Strategic Leadership Solutions - ALSHRM

[Pages:23]Strategic Leadership Solutions:

Building Vision, Alignment and Execution

Mary Gormandy White, M.A., SHRM-SCP, SPHR Everything DiSC Certified Trainer

in/mgwhitemti @mgwhitemti

Leadership & Organizational Culture

? The culture in any company stems from the actions, attitudes,

and behaviors of its leaders as well as the organization's overall missions, vision and values.

? The best strategic planning efforts work only if the company's

leaders are committed to ? and set an example of ? the organization's mission, vision and values.

? Ensuring that your organization's leaders have the insight

necessary to successfully build, navigate and reinforce the company's mission, vision and values are critical to strategic success for the business.

HR and the Work of Leaders

? As an HR professional, it's important for you to take on a

strategic leadership role in your organization, but that's not where it ends for you...

? Not only do you serve an important leadership role yourself, you

likely play a key role in selecting and developing current and future leaders across the organization.

? This is a responsibility that has a powerful a significant impact on

the future success of your organization.

Strategic Leadership: Key Elements

? Leadership can be described/defined in many ways.. but "the

work that leaders do--the work that really matters--is boiled down to three areas:"

? Vision ? crafting a vision of new possibilities ? Alignment ? building alignment so everyone is moving in the same


? Execution ? championing execution so the vision can become a


? Source: The Work of Leaders (Wiley, 2013)


? The Work of Leaders framework is a result of:

? Four year development project ? Analysis of three decades of leadership research ? Input from 300 subject matter experts from over 150 organizations

? Result:

? Identification of a specific set of leadership best practices ? Best practices are context-specific, with preferred behaviors

varying based on the situation

Strategic Leadership: Key Elements

? These three elements (vision, alignment, execution) are

essential keys for strategic leadership effectiveness ? both in yourself and in others.

? Having a vision is the beginning, but that vision can't

become a reality in the absence of alignment and execution.

? These elements are critical to serving as an effective

business leader.

? To become an effective HR Business leader and to help

define the mission, vision and values of your organization, it's important to develop "best practice" leadership skills focused on these three elements.

Why Vision Matters

? Vision is a shared process across all levels of leadership. It

does not just come from the top down.

? Vision creates an imagined future state for the organization ? Expands assumptions about what can be done ? Provides purposes for teams, organizations and individuals ? Drives the development of specific goals in support of the vision ? Unifies people

Why Alignment Matters

? Gaining and maintaining alignment is critical for all levels

and requires effective communication upward, downward and laterally.

? Sets the stage by proposing a plan for implementation ? Provides a forum for questions and concerns ? Brings people together behind the vision ? Generates excitement for the vision ? Leads to "buy-in"


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