Management and Strategy Thinkers

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Management and Strategy Thinkers

Quiz (15 minutes)

Please tick ( the appropriate circle. [20 marks]

|1. It was Alfred Sloan who suggested the following four perspectives to generate strategic options: What a |( True |( False |

|company might do; what it can do; what it wants to do; and what it should do. | | |

|2. Igor Ansoff’s name is associated with the idea of “double-loop learning.” |( True |( False |

|3. Kenneth Andrews introduced the idea of the “federal firm.” |( True |( False |

|4. The idea of “invisible hand” came from Alfred Chandler. |( True |( False |

|5. Arie de Geus pointed out that most large companies live for only 40-50 years. |( True |( False |

|6. Charles Handy is the author of The Age of Unreason. |( True |( False |

|7. Sumantra Ghoshal argued for “strategy as revolution.” |( True |( False |

|8. Chester Bernard is the author of the 1938 book, The Functions of the Executive. |( True |( False |

|9. “You cannot manage third generation strategies through second generation organizations with first generation|( True |( False |

|manager,” wrote C. K. Prahalad. | | |

|10. The concept of “theory of the business” comes to us from the celebrated management writer, Peter F. |( True |( False |

|Drucker. | | |

|11. The post-entrepreneurial organisation, having “the power of an elephant with the agility of a dancer,” was |( True |( False |

|conceived by Henry Mintzberg. | | |

|12. The article “Marketing Myopia” is more than 40 years old. |( True |( False |

|13. Peter Senge’s work suggests that strategy emerges on the run; it is rarely planned. |( True |( False |

|14. Chris Argyris wrote The Mind of the Strategist. |( True |( False |

|15. James Brian Quinn has given us the concept of “logical incrementalism.” |( True |( False |

|16. The two books Competitive Strategy and The Competitive Advantage of Nations are by the same author. |( True |( False |

|17. “We like to believe we can break strategy down to Five Forces or Seven S’s. But you can’t. Strategy is |( True |( False |

|extraordinarily emotional and demanding…,” wrote Michael Porter. | | |

|18. Kenichi Ohmae is the author of The Borderless World. |( True |( False |

|19. “Like amoebas dividing in a Petri dish, business can be viewed as an ever-dividing sea of categories,” |( True |( False |

|comes from the author of Future Focus. | | |

|20. “Systems thinking” is the fifth discipline, in Senge’s book, The Fifth Discipline. |( True |( False |


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