PDF How great leaders inspire actions by Simon Sinek

How great leaders inspire actions by Simon Sinek

WARM-UP: 1. Discuss the following points: How leaders inspire actions in your opinion? What makes a good leader?

VOCABULARY: 1. Match the words from the left column (A-J) with the right column (1-10):

A. to defy B. profoundly C. vast D. pursuit E. fuzzy F. to be grounded in G. to plummet H. spike I. consistent J. diffusion

1. immense, great 2. blurry 3. to oppose, to challenge 4. steady 5. to collapse 6. strive for 7. spread 8. thoroughly, deeply 9. a sharp rise followed by a sharp

decline 10. to be based on

2. Write 5 open-ended questions using one word from the left column above (A-J): ...............................................................................................................

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How great leaders inspire actions by Simon Sinek

DISCUSSION: 1. Look at Sinek's Golden Circle and think how your company works?

If it is WHAT-HOW-WHY, think how it could reverse its approach. What other companies work in the way as Sinek described Apple?

2. How do you approach new products? Where would you put yourself on this law of diffusion of innovation graph:

Can you give an example of a product that didn't get through the chasm? Would you agree with Sinek saying that early-adopters are people who believe in the

product/company and want to be the first? Do you think that the adoption of new products can be culture-depended? What kind of communication channels are used in the product adoption process?

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