Public Financial Management Symposium - World Bank

Public Financial Management Symposium

Istanbul, Turkey, June 6-8, 2005

The WB, Korean government and Turkish government jointly held a Public Financial Management Symposium, in Istanbul, Turkey, June 6-8, 2005. The key counterpart organizations were the Korea Development Institute, Korean Ministry of Planning and Budget, Korea Institute for Public Finance, Korea Development Institute School of Public Policy and Management, the Istanbul Municipal government and Marmara University in Turkey. The Symposium was organized to support the country program in Turkey, and was targeted at municipal government as well as the central government. Topics focused on PFM issues, especially Korea and Turkey’s recent reforms in fiscal management, strategic planning, budgeting practices, and internal and external audit controls. Below are the presentations given by the WB, Korean delegation and Turkish counterparts.


Day One:

Public Finance and Fiscal Management Systems

Session I: Introduction to Public Finance and Fiscal Management Systems in Turkey and Korea

- Public Finance in Korea, Youngsun Koh, Korea Development Institute (KDI)

Session II: Recent Reforms in Fiscal Management Systems

- International Trends in Fiscal Management Reforms, Bill Dorotinsky, World Bank

- Recent Public Expenditure Reforms in Korea, Young Kon Chin, Ministry of Planning and Budget (MPB), Korea

- Recent Public Sector Reforms in Turkey, Bilal Eryilmaz, Sakarya University (in Turkish)

Strategic Planning

Session III: Strategic Plan Development

- Strategic Planning in the Public Sector: An Overview, Paul Joyce, Nottingham Business School, UK

- International Practices of MTEF, Bill Dorotinsky, World Bank

Session IV: Strategic Plan Development in Korea

- Economic Development in Korea and the Role of Strategic Planning and Fiscal Management, Youngsun Koh, KDI

- Introduction to MTEF in Korea, Doyoung Min, World Bank

Session V: Strategic Planning and Practices

- MTEF in the Welfare Sector, Hee Suk Yun, KDI

- Strategic Planning for Public Agencies in Turkey, Nahit Bingol, State Planning Organization (in Turkish)

Day Two

Linking Planning to Budgeting

Session VI: Alternative Budgeting Practices

- Linking Strategic Management to Performance Budgeting, Bill Dorotinsky, World Bank

- Performance Management in Korea, Hee Suk Yun, KDI

- Performance Budgeting System in Turkey, Hayrettin Gungor, Ministry of Internal Affairs, General Directorate of Local Administrations (in Turkish)

Session VII: Budgeting Practices

- Introduction to Program Budgeting, Katherine Barraclough, World Bank

- Introduction to Program Budgeting in Korea, Sang Dae Choi, MPB

- The Principle of Local Self-Government in Turkish Fiscal Management and the Improvement of the Capacity of Spending Agencies, Ahmet Kesik, Ministry of Finance (in Turkish)

Session VIII: Local Government Finance

- Local Government Public Finance and Fiscal Decentralization in Korea, No Wook Park, Korea Institute of Public Finance (KIPF)

- Fiscal Problems Facing Turkish Local Governments, M. Cemil Arslan, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (in Turkish)

Accountability: Fiscal Transparency and Auditing

Session IX: Fiscal Transparency

- Issues in Improving Fiscal Transparency in Korea, Joon Ook Choi, KIPF

- Fiscal Transparency in Turkey, Dilek Yilmazcan, Marmara University (in Turkish)

Session X: Internal Auditing

Day Three

Session XI: External Auditing and Budget Control

- Budget Control and the Role of the National Assembly Budget Office (NABO) in Korea, Jhung Soo Park, NABO

- Local Government Auditing in Turkey: The Court of Accounts, Erol Akbulut, the Court of Accounts (in Turkish)

Session XII: Panel Discussion – Fiscal Reform: Challenges and Directions

- Bill Dorotinsky, World Bank


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