Digestion, Energy and Metabolism Practice Questions

Digestion, Energy and Metabolism Practice Questions

True or False:

1. Digestion begins after you swallow food.

2. Digestion includes both mechanical and chemical actions.

3. Vitamins and minerals are not digested.

4. Hydrochloric acid is used in digestion.

5. Saliva breaks down fats.

6. Proteins are the first nutrient to be digested.

7. Nutrients can pass directly from the small intestine to the rest of the body.

8. Most digestion occurs in the large intestine.

9. The digestive tract in also known as the alimentary canal.

10. Saliva is a gastric fluid.

11. Most people would probably feel comfortable with 3 liters of food in their stomach.

12. The digestive process can take 12-48h

13. Calorie needs are determined by basal metabolic rate and voluntary activities

14. Plants are the original source of all energy.

15. A rapid heartbeat and respiration rate indicate that a creature has a high overall metabolism.

16. Age has no affect on metabolic rate.

17. Catabolism releases energy.

18. Carbohydrates spend 3-5 hours in the stomach.

19. Proteins spend 1-2 hours in the stomach.

20. Fats spend up to 7 hours in the stomach

Write the word(s) that best answers the question

21. What is the name of the muscular contractions that break down food? _____________________

21. When food leaves the stomach, what is it called? ____________________________

21. In what section of the digestive tract is waste material collected? _____________________________

21. What structure keeps food from rising out of the stomach? _____________________________

21. What process gradually breaks down foods to free nutrients for the body to use? ____________________

21. What fluid is secreted in the mouth to help break down food? __________________________

21. What is the name for the mechanical process of chewing food? ___________________________

21. What organ is responsible for creating bile? ___________________________

21. What forms a barrier for the windpipe (trachea) when you swallow? _______________________

21. What component of gastric fluid protects the stomach lining from other components? _________________

21. What structure keeps food from rushing from the stomach into the small intestine? ____________________

21. Where is bile stored? ____________________

21. The process of metabolism that breaks down complex molecules into simpler ones_____________________

21. What does B.M.R stand for?_______________________________________________________

21. The process of metabolism that combines molecules during chemical processes in order to build the materials of living tissue_____________________________

21. When the body sweats to lower its internal temperature and prevent overheating it is an example of the body maintaining _________________________________

21. Excess energy taken in, that the body does not use, gets stored as _________________________


Answer the following:

38. List 4 things a healthy metabolism does for your body.

38. In what order are nutrients digested and absorbed?

38. Calculate your BMR

38. Label the following diagram

• Small intestine

• Liver

• Stomach

• Gall bladder

• Pancreas

• Mouth

• Large intestine

• Esophagus

• Draw and label the cardiac sphincter and pyloric sphincter


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