A symbol is an

A symbol is an _________________________, _________________________, _________________________, or _________________________ that stands for something more than itself.

In literature, symbols add _______________________________________________________________ to a work.

- A writer might take a regular object or event and make it stand for some ____________________________________________.

- Sometimes a symbol is associated with a _____________________________________________.

In “The Scarlet Ibis,” notice similarities and links between one character and a ______________.

- Pay attention to how the author makes a symbolic connection between the character and the bird.

- This symbolism can help _____________________________________________________________ of the character.

An inference is an ____________________________________________________ about what the writer is trying to say.

- Inferences are based on your own ______________________ knowledge and ________________________ from the text.


One way to make better inferences is to notice important details in the story.

- Details may seem insignificant at first, but many writers choose details carefully to help _____________________________ a certain _________________________ or ___________________________.

- __________________________, _____________________________, names, times, objects, animals, and clothing – almost any little thing can help you make _____________________________ about meaning.

Pay attention to details as you read “The Scarlet Ibis,” and practice making inferences. Keep track of the little things:

Quickwrite – With a partner, brainstorm at least FIVE symbols, that were not mentioned in the lecture, and their meanings

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________




• Descriptions

• Setting

• Dialogue

• About how stories work

• About your own life experience




Name ____________________________________________________________


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