Element T-Shirt Rubric

Element T-shirt Research Project

Due Monday December 17, 2012

Your job is to design a t-shirt for your assigned element. Your t-shirt should contain the following information:

First, give a thorough description of the element:

• the name of the element

• the atomic number

• the atomic mass

• the chemical symbol

• a diagram of the atom (be sure to include protons, neutrons, and electrons)

• chemical/physical properties

Next, include where the element can be found:

• the period and group/family in which it is found (include group name, if applicable)

• is it a metal, nonmetal, metalloid, or noble gas?

• do some research and find out some uses of the element

Challenge yourself:

• Who discovered the element?

• When was it discovered?

• Where was it discovered?

• origin of name

The t-shirt must be neat, organized, and contain all of the above information. You will need to do some research on your element. Here are some resources:

• You may use an encyclopedia or other approved resources!

Directions for making an atomic model

Step 1: Find out the number of protons in an atom of your element. (# protons = atomic number)

Step 2: Find the number of electrons. By definition, atoms have no overall electrical charge. That means that there must be a balance between the positively charged protons and the negatively charged electrons. Atoms must have equal numbers of protons and electrons.

Then place electrons in their shells:

Shell 1: 2 electrons

Shell 2: 8 electrons

Shell 3: 18 electrons

Shell 4: 32 electrons

Shell 5: 32 electrons

Shell 6: 18 electrons

Shell 7: 8 electrons

Step 3: Find the number of neutrons. The atomic weight is basically a measurement of the total number of particles in an atom’s nucleus. To find the mass number, round the atomic weight to the next whole number.

(atomic mass) = (# protons) + (# neutrons)

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|Element T-Shirt Rubric |

|Student Name:     ________________________________________ |

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|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Organization |The t-shirt is exceptionally|The t-shirt is organized in |The t-shirt is acceptably |The t-shirt is disorganized |

| |organized in terms of |terms of design, layout and |organized though parts of it|in terms of design, layout, |

| |design, layout, and |neatness. |may be disorganized. |and neatness. |

| |neatness. | | | |

|Content - Accuracy |At least 7 accurate facts |5-6 accurate facts are |3-4 accurate facts are |Less than 3 accurate facts |

| |are displayed on the |displayed on the t-shirt. |displayed on the t-shirt. |are displayed on the |

| |t-shirt. | | |t-shirt. |

|Grammar |There are no grammatical |There is 1 grammatical |There are 2 grammatical |There are more than 2 |

| |mistakes on the t-shirt. |mistake on the t-shirt. |mistakes on the t-shirt. |grammatical mistakes on the |

| | | | |t-shirt. |

|Required Elements |The t-shirt includes all |All required elements are |All but 1 of the required |Several required elements |

| |required elements as well as|included on the t-shirt. |elements are included on the|were missing. |

| |additional information. | |t-shirt. | |

|Knowledge Gained |Student can accurately |Student can accurately |Student can accurately |Student appears to have |

| |answer all questions related|answer most questions |answer about 75% of |insufficient knowledge about|

| |to facts in the t-shirt and |related to facts in the |questions related to facts |the facts or processes used |

| |processes used to create the|t-shirt and processes used |in the t-shirt and processes|in the t-shirt. |

| |t-shirt. |to create the t-shirt. |used to create the t-shirt. | |

Element Project Organizer

(Keep in science folder until project is complete)

|Task |Information |Suggested Due Date |

| | |11/13/12 |

|My element is… | | |

|Research: Atomic number, mass, symbol, and | |11/15/12 |

|properties | | |

| | |11/17/12 |

|Research: period, group, metal? Etc. | | |

| | |11/19/12 |

|Research: uses, discovery info… | | |

| | |11/24/12 |

|Design model of atom | | |

| | |11/26/12 |

|Design t-shirt | | |

| | |11/28/12 |

|Edit design | | |

| | |12/4/12 |

|Create final t-shirt | | |

|Prepare for presentation | |12/6/12 |

|Practice presentation | |12/8/12 |

|Check rubric | |12/9/12 |

|Final project due | |December 10, 2012 |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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