Common Responses to High Stress and_or Trauma Self Test

Common Responses to High Stress and/or TraumaSelf Test: Put a check beside the responses that describe you.After experiencing a traumatic event, or in response to cumulative stressors, it is common -- and normal -- to experience a wide range of emotional, cognitive, physical, and spiritual reactions. These responses may appear immediately after the event(s) or some time later. These are normal reactions to abnormal situations. The following are some of the most common responses:EmotionalCheckReaction(s)FearTerrorAnxietyPanic / ParanoiaAnger / RageApprehensionDepressionVengefulnessShameGuiltSadnessGriefEmotional shockEmotional outburstsLoss of emotional controlFeelings of hopelessness or helplessnessFeeling numbIrritabilityCOURAGECognitive (Thinking)CheckReaction(s)ConfusionNightmaresHyper-vigilanceSuspiciousnessFlashbacksOverly sensitiveDifficulty making decisions, spaceyPoor concentrationMemory problemsShortened attention spanCritical, blamingPoor problem solving and abstract thinkingPreoccupied with the event(s): inability to recall all or parts of the eventDisoriented to person, place or timeHeightened or lowered awarenessBehavioral (doing)CheckReaction(s)WithdrawalSelf-harmOverworkAntisocial actsInability to rest, pacingHyper-alertnessErratic movementSuspiciousnessEmotional outburstsChange in speech patternsIncreased alcohol/drug useAvoiding places related to the eventDifficulty writing or talkingImpaired sexual functioningLoss or increase of appetiteFeeling clumsyDomestic ViolenceCARING FOR OTHERSPhysicalCheckReaction(s)Thirst/dry mouthTwitchesVomitingWeaknessChest painHigh BPRapid heart rateMuscle tremorsVisual difficultiesNausea/diarrheaShallow breathingDizziness or faintnessChills or sweatingEasily startledFatigueChanges in appetiteSleep disturbancesHeadachesGrinding teethInability to restSpiritualCheckReaction(s)EmptinessLoss of meaningDoubtFeeling unforgivenMartyrdom, feeling punishedLooking for magicLoss of directionCynicismApathyNeeding to “prove” selfAlienatedMistrustCrisis of faithGROWTHSocietal EffectsCheckReaction(s)ApathySilence/impaired communicationAggressive behaviorIsolationLack of empathyDenialLow energy/low productivityInflexibilityHigh rates of alcoholism, drug abuseHigh rates of (untreated) mental health issues (depression, sexual dysfunction, etc.)High rates of stress- related health issues (and medication use)Intergenerational transmission of painSPIRITUAL GROWTH, WISDOMAdapted from the work of Jim Norman, M.ED, C.T.S Oklahoma City, OK Copyright ? 2016 Eastern Mennonite University ................

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