Harpswell, Maine

Selectmen’s Meeting MinutesThursday April 8, 2021Approved April 22, 2021Harpswell Town OfficeVia ZoomCall to Order and Pledge of Allegiance: Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm.Selectmen Present: Chairman Kevin E. Johnson, Selectman David I. Chipman and Selectperson Jane G. CoveyStaff Present: Kristi Eiane, Town Administrator; Terri Sawyer, Deputy Town Administrator and Treasurer; Paul Plummer, Harbor Master and Marine Resource Administrator Others Present: State Representative Jay McCreightMembers of the Board, staff and presenters were participating by Zoom. The meeting was also being broadcast live on Harpswell Community Television and live streamed. The Chair read aloud the procedure for how members of the public could participate; such instructions were also included on the published agenda and on the website.Adoption of the Agenda: The agenda was accepted as written.Public Comment: Sheila Menair, Harpswell, sent an email to the Select Board regarding the incorrect dog leashing information in the kiosk at Mitchell Field. Selectman Chipman stated that the sign should be removed until a new sign can be installed.Selectmen’s Announcements: Selectman Chipman read the 9th Amendment to the US Constitution.Town Administrator’s Report:Recommendation for Part-Time Recycling Attendant: Administrator Eiane recommended to the Select Board that the Town hire John Warner as the new part-time recycling attendant. Selectman Chipman moved, seconded by Selectwoman Covey, to hire John Warner at $14 per hour. Motion passed, 3-0.The Town has partnered with the Cumberland Country Sherriff’s Office to host Medication Collection Day on April 24, 2021 at the Town Office from 10-2.Consent Agenda: 1. Approval of the Minutes; 2. Authorization of the Warrants: Selectman Chipman moved, seconded by Selectwoman Covey, to approve the consent agenda [acceptance of the 4/1 minutes; warrant #15 in the amount of $764,412.63 and payroll warrant #14 in the amount of $19,898.65.] Motion passed, 3-0. Contractor Recommendation for Recycling Center Phase 1 Project: Administrator Eiane stated that the Town has received three bids for phase 1 of the Recycling Center project. A recommendation will be made upon further review of the bids by Gorrill-Palmer, the Town’s engineering firm.Sole Sourcing for Capital Road Project Surveying: Administrator Eiane stated that design work for the proposed 2021 capital road project has been ongoing for several months. The Town’s engineering firm, Gorrill-Palmer, has been developing the specifications for the road project in preparation for putting the project out for public bid soon. Gorrill-Palmer does not have an in-house surveyor, so the Town has typically used Midcoast Survey for its surveying needs. Rather than wrap the survey work into the Gorrill-Palmer work scope and have an additional mark-up applied, the survey work was performed separately by Midcoast Survey. Selectman Chipman moved, seconded by Selectwoman Covey, to retroactively sole source the surveying of the capital roads project to Midcoast Survey. Motion passed, 3-0. Sign 2021 Town Meeting Warrant with Attachment: The Select Board was presented with the final proposed June 8 warrant with the attachment containing amendments to the shoreland zoning ordinance, basic land use ordinance and the definitions addendum. These changes ensure that our Town ordinances are in compliance with state regulations. The other ordinance changes are included within the articles, which will show up on the ballot. There was a brief discussion among the Board about the administration building at Mitchell Field, stating that this would be the last opportunity to get approval by the public to get basic rehabilitation started this year. The Board agreed to wait for now and to ask the Mitchell Field Committee to bring forth a suggested use for the building before beginning any rehabilitation. A warrant could be presented in November. Selectwoman Covey moved, seconded by Selectman Chipman, to approve the warrant and the attachment [ordinance amendments to the shoreland zoning ordinance, basic land use ordinance and definitions addendum] and to recommend all articles for the June 8th ballot. Motion passed, 3-0.LD 114 An Act to Address Airboat Operation in the State: State Representative Jay McCreight reviewed LD 114 with the Select Board. LD 114 would regulate the use of airboats. The Board was concerned with over regulating airboats and the effect on the working waterfront. Chairman Johnson suggested involving airboat operators in the process and see if they will regulate their boat noise with mufflers. Selectman Chipman suggested collecting decibel data and putting an emphasis on restoring access to the mudflats through landowners. Harbormaster Plummer added that he believes that the harvesters are underrepresented and should have more of a voice in the process. Plummer also believes that more decibel data should be collected before imposing a decibel limit in legislation. Selectwoman Covey supported Chairman Johnson’s suggestion of involving and educating the harvesters and airboat operators to ensure they aren’t causing unintended noise issues. The Board reached consensus to support certain sections, but to hold off on any support on decibels limitations until the sound study has been done. The Town will work on drafting a document to submit to the appropriate legislative committee.6:30 Public Hearing RE: Mackerel Cove Parking Ordinance Amendments: Deputy Town Administrator Terri Sawyer explained that the ordinance amendment expanded parking enforcement to all items, not only motor vehicles. Sawyer asked the Board to support the changes to the ordinance. Parking ordinances are enforceable by the Sherriff’s Department. The Public Hearing closed at 6:54pm with no public contributions. Selectman Chipman moved, seconded by Selectwoman Covey to accept the Mackerel Cove Parking Ordinance changes. Motion passed, 3-0.Selection of Banking Institution for Tax Anticipation Note (TAN) Financing: Deputy Town Administrator and Treasurer Terri Sawyer stated the Board previously authorized sending a request for bids for TAN financing with a maximum note amount not to exceed $3.4 million. After receiving five total bids, four of which met the requirements set forth by the Town, Sawyer recommended Androscoggin Bank as the Tax Anticipation Notes Financing Lender. Selectman Chipman moved, seconded by Selectwoman Covey, that the vote entitled “Vote to Authorize Issuance of a Tax Anticipation Note for fiscal Year 2021,” be approved in the form presented to this meeting and that an attested copy of said vote be included with the minutes of this meeting, to go with Androscoggin Bank with an interest rate of 1.02% on an as needed basis. A roll call vote went as follows: Chairman Johnson voted, aye; Selectman Chipman voted, aye; and Selectwoman Covey voted, aye. Motion passed, 3-0. Treasurer’s Report: Town Treasurer Terri Sawyer reviewed the Town’s finances for the first quarter of 2021 (attached). Public Comment: None.Other Business: Deputy Town Administrator Terri Sawyer recommended that the Board approve an Orr’s Island wharf lease with Mark Davis. Selectman Chipman moved, seconded by Selectwoman Covey, to approve the lease. Motion passed, 3-0.Administrator Eiane reminded the Board that they will be resuming the every other week meeting schedule, therefore the next Select Board meeting will take place April 22, 2021. The Harpswell Select Board will meeting with the Board of Harpswell TV on April 27, 2021 at 6:30pm via Zoom. On April 21, 2021, the Town will be asking the Planning Board to consider a multi-lot subdivision at Mitchell Field. Running Tide is interested in leasing a second lot, therefore the Town Administrator requested and received the Board’s approval to use Steve Leveque to review the new lease. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:07pm without objection.Respectfully Submitted,Kayla MatthewsRecording SecretaryAttachments: Treasurer’s ReportVote to Authorize Issuance of a Tax Anticipation Note ................

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