Summer School Questionnaire 2002 - Fermilab

Nov 2004


HEP Summer School 2004 – Questionnaire Summary

31 responses received from 57 students.

Averages given (with

Summary of comments.

I have attempted to summarise the comments. The numbers in brackets indicate the number of students who made a similar comment to the one listed.

|Lecture courses |Evans |Philipsen |Davidson |Moretti |

| |(QED) |(QFT) |(SM) |(Phenom.) |

|Number of lectures attended 8 |27 |24 |20 |21 |

|7 |2 |3 |1 |4 |

|6 |1 |2 |5 |2 |

|5 |1 |2 |3 |2 |

| 200 3 |

| |100-200: 10 |

|I think these data are unreliable as some students will have counted advanced undergrad. courses and MSc|20-40: 10 |

|courses, and others won’t. |< 20: 3 |

Comments on academic aspects of the School (e.g. lectures, lecturers, topics, tutorials, tutors, problems, guest lectures, timetable, books, work space, seminar room 1, etc.)


Topics good / interesting (4)

First week topics done before (2)

QFT difficult (1)

QED/QFT excellent (1)

Second week topics done before (1)

Second week lectures poor / confusing (2)

Phenomenology interesting (1)

SM course assumed too much prior knowledge (1)

Level just right (1)

Well-delivered (1)

Hoping to have LHC experiment specific lectures (1)

Provide brief outline of lecture courses to students before school (1)

Lack of CP violation / B physics (1)

More experimental topics – too much theory (1)

Notes useful (1)

Not useful to my research in any way whatsoever (1)


Would like break between two morning lectures (2)

Intensive – but OK / good (4)

Too intensive / too difficult / second week fatigue (3)

Break before dinner good (2)

Would like more discussion sessions (1)

Not enough time to do problems / too many problems (5)

Too much time taken by student seminars (1)

Dinner later & talks before dinner (1)

Good structure – especially group study (1)

Tutors / Tutorials:

Would like theorist / tutor available during private study time (1)

Would like pre-school problems to be covered in tutorials (1)

Problems & tutorials very useful (1)

Number of problems manageable (1)

Tutorial rotation good (1)

Some tutorial problems poor (1)

Make tutorial groups according to prior knowledge (1)


Ringbinder would be more useful than clipboard (1)

Lack of work space for private study (especially when weather poor) (5)

Lack of left-handed tables (1)

Student seminars

Often ran late (2)

Guest lectures

Good / Interesting (4). NuFact talk good / interesting (3). E-science talk boring (1).


Plenty to borrow/share (2). More Aitchison & Hey and Halzen & Martin (1).

Useful to bring Halzen & Martin to the school (1).


Good - well structured / arranged /organised (4)

Preparation before school essential (1)

Comments on domestic arrangements and facilities of the School (e.g. meal times, food, accommodation, service, travel, etc.)


Good / Very good / Perfect / Excellent (16)

Too many spiders (2)

Accom. / Facilities

Good / very good / excellent (4)

Lack of laundry facilities on-site (4)

Prefer single room (1). Shared room too small (1)

Would like Guardian / Independent newspapers (2). More board games in lounge (1)

Very cold (1)


Good / very good / excellent (16)

Chinese & Indian nights – no alternatives provided (1)

Vegetarian meals could be improved (1). Vegetarian meals good (1)

Meal times

Good (2)

Cosener’s staff

Service good (friendy & helpful) (12)


Good (5)

Computing facilities:

Would like 2 ports in shared rooms (1). Problems with wireless LAN (1)

Any other comments

Enjoyed / benefited from school (4)

Prefer school to be earlier / before LTA (1)

Effective way to learn (1)

Provide map of the area to students (1)

PPARC money could be spent on better things (1)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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