Semi-Structured Interview - Microbicide Trials Network

MTN 013 Semi-Structured Interview

|To be completed at time of data entry: |

|Date of data entry                   |


|Initials of data entry staff       |

Participant’s ID          -                -   

Visit Code 1 0 . 0

Date of Interview                  


Initials of Interviewer       (minimum of 2 letters)

1. Overall, what was your experience with the study? (Probes: What are some of the reasons you joined the study? What are some of the reasons you stayed in the study until now?)

Enter response here

2. Now let’s talk about the ring:

a. What did you like most about the ring?

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b. What did you like least about the ring?

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3. How much did you like the appearance of the ring? (Probes: size, texture, flexibility feel, scent)

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4. How did the ring feel when you first touched it? How did it feel immediately after inserting it? How did it feel while wearing it? Did these feelings change over time?

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5. Have you experienced any other changes while wearing the ring? Please describe. (Probes: Have you experienced changes in your vagina, in the rest of your body, or emotionally? How has this affected your sexual experience or your partner’s sexual experience?)

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6. Please describe any concerns, worries or emotional stress you had about the ring while wearing it during the study. (Probes: Were you concerned or worried about the ring getting lost, getting stuck, falling out, moving or being misplaced, affecting your health, fertility, or harming you in any other way?)

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7. Please describe any actual problems that you experienced while inserting, removing or wearing the ring during your study participation. (Probes: Did you experience uro-genital discomfort or discomfort anywhere else? Please provide detailed info on where the discomfort or pain was experienced. Did you experience the ring getting stuck or falling out, having problems while menstruating, going to the bathroom, washing, doing daily activities, exercising, etc.?)

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8. How did your feelings about the ring change over your time in the study?

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9. How did you feel about wearing the ring daily for a month? (Probes: How do you feel about continuous use versus episodic use?) INTERVIEWER INSTRUCTIONS: The word “feel” refers primarily to how the ring feels in the vagina, but it is acceptable if the participant talks about how the ring felt in her hand when she touched it (inserting/removing it).

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10. What has been your primary sex partner’s reaction to the ring? (Probes: Does (s)he have concerns or worries, support or lack of support for ring use, curiosity about the ring, wanting to see it, etc.) INTERVIEWER INSTRUCTIONS: In case the participant does NOT have a current primary partner, this question can be explored hypothetically. If she has a partner, ask her to explore what she thinks the issues might be.

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11. Would you change anything about the ring’s appearance?

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12. Would you change anything about the ring’s size?

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13. Would you change anything about the ring’s shape?

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14. Would you change anything about the ring’s color?

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15. Would you change anything about how the ring feels?

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16. Would you change anything about the instructions you received on how to use the ring?

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17. Do you have any other recommendations about the ring?

Enter response here

|Comments: INTERVIEWER, use this space to summarize how the SSI went, including the mood or affect of the participant during the interview. |

|Enter response here |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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