Immigration Policy and Immigrant Politics

Group Discussion Issues to consider re: Immigration Policy

1. What is the common ideology shaping the public’s views of immigration (& much immigration policy) – esp. “Intransigent Nativism” and “Forced Assimilation” – and how does that lead to “reactive ethnicity” (rather than assimilation). Also, compare common beliefs about immigration with “”Selective Acculturation” and the Reality of the Political-Economy of Immigration (esp. labor markets historical roots, social networks, etc.). What problems does this disconnect cause? (P& R ch. 9)

2. How are benefits of migration privatized and costs privatized? Who benefits & who loses from current policies? (P& R ch. 9) How does this compare with “local compacts” as way to shared costs among beneficiaries (noted by Dunn web rdg.)? What is future of immigration & ethnic politics in US, in view of P&R (ch. 9)?

3. What do Portes & Rumbaut recommend as alternatives for US Immigration Policy & why (for 1st generation & 2nd generation)? What sort of regulated labor program for temporary labor migration, for undocumented immigrants, for sending communities & families in home countries, for children of immigrants in US (how to promote “selective acculturation”) (P& R ch. 9).

4. How do Dunn’s (web rdg.) alternative policies compare with P&R’s (similarities and differences)? What does he call for to address Pull conditions in US and Push Conditions in sending countries (esp. Mexican and Central America)? How might human rights oriented policy actually be more effective than current policies?

5. How do Obama’s recent temporary legalization measures (DACA and PACA) fit with P& R, Dunn’s and Miller’s ideas for immigration policy? Why did Obama propose these & who i& how many are affected & how does it help their daily lives? What have courts ruled on DAPA thus far? What is US public opinion on what to with undocumented immigrants in the US? (Ruelas et al web rdg.)?

6. What is the recent EU-Turkey deal? What does it do to refugees from Syria and other middle eastern countries? What does it do for the EU, and Turkey? What are likely effects in terms of human rights and diversion to other routes? Does it address push conditions? (Naylor et al. web rdg.)

7. How are the various immigration deportation programs like a Monster that needs continual feeding? How much has Ice Detention system budge & capacity expanded in recent years? What are “Operation Streamline” and the “Secure Communities” program? What are problems with them? (Miller Ch 8).

8. How has South Carolina become a “border police state” & spurred “Self-Deportation”? Why have immigrants moved there in recent decades (what is role immigrant labor), and how has increasing immigration enforcement affected their lives, even of those living there many years, what is “entrapment”? What is role of dehumanization? What new laws has SC state govt. implemented? What would anti-immigrant law sponsor like to see instead for policy? What is irony of anti-immigrant older whites, often migrants, and role of immigrant labor for them? (Miller Ch. 9)

9. What has happened to Miller’s home town near in recent years? How has deindustrialization harmed Miller’s home town (Niagara Fall, NY) and how has increasing border enforcement resources changed it? What does willingness to spend ever more on immigration & border enforcement say about US, when compared to cuts in spending on services for local residents there & elsewhere [national security or human security] ? How are Border Patrol agents dehumanized & why is it important to humanize them (as well as immigrants)? Why are many BP uncomfortable with their job? What are signs of resistance to current immigration deportation regime? How are elite interests harming citizens and immigrants? How may NAFTA be criminal? (Miller Ch. 10)

10. How do migrants from Central America turn space into places of living / communities? What sense of human agency do they express? How do “weak statges” of Cent. Am. Make migration more likely? (Jonas and Rodriguez, Ch. 6)


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