Republican River Water Conservation District


Please run for 2 weeks

For Immediate Release

Date: May 4, 2020

Contact: Deb Daniel, General Manager


Republican River Water Conservation District to Hold Quarterly Board Meeting

The Board of Directors of the Republican River Water Conservation District will be holding their regular quarterly board meeting via video conference using Zoom as the virtual meeting platform. The date, time, and location of the meeting and a summary of the agenda for the meeting are provided below.

Regular Meeting of the RRWCD Board

Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Time: 10:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Location: Registration for the meeting is required in advance and can be done through the link provided on our website: . First you will need to download Zoom onto your computer. Once you have registered for the upcoming RRWCD meeting, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Please note, Zoom has implemented several security improvements. We will be using the waiting room feature – each person connecting to the meeting will first arrive in a virtual space and then will be admitted to the meeting. We will also be using the mute/un-mute and chat options available on Zoom. Please become familiar with these options prior to the start of the meeting

Agenda: Consider and potentially approve minutes of previous special Board meeting, February 18, 2020, the executive session minutes from the February 18, 2020 meeting and the minutes from the March 27, 2020 Board teleconference meeting. Reports to be given include: Board President’s report, pipeline operator’s report and reports from Board committees and associated organizations. Receive a report by State Engineer Kevin Rein and update reports from the RRWCD’s engineer, conservation program specialist, federal and state lobbyists and legal counsels. Receive presentations by Kindra Bradner, from NRCS, on the 2020 EQIP program and on the 2018 Farm Bill, Alex Funk, from CWCB on funding opportunities for the District and Jayla Poppleton, from Water Education Colorado, giving an overview of the organization and the current activities and opportunities the WEco is pursuing. Discuss and vote on payment in lieu of taxes to Yuma County on the Dryden property and on the 2020 membership to WEco. The public comment session will be held at 1:00 PM.

If necessary, the RRWCD Board of Directors will hold an executive session to receive legal advice on legal questions and litigation concerning South Fork water rights; to discuss and determine positions, develop strategies, and instruct negotiators concerning the purchase or lease of water rights; determine positions and instruct negotiators concerning water supply acquisition, receive legal advice on legal questions related to such agreements, contracts and easements, discuss program applications; the Compact Compliance Pipeline, Bonny Reservoir and personnel matters

For further information concerning the details of this meeting, please contact:

Deb Daniel, General Manager

Republican River Water Conservation District

Phone 970-332-3552 Email deb.daniel@

RRWCD Website


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