
Mr. Goto

Senior Government


Unit Lesson #2 – Chapter Terms (Th. 4/22/04) Half Day

State Standard:

2SS-D6 Develop and defend issues involving civil rights and civil liberties.

Objectives and Expectations for Learning:

The students will review terms from the day before as well as introducing themselves with terms coming up in the chapter.

Anticipatory Set:

Question from yesterday?

Direct Instruction:

In the short time today we are going to look at some of the terms from the chapter. Students may work with a partner to complete the worksheets before class is over.

Guided Practice:

Students will have time to refer to one another as well as ask the teacher for clarification.


Review some of the terms with the class.

Summative Assessment: Worksheets will be collected at the end of class for points.


Bill of Rights The first 10 Amendments of the Constitution.

Civil Liberties Rights and protections given to citizens against the government.

Civil Rights Acts of the government to ensure that constitutional guarantees are a reality for each person.

Alien Foreign born, non-resident.

Due Process Clause A clause that says the government cannot deprive anyone of life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness without due process.

Unemumerated Term used to describe the rights associated with the 9th Amendment.

Limited Government This concept, also one of the six principles of the Constitution, says that a government should not be all-powerful.

Free Exercise Clause This clause gives each person the freedom to believe and follow whatever religion they choose.

Establishment Clause In the words of Thomas Jefferson, this clause states that there will be a "wall between the church and the state."

Fourteenth This amendment, not part of the bill of rights, contains the Due Process Clause.

Libel The false and malicious use of printed words.

Slander The false and malicious use of spoken words.

Shield Laws Laws certain states have giving reporters protection against having to disclose their sources or other confidential information during legal proceedings.

Symbolic Speech A form of expression through conduct, not by spoken words.

First This amendment gives citizens the freedom of speech, religion, press, petition, and assembly.

Picketing Form of expression usually attempting to inform the public of an issue and persuading others to not do business with a particular group.

CIVIL LIBERTIES Name__________________

Period ______


5. Laws certain states have giving reporters protection against having to disclose their sources or other confidential information during legal proceedings.

9. The false and malicious use of printed words.

11. The false and malicious use of spoken words.

12. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, this clause states that there will be a "wall between the church and the state."

14. This amendment gives citizens the freedom of speech, religion, press, petition, and assembly.

15. Rights and protections given to citizens against the government.

16. This concept, also one of the six principles of the Constitution, says that a government should not be all-powerful.


1. This clause gives each person the freedom to believe and follow whatever religion they choose.

2. A clause that says the government cannot deprive anyone of life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness without due process.

3. The first 10 Amendments of the Constitution.

4. Term used to describe the rights associated with the 9th Amendment.

6. This amendment, not part of the bill of rights, contains the Due Process Clause.

7. Acts of the government to ensure that constitutional guarantees are a reality for each person.

8. Form of expression usually attempting to inform the public of an issue and persuading others to not do business with a particular group.

10. Foreign born, non-resident.

13. A form of expression through conduct, not by spoken words.


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