Season 3 – Week 2 / Episode 2

Save as Cat LastName

|Name of Product | |

|Entrepreneur Offer | |

|How many drawings per hour? | |

|Sales (How many sold)? | |

|How did he advertise? | |

|Shark Offer(s) | |

|Is the product sold on Internet | |

|IF YES -- (Copy/Paste website) and Price | |

|Name of product | |

|Entrepreneur Offer | |

|Sales to date? | |

|Who is his biggest customer? | |

|What did he do wrong? | |

|Shark Offer(s) | |

|Is the product sold on Internet | |

|IF YES -- (Copy/Paste website) and Price | |

|Product Name | |

|Entrepreneur Offer | |

|What does his product include? | |

|How much did he earn last year? | |

|Shark Offer(s) | |

|Is the product sold on Internet | |

|IF YES -- (Copy/Paste website) and Price | |

|Product Name | |

|Entrepreneur Offer | |

|How much will this product support (hold)? | |

|Cost to create item? | |

|How would investment ($$) be used? | |

|Why does he insist on manufacturing the product in the United States? | |

|Shark Offer(s) | |

|Is the product sold on Internet | |

|IF YES -- (Copy/Paste website) and Price | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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