Mrs. Celello

The Call of the WildChapter I: “The Primitive”Research the history and links between California and the Arctic to determine what is being referred to here (pg. 568 “Northland), where this is taking place, and to provide context for the story.Where is Buck living when the story begins and what type of creature is he? (Pg. 568 top of 2nd column “afternoon”)Explain in your own words what has just happened to Buck and how he came to be in is current predicament. (pg 570 top “baggage car”)List the events that brought Buck to this point. (top of pg 572 (“hatchet and club”)What do you think the author means when he refers to the “reign of primitive law”? (pg. 573 2nd paragraph)In your own words, describe the character of Francois and Perrault and explain their task. (pg 574 end of sentence of first column: “dogs to be fooled by dogs”)Do you think this was a fair resolution to the crime? Why or why not? (pg 574 “began his rise in Buck’s estimation”)Chapter II: “The Law of Club and Fang”Explain in your own words what the “law of club and fang” might be and how it relates to the previously mentioned “primitive law.” (paragraph ends at top of pg. 575)In your own words describe the character of each of Buck’s teammates and identify those most likely to survive in the environment and laws already mentioned. (pg. 576 top of 2nd column: “even more vital ambition”)What is the main theme or concept captured in the description of Buck’s reaction to his perceived confinement? (pg. 577 bottom of 1st column “to the hole he had dug for himself the night before””)What distinction is London drawing here and what are the implications about morality in the North? (Pg. 579 top of 1st column: “he would fail to prosper”)Why might London consider the development of these traits as retrogression? What does this suggest about London’s own standards of conduct? (pg. 579 top of 2nd column: “sheltered and snug”)Where do these instincts come from? (end of Chapter II: pg. 579)Chapter III: “The Dominant Primordial Beast”Considering the earlier discussions of primordial law and the law of club and fang, is it impartial of London to consider Spitz’s attack treacherous? Why or why not? (pg. 583 bottom of 1st column: “attacking from the side”)What factor on the trail has a great impact on the rate of travel and the safety of the team? (pg. 585 1st column: “Five Fingers”:What does this paragraph suggest about the role of the environment in shaping the nature and ability of the creatures that live there? (pg. 586 1st column half-way down: “nothing less than primitive”)What is Perrault’s ambition on this trip and what factors favor him in achieving it? (pg. 587 2nd column: “and hew as traveling light”)Attempt to reconcile the apparent contradiction between the two statements in the final sentence. How can these two sets of values coexist in one creature? (pg 588 1st column: “tangle the traces”)Explain in your own words what London is trying to express in this paragraph. (pg. 588 bottom of 2nd column: “dead matter that did not move”)Predict what will happen now that Buck has killed Spitz. (end of Chapter III)Chapter IV: “Who Has Won to Mastership”Which dog does Francois attempt to put in the lead instead of Buck? (pg. 592 bottom of 1st column: not all unwilling to go”)Why do you think London would emphasize Buck’s ability to keep order in the wake of Spitz’s demise? (pg. 593 bottom of 2nd column: “into shape”)What factors allowed for this record run? (bottom of pg. 594 1st column: “shipping at their feet”)What does this paragraph suggest about the true natural place for dogs? (pg. 595 1st column: “became alive again”)What does this suggest about the history of men and dogs? (pg. 595 2nd column but middle of paragraph in middle of page: “noises they made in the night”)Why do you think London emphasizes the connection between Buck and his ancestors? (pg. 595 2nd column in same paragraph is question 5: “though he had been asleep”)In your own words, explain the central theme of this story of Dave’s death. Why would London include it in the story? (End of Chapter IV)Chapter V: “The Toil of Trace and Trail”How many more days was this trip than the previous record breaking trip? (pg. 597 1st column: “from a wrenched shoulder blade”)Why do you think London is so contemptuous of these men? (pg. 599 top of 1st column: “passes understanding”)What does this episode demonstrate about the nature of Charles, Hal, and Mercedes? (pg. 600 2nd column: “chief thoroughfare)Explain in your own words how these new dogs are or are not similar to their new owners. (pg. 601 2nd column: “breakable about them”)What, if anything, does this paragraph reveal about London’s perception of the role or place of women in the Arctic? (pg. 603 2nd column: “recital of their brutality”)Thinking back to the problems that Perrault and Francois had on their first trip, what new issue might confront this team as spring arrives? (pg 605 1st column: “woman, and the huskies”)What great risk would they take by continuing? (pg 605 2nd column: the scheme of things”)What is the main theme or moral of this chapter? (end of Chapter V)Chapter VI: “For the Love of Man”How does this treatment fit with the law of club and fang to which Buck has grown accustomed? (pg. 608 1st column: “boundless good nature”)In what ways do Buck and Thornton express their affection for one another? (pg 609 1st column: “feigned bite for a caress”)Why do you think London emphasizes that, unlike his companions, Buck does not seek out Thorton’s attentions? (pg 609 1st column: “Buck’s heart shone out”)Does London make it seem plausible that these two conflicting traits can coexist within one creature? Explain your conclusion. (pg 609 2nd column: “him to escape detection”)Summarize the above events and the role Buck played in them. (pg 612 2nd column: “finding three broken ribs”)What was the catalyst for the odds against Buck increasing to three to one? (pg 613 2nd column: “three to one against Buck”)What was the purpose of this chapter within the large story? What is London attempting to demonstrate or emphasize? (end of Chapter VI)Chapter VII: “The Sounding of the Call”Do you think this identification with a European past in the area is akin to Buck’s connection to his ancestors? Why or why not? (pg 618 top of 1st column: “among the blankets”)These appear to be origin visions of the past of both men and dogs. What do you think is causing these visions to increase in frequency? (pg 619 bottom of 1st column: “reason about them at all’)What, if any, significance do you think this meeting may have? (pg 620 bottom of 2nd column: “where it took its rise”)How plausible is it that that a dog could kill a black bear? Explain how you reached your conclusion. (pg 621 1st column: “quarrel no more”)Given the evidence in the last several pages, predict what this new life and calamity might be. (pg 624 1st column: “with greater caution”)Does this alter the reader’s understanding of the law of club and fang? Why or why not? (pg 625 bottom of 1st column: “arrows, speaks, and clubs”)Recalling that Buck’s visions always include an ancestor of man, attempt to explain why, when he has returned to these roots, he now hunts men. (pg 627 1st column: “defying their bravest hunters”)What is the major theme that runs throughout the story? Is there a central moral or message? Explain your answer. ................

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