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In-Crowd vs. Out-Crowd Discussion Questions

1. What makes some teenagers “popular” and what makes others, not?

• Personalities

• Interests

• Hobbies/Activities

• Behavior

o In School

o Out of School

• Intelligence

• Appearance

o Physical

o Attire

• Relationships

• Wealth

2. How do you become “popular”?

• When? (Age)

• Association? (How can others make you popular?)

• Activities?

3. When did you feel the most pressure to be “popular”?

• What are some things you did to try to fit in?

o Clothes

o Attitude

o Behavior

o Relationships

4. When did being “popular” stop affecting you as much? How come?

• Explain change in attitude

5. Can you think of anyone who tries “too-hard” to be popular? Describe their behavior.

6. What are some common forms of bullying the “out crowd”?

• How do they react?

7. What are “in-crowd” parents like? “out-crowd”?

8. What event(s) are the biggest popularity contests at AHS? How so?[pic][pic]


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