Academic Vocabulary for Social Studies Grade 2

Academic Vocabulary for Social Studies Kindergarten

Teachers created the basic vocabulary list for the five basic concepts (themes) necessary at a specific Grade level.

1. People have unlimited wants and only limited resources. (Economics) Over arching concept: Scarcity

Power Standard: Students will analyze the choices that societies make in how they use limited resources to satisfy wants by determining the impact of scarcity in a given historical setting:

1. choices – knowing what you want and what you have to give up to get it

2. cost – the amount of money or resources to buy or make something

3. wants – things people would like to have

4. needs – things you need to survive – food, water, shelter, clothes

5. shelter – a place to live

6. money– coins and paper bills used to buy things

7. services – work done for others for money

8. trade – exchanging one thing for another.

9. customer – a person who buys things.

10. seller – a person who offers thing to someone else in exchange for money

11. products – things that are valued and sold.

12. savings – put away and keep, hang on to, not exchanged

13. spend – to use up or trade

14. limited/scarce – not having enough of something

15. unlimited – having an abundance of something.

16. community – a place where people live and work together.

17. decisions – choices somebody of authority makes

18. habitat – the area or environment where someone or something lives.

19. resources – anything that people can use.

20. consume – to use something

21. cooperate – to work together

22. source – where something comes from.

23. goods – things that can be bought and sold

24. produce – to make or create something

Academic Vocabulary for Social Studies Kindergarten

II. People move from place to place for geographic, economic, political and social reasons. (Geography/ History/Economics) Big Concept: Movement.

Students will analyze reasons for movement of peoples by determining how

geography and economics influence where people go.

1. culture – the way of life and beliefs of a group of people,

2. ancestors – a relative that lived in the past

3. freedom – not being under the control of someone or something else.

4. conflict – a disagreement

5. reason – why something happened, ( both positive and negative)

6. Push reason, - the negative reason why people moved away from an area

7. Pull reason – the positive reason why people moved into an area

8. geography – (location, region)features of the Earth

9. change – to become different

10. explorer – someone who travels to places in the world that are new to them.

11. settlement – a movement from one place to another place to live

12. movement – the choice to travel from one place to another

Academic Vocabulary for Social Studies - Kindergarten

III. Where we are influences who we are:(Geography) Big Concept: Location/Region

Students will analyze the impact of geography on areas by describing where people live, and how the people use the land where they live.

1. region – areas of land that share the same features that make it different from other areas.

2. compass rose – a drawing, map symbol, that shows direction on a map

3. direction - spatial terms (near/far, behind/in front, over/under, left/right, up/down)

4. continent – one of the seven main land areas of the earth.

5. map key/legend – the part of the map that shows what the symbols mean

6. symbol – something that stands for something else

7. country – an area of land with its own people and laws.

8. peninsula – a land that has water on three sides of it.

9. landform – physical features of the land; mountains, valleys, island, plains

10. mountain – the highest kind of land

11. valley – low land between hills or mountains

12. island – land that is totally surrounded by water

13. ocean – a very large body of salt water, five oceans, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, Arctic and Antarctic Oceans

14. river – a stream of water that flows across the land

15. plain – land that is mostly flat

16. lake – a body water that has land all around it.

17. weather - daily conditions of wind, temperature, moisture, etc.

18. climate – weather patterns over time ** emphasized more in Second grade**

19. vegetation – the type/kind of naturally growing plants in an area

20. globe – a model of the Earth

21. map – picture of a place

22. state – a part of a country

23. land – part of Earth that is not water

Academic Vocabulary for Social Studies Kindergarten

IV. Laws are made to keep order. ( Civics/Government )

Students will evaluate how government makes laws by recommending how people should be affected by laws and the consequences for breaking laws.

1. law – a rule that people in a community must follow.

2. government – a group of people who work together to make sure that a

city, state or nation is safe and needs are taken care.

3. Constitution – the main law of the land. All other laws must agree with it.

tell people what governments can and cannot do to keep people safe.

4. elect – to vote for a person to be part of the government

5. consequence – what happens when you make a choice

6. fairness – everyone being treated the same,

7. safety – not being hurt, harmed

8. problem – something that causes trouble.

9. President – a leader of a government and country

10. Congress – a group of People in America that are elected to make the laws

11. Judge – a person who decides if laws are fair and how people should be treated.

12. solution – the way people agree to solve a problem

13. vote – a choice that gets counted.

14. Democracy – the people make laws together

15. responsibility- something that a citizen should do.

16. leader- a person who helps a group plan what to do.

17. patriotism – the pride people have for their country.

18. Governor – the leader of a state

19. police- a person who keeps a community safe

20. firefighters- a person who puts out fires

21. nurses – a person who takes care of the sick

22. doctors – a person skilled and specializing in the art of healing

23. citizen – a person who lives and belongs to a community

Academic Vocabulary for Social Studies – Kindergarten

V. We are a product of what happened before and what we value will influence the future: (History)

Students will analyze historical symbols by explaining why the United States uses certain symbols to represent our country.


Students will analyze historical events by creating a timeline depicting the chronological order of significant historical events.

1. timeline – a line that shows when things happened

2. conflict – when people disagree, which leads to fighting

3. Statute of Liberty – a statue given to USA. Represents freedom

4. Bald Eagle – the national bird, a symbol of strength and freedom

5. American flag – the symbol of the United States, represents our country.

6. past – the time before now

7. present – the time now

8. future – the time that has not come yet

9. reason – why we think something will happen

10. predict – using reasons what we think the future will be like

11. invention – making something new for people to use

12. change – when people do something differently than they did before, end something, or start something or do something differently.

13. symbol – something that stands for something else.

14. Pledge of Allegiance – a promise to respect the American flag

15. legend- stories that teach a lesson or help explain something

16. ancestors – a relative that lived in the past


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