(Content Standard #3)


You are to draw, color and label The Chloroplast on page 208 Figure 8-6; TITLE: The Chloroplast: An Energy Organelle; The chloroplast only (& the leaf). Be sure to include labels. You can do this on a half sheet of paper or a ¼ sheet.


You will be given a handout that looks like figure 8-7 page 209; You will need to COLOR your handout. Add the following information to your handout (you can make a small foldable tab or you can write this near your glued in handout….

Stroma- Where light INDEPENDENT reactions (the Calvin Cycle) takes place; Thylakoids- Where Light DEPENDENT reactions take place;


Make a small foldable with this on the outside: Where in a plant does photosynthesis occur?

On the inside: Photosynthesis takes place within the chloroplasts…which are found in the cells of the plant’s LEAVES!


Make a 3 tab foldable with the following headings on the outside of each tab:

-OUTSIDE: Photosynthesis


-INSIDE: Write out the word equation for photosynthesis…be sure to label the reactant side and the product side; you may want to refer to page 206;

Carbon Dioxide + Water ( Glucose + Oxygen


Reactants Products

-OUTSIDE: Photosynthesis


-INSDIE: Write out the formula equation for photosynthesis…be sure to label the reactant side and the product side; you may want to refer to page 206;

-OUTSIDE: Photosynthesis


-INSIDE: To CAPTURE ENERGY from SUNLIGHT so that plants, algae, & certain bacteria can produce sugar/GLUCOSE


Word Equation


Formula Equation



Cellular Respiration

Word Equation

Cellular Respiration

Formula Equation

Cellular Respiration



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