Goodnight Mister Tom Questions - Seomra Ranga

Scoil Phádraig NS Craanford Class Novel Questions Goodnight Mister Tom

Chapter One-Meeting 9-21

1) Why did Tom give Willie a pencil?  

2) Where did Willie go for a walk?

3) How is Willie Beech described in this first chapter?  

4) What did Tom spot on the boy’s leg?  

5) Which person did Willie meet on his walk?

6) Why do you think that Willie fainted?  

7) Where were Tom’s wife and son?

8) Why were the children being evacuated?

9) Why did Willie pick up a branch?

10 What kind of “home life” do you think that Willie Beech had in London?

Chapter Two-Weirwold 22-36

1) What did Tom ask Mrs. Fletcher to make?  

2) What did Mr. Oakley point out to Willie in the hallway?

3) What was the purpose of the chamber pot?  

4) What did Tom order for from Ivor?  

5) How did Willie compare in size to Ivor’s daughter?

6) What was the purpose of the “blackouts”?  

7) Which two pieces of Willie’s clothes were sewn together?

8) Where did Willie crawl to sleep?

9) What was the tone of the mother’s letter?

10) How, do you think, is Willie settling in?

Chapter Three-Saturday Morning 37-49

1) Where did Tom find Willie the next morning?  

2) Where did they go that same morning?

3) What was the doctor’s diagnosis?  

4) Why were the Littles digging?  

5) What did Tom and Willie pass on the way home?

6) Why did a crowd gather at one particular house?  

7) What did Mrs. Miller give to Willie?

8) Why did Mrs. Ruddles give out to them?

9) Why did the village people look anxious?

10) How would you describe Little Weirwold?

Chapter Four-Equipped 50-63

1) What did Mr. Oakley buy for Willie in the newsagents?  

2) What comment did the draper make about the boy?

3) How did Mr. Oakley feel about the art shop?

4) What did the shop placards mention?

5) Where did Mr. Tom “join “the boy up?

6) Why did they run into the house?

7) Why didn’t Willie sleep “in “the bed?

8) What did they have for tea that evening?

9) Who called over to Mr. Tom?

10) What did Willie dream about as he fell asleep?


Chapter Five-“Chamberlain announces” 64-75

1) What did Mr. Tom point out to Willie?  

2) Why did they have to wash the bedclothes?

3) What had Mrs. Fletcher brought over the previous night?  

4) How did Willie help in the church?  

5) Why do you think it was that Willie hated crowds?

6) Why was there a wireless in the church?  

7) What announcement was made over the wireless?

8) What job did Mr. Fletcher ask Willie to do?

9) How did Mr. Tom avoid embarrassment for Willie?

10) What was an Anderson?

Chapter Six-Zach 76-86

1) What was Zach’s full name?  

2) What did Zach say he would do for Willie?

3) What does a ‘recluse’ mean? 

4) Who spotted Mr. Tom as he tried to slip in unnoticed?  

5) Who was sitting in front of Mr. Thatcher?

6) What was given to the volunteers?

7) What did Mrs. Miller volunteer to do?

8) Where was the first aid post going to be?

9) What did Tom volunteer to do?

10) What did Willie dream about that night?

Chapter Seven-An Encounter over Blackberries 87-97

1) Where did Tom bring Willie that morning? 

2) Who won the race?

3) Name two things that grow in the field?

4) What did Zach notice about Willie’s hair?

5) What was the small problem?

6) Who was waiting at the corner with their baskets?

7) Who held an empty bucket and a small bag?

8) Who was playing at the front of the house?

9) Who put down the bucket?

10) Who left home to go for tea?

Chapter Eight-School 98-106

1) What did Willie have for lunch?

2) Who was standing outside the village hall?

3) Which class would Mrs. Black have?

4) What question did Zach ask Willie?

5) Was Willie the only older child who couldn’t read?

6) What did Willie practice at school?  

7) What did Tom tell Willie to do before supper?

8) What did Tom decide to teach Willie?

9) What happened when Willie started to write? What did Willie think happened to people who copied?

10) Why did Mr. Ruddles come along to give out?


Chapter Nine-Birthday Boy 107-115

1) Why had they decided that Willie should get up a little earlier?  

