular fitness are important in maintaining good health and overall fitness.


In a three (3) page, double spaced, typed paper, research the history of tennis beginning with the ancient Egyptians. Discuss how tennis has evolved over the course of history and its impact in Canada. Finally, choose one (1) current tennis player (male or female) and write a brief biography on this individual. Include your own experiences you may have had playing tennis either competitively or recreationally. If you never played tennis, please describe another activity that you participated in either competitively or recreationally.

|+ Level 4 - |+ Level 3 - |+ Level 2 - |+ Level 1 - |R |I | |A2 |Thoroughly applies guidelines, strategies, & rational ideas to enhance participation in recreational and sports activities or promote better health;

Thoroughly examines ways to promote health, nutrition and physical activity in and through today’s media. |Consistently applies guidelines, strategies, & rational ideas to enhance participation in recreational and sports activities or promote better health;

Consistently examines ways to promote health, nutrition and physical activity in and through today’s media. |Applies good guidelines, strategies, & rational ideas to enhance participation in recreational and sports activities or promote better health;

Examines good ways to promote health, nutrition and physical activity in and through today’s media. |Applies some guidelines, strategies, & rational ideas to enhance participation in recreational and sports activities or promote better health;

Examines some ways to promote health, nutrition and physical activity in and through today’s media. | | | |B2 |Thoroughly describes the benefits of health-related fitness components and its relationship to active living with at least 5 examples & with thorough supportive evidence (ex: the relationship of cardio vascular fitness to increased stamina and lower risk of heart disease, the relationship of healthy eating to improved well-being) |Describes clearly the benefits of health-related fitness components and its relationship to active living with 5 examples & great supportive evidence (ex: the relationship of cardio vascular fitness to increased stamina and lower risk of heart disease, the relationship of healthy eating to improved well-being) |Describes the benefits of health-related fitness components and its relationship to active living with 3 examples & good supportive evidence (ex: the relationship of cardio vascular fitness to increased stamina and lower risk of heart disease, the relationship of healthy eating to improved well-being) |Describes some of the benefits of health-related fitness components and its relationship to active living with 2 examples & some supportive evidence (ex: the relationship of cardio vascular fitness to increased stamina and lower risk of heart disease, the relationship of healthy eating to improved well-being) | | | |B3 |Thoroughly applies guidelines and procedures related to safe participation in physical activity.

Thoroughly explains behaviour that minimizes risk to themselves and others. |Applies with detail the guidelines and procedures related to safe participation in physical activity.

Explains behaviour, with many examples how to minimize risk to themselves and others. |Applies with good detail the guidelines and procedures related to safe participation in physical activity.

Explains behaviour, with a few examples how to minimize risk to themselves and others. |Applies with some detail the guidelines and procedures related to safe participation in physical activity.

Explains behaviour, with a one example how to minimize risk to themselves and others. | | | |C4 |Thoroughly explains, analyzes, discusses and researches the importance of physical activity, healthy eating, and the risks of physical inactivity. |Consistently explains, analyzes, discusses and researches the importance of physical activity, healthy eating, and the risks of physical inactivity. |Explains, analyzes, discusses and researches the importance of physical activity, healthy eating, and the risks of physical inactivity. |With some effectiveness explains, analyzes, discusses and researches the importance of physical activity, healthy eating, and the risks of physical inactivity. | | | |C4 |Demonstrates thorough understanding of strategies to reduce health risks and promote personal well being. |Demonstrates consistent understanding of strategies to reduce health risks and promote personal well being. |Demonstrates good understanding of strategies to reduce health risks and promote personal well being. |Demonstrates some understanding of strategies to reduce health risks and promote personal well being. | | | |

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