2) What had Tom expected Willie to ask about?

3) Where did Tom put the parcels?  

4) How did Willie feel on his morning run?  

5) Who was buried by the oak tree?

6) Why did Tom meet Willie outside school at lunchtime?  

7) Why were people surprised to see Tom visiting them?

8) In which cottage was the party?

9) What did Zach ask Willie for the future, when he would be a famous author?

10) What happened to Willie after everyone had left?

Chapter Ten-The Case 116-132

1) How did May Thorne surprise the people of Little Weirwold?  

2) How did Zach describe her bicycle?

3) Why did some parents take back their evacuated children?  

4) What did Mrs. Little remind the children of, as they went up to Zach’s room?  

5) What did George ask Zach when the case arrived?

6) What were Zach’s “taps”?  

7) What was the result (In Mrs. Little’s hands) of the dancing demonstration?

8) Why was Willie reluctant to invite the group over to his bedroom?

9) How was Willie feeling when he got back to Mister Tom’s?

10) What was worrying him? 

Chapter Eleven-Friday 133-144

1) Which sounds disturbed Mrs. Fletcher from her weeding?  

2) How had Willie’s room changed since he first stayed there?

3) What was the other children’s reaction to Willie’s drawings?  

4) What was George’s attitude to school and learning?  

5) What was Zach bursting to tell the others?

6) What exciting activity did George suggest?  

7) What did Tom clean on Willie’s arm?

8) Why did Willie feel different when he woke up the next day?

9) How would you describe the way Mr. Tom looks after Willie Beech?

10) Which mysterious and scary place is mentioned in this chapter?

Chapter Twelve-The Show must go on 145-156

1) How did Mr. Tom help out others around the village?  

2) What stunned everyone at the rehearsals one afternoon?

3) How did Willie mentally prepare himself to play the stand-in part?  

4) What did the others think of Willie’s performance at practice?  

5) Which two children from the play had gone home that morning?

6) How did Willie feel about his new role in the play?  

7) What news did they hear about Mr. Bush as they left the rehearsal?

8) What was Mr. Tom doing when Willie got back from rehearsals?

9) What had Mr. Tom been asked to do?

10) What had Willie and Mr. Tom’s son got in common?


Chapter Thirteen-Carol Singing 157-161

1) What was Willie practicing in his room?  

2) Why did George think that someone else was there with Willie?

3) What did the scowl on Mr. Tom’s face mean to Willie?  

4) What instructions did Mr. Tom give to the singers?  

5) What did Willie picture in his mind to help him sing one of the carols?

6) Why did the singers not join in at first?  

7) What did Mr. Tom play for Willie after the other singers had left?

8) How did Mr. Tom describe the singing as they first began?

9) What job did Edward have to do in the morning?

10) How did Willie feel about the tune that Mr. Tom played for him?

Chapter Fourteen-New Beginnings 162-174

1) Why was Lucy feeling miserable?  

2) Where did Willie sit?

3) Why was Fred moved to the front?  

4) Which job did Patsy have for the week?  

5) What did Carrie ask Mrs. Hartridge during the break?

6) Why was Ginnie feeling a little hurt?  

7) Where did Zach suggest that they should eat their big lunch?

8) Which scene did Willie draw?

9) What expedition did Willie and his friends plan?

10) What news was in the letter from Willie’s mammy?  

Chapter Fifteen-Home 175-193

1) Why hadn’t Tom and Willie really spoken on the journey into Weirwold?  

2) What had Tom tried to persuade Willie’s mother to do?

3) How long had Willie been at Mister Tom’s?  

4) What was the cloud of smoke in the distance?  

5) Why was Willie relieved that he could look out the window?

6) What did Willie show to the soldier on the train?  

7) What Type of welcome did his mother have for him?

8) What was the surprise back at the house?

9) How did Will’s mother react to the presents? Where did she put Will after he was walloped?

10) Why did a wave of despair was over Will?

Chapter Sixteen-The Search 194-205

1) What nightmare did Mr. Tom have one night after Will had gone back?  

2) What did Mr. Tom ask Mrs. Fletcher to do?

3) What question did he ask her about the trains?  

4) Why did the ticket man not understand Mr. Tom?  

5) Which loud sound went off just after Mr. Tom got to Deptford?

6) Where did everyone go?  

7) Who was very helpful to Mr. Tom in locating Will?

8) How did Sammy behave at the door of Number 12?

9) What greeted Tom and the others when they broke in?

10) Where did Sammy run to when they went in?  

Chapter Seventeen-Rescue 206-226

1) What did Mr.Tom and the others discover under the stairs?  

2) What did Tom say to one of the ambulance crew?

3) How did they persuade Will to loosen his grip on the baby?  

4) Where did Mr. Tom sit while Will was in the children’s ward?  

5) Where did the warden take Mr.Tom for a cup of tea?

6) What decision had Mr. Tom made about Will?  

7) How did Mr. Tom feel about the psychiatrist?

8) What happened as Tom drew back the sheets on Will’s bed?

9) To which house did Mr. Tom bring Will?

10) Which sores would take longest to heal, according to Dr.Little?

Chapter Eighteen-“Recovery” 227-243

1) Describe the horrible dream did Will have on his first night back?  

2) What did Mr. Tom say to Will about screaming?

3) What did Will’s terrifying scream remind Mr. Tom of?  

4) What did Will mean by the term “Lovey dovey”?  

5) How did Zach make Will blush?

6) Where did Will go on the last Saturday in June?  

7) Why was he reluctant to make this journey?

8) How did Will feel holding Peggy?

9) What did Peggy’s feeding make Will realise?

10) Why was Zach waiting for Mr. Tom and Will when they returned?  

Chapter Nineteen-The Sea, the sea, the Sea! 244-260

1) Where did Mr. Tom take Zach and Will?  

2) What type of bicycle did Mr. Tom have?

3) Where was Will drawn to, like a magnet?  

4) Which food did Will eat for the first time in Mrs. Clarence’s house?  

5) Why did Zach rename the village where they were on holidays?

6) What helped Will go into the sea?  

7) How did the three spend their days on their holidays?

8) What was on the living room table when they got home?

9) What news had Carrie to tell Zach?

10) What did Zach wish to be when he grew up?

Chapter Twenty-Spooky Cott 261-273

1) What did the children find at Spooky Cott?  

2) What injuries did the man have?

3) What was Mr. Sandereton’s hobby?  

4) Which sound did the children hear as they approached the cottage?  

5) What did Gregory give to Will to show his skill?

6) What did Will sketch?  

7) What caught Will and Zach’s interest as they went home?

8) What news had the “visitors” in Mr. Tom’s house?

9) Where did Will think of hiding if he had to go to a home?

10) What was the result of the visit?

Chapter Twenty One-Back to School 274-281

1) Why was Zach worried about the Nazi’s bombing?  

2) Why was Carrie Thatcher wearing a new uniform?

3) What did the letters A.F.S. stand for?  

4) Who were Will and Zach delighted to see in school?  

5) Why did Aunt Nance call to collect Zach from school?

6) What did Zach give to Will to keep for him?  

7) What did the 8 o’clock news say on Will’s birthday?

8) What did Zach leave in a parcel for Will?

9) Why did the Littles call to Mister Tom’s a couple of days later?

10) How did Will react to the news?

Chapter Twenty Two-Grieving 282-295

1) How did Will feel in the weeks after Zach’s death?  

2) What did Will say repeatedly to Mr. Sanderton?

3) Why were more and more evacuees arriving in Weirwold?  

4) Who else missed Zach very much?  

5) What improvement had Geoffrey Sanderton?

6) Which picture of Zach came into Will’s mind?  

7) Why did Will shout out at God in the forest?

8) Why was Aunt Nance surprised to see Will?

9) What did Will ask from the Littles when he called over?

10) How did Will feel after the play?  

Postscript 296-304

1) Which planting campaign was under way?  

2) What did Will wear during the chores?

3) What was Mrs. Thatcher’s (Carrie’s mother) attitude to reading?  

4) Where did Will and Carrie decide to go?  

5) Why did Carrie want to change her clothes?

6) How did Mrs. Hartridge react to seeing her on the tandem?  

7) How did Carrie feel about High School?

8) What did Will notice about the peg that evening?

9) How did Mr. Tom look to Will as he gave him some tea?

10) What thought occurred to Will that evening?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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