CDS II 2020 English Paper: Solution - Gradeup

CDS II 2020 English Paper: Solution

1. Ans. B. Idiom' Roll your sleeves up' means to prepare for hard work. 2. Ans. C. 'Cost a bomb' means to be very expensive. 3. Ans. D. Idiom' With Heavy Heart' means with pain and regret. 4. Ans. B. Idiom 'Around the corner' means an event or thing which is going to happen soon. 5. Ans. A. Idiom' Cupboard love' means loving someone to get something from the person. 6. Ans. B. Idiom 'Cut the cord' means to stop needing someone else to look after you and start acting independently. 7. Ans. A. Idiom' Cut and run' means to avoid a difficult situation by leaving suddenly. 8. Ans. A. Idiom 'Take a stand' means to publicly express an opinion about something. 9. Ans. D. Idiom' French leave' means absent from work without asking for permission. 10. Ans. A. Idiom Get the jitters means - feeling anxious.


11. Ans. A.

The correct and complete sentence is - An exploration into truth should be the beginning of all searches for knowledge and experiments of life.

12. Ans. D.

The correct and complete sentence is - Indian cinema stands as a testimony of Indian social, political and cultural life during the last century.

13. Ans. A.

The correct and complete sentence is - It appears that all that can be invented has been invented.

14. Ans. A.

The correct and complete sentence is - History is considered as a record of the achievements, experiments and suffering of humans.

15. Ans. C.

The correct and complete sentence is - Stories can exercise the immigration of children because they tell more than the stories.

16. Ans. A.

The correct and complete sentence is - Even as more and more Indians are travelling, a recent survey has revealed that they are worried about their safety.

17. Ans. B.

The correct and complete sentence is - Operations strategy in service firms is generally inseparable from the corporate strategy.

18. Ans. D.

The correct and complete sentence is - How we manage productive resources is critical to strategic growth and competitiveness.

19. Ans. A.

The correct and complete sentence is - The origin of life is considered a unique event in the history of universe.

20. Ans. B. 2

The correct and complete sentence is -Evolutionary Biology is the study of history of life forms on earth. 21. Ans. C. Option C 'a has been' is the correct usage. 22. Ans. B. Option B 'glitters' is the correct usage. 23. Ans. A. Option A- 'formal' is the correct usage. 24. Ans. A. 'Extant' is the correct usage. Extant means still in existence; surviving. 25. Ans. B. 'bade' is the correct usage as the sentence is talking about the past and the past tense of bade is bid. 26. Ans. D. Option D - 'asked' is the correct usage. 27. Ans. A. 'broke' is the correct usage because broke means having completely run out of money. 28. Ans. A. 'came across' is the correct usage because the sentence is in the past tense. 29. Ans. B. 'most powerful members' is the correct usage as ten is plural and most is used when referring to greatest in amount or degree 30. Ans. A. 'had found' is the correct usage as it matches with the tense of the sentence.


31. Ans. D.

SPRQ- As you read this sentence, perhaps sitting in a comfortable chair in your study, you would probably consider yourself at rest. But you are really not, because the Milky Way galaxy, of which you are a part, is moving through space at 2.1 million kilometers an hour. And that is without taking into account the effects of earth's rotation on its own axis, its orbiting around the sun and sun's journey around the Milky Way. So, in roughly twenty second that it would have taken you to read this paragraph, you have already moved thousands of kilometers.

32. Ans. A.

QSRP- Due to the increase in kinetic energy, the particles start vibrating with greater speed. The energy supplied by heat overcomes the forces of attraction between the particles. The particles leave their fixed positions and start moving more freely. A stage is reached when the solid melts and is converted to a liquid.

33. Ans. B.

RSPQ- It also uses up energy and helps to prevent large amounts of fat building up in the body. Exercise can increase your fitness in three ways. It can improve your strength; make your body more flexible and less likely to suffer from sprain. It can also improve your endurance.

34. Ans. A.

RSQP- They disagree about how they should live. Who should get what? How should power and other resource be distributed? Should society be based on cooperation or conflict? And so on. They also disagree about how such matters should be resolved, how collective decision should be made and who should have a say. For Aristotle politics is an attempt to create a good society because politics is, above all, a social activity.

35. Ans. A.

QRSP- The problems we see are because we have undermined these links over decades. First, rain and snowfall are the only sources of water ? about 99%. In the four months of monsoon, there are about 30-35 downpours and the challenge is to hold this water in systems that can last us over 365 days. Thick forests make for excellent catchments.

36. Ans. C.

QRSP- For example, burrows and earthworms make burrows and worm casts. This act of earthworms affects the soil, and therefore the plants


growing in it. Rabbit's fleas carry the virus which causes myxomatosis, so they can affect the size of the rabbit population. This can also affect the population of fox, if foxes depend on rabbits for food.

37. Ans. A.

PSRQ- They help to maintain the balance of biological activities in the body. The role of insulin in keeping the blood glucose level within the narrow limit is an example of this function. On the other hand, hormone glucagon tends to increase the glucose level in the blood. Insulin is released in response to the rapid rise in blood glucose level.

38. Ans. C.

RSPQ- Within this discipline, molecular biology and DNA studies have been used to understand hominid evolution. Hominid evolution answers the questions about what ancient people looked like, and to plot patterns of migration. Bones provide a great information. The distribution of faunal remains (animal bones) at a site can indicate which areas were used for butchering, cooking, eating, bone tool making and refuse dumping.

39. Ans. D.

QPRS- The non-debt receipts comprise of tax revenue, non-tax revenue, recovery of loans and disinvestment receipts. Debt receipts mostly consist of market borrowing and other liabilities which the government is obliged to repay in the future. The outcomes as reflected in the Provisional Actual figures is lower than the budget estimate owing reduction in the net tax revenue. The Budget 2018-19 targeted significantly high growth in nondebt receipts of the Central Government, which was driven by robust growth.

40. Ans. B.

RQSP- Given the commitments that India has made on the climate front as a nation and on environmental aspects, it is likely that larger and larger share of automobile sector would be in the form of electric vehicles. According to NITI Aayog (2019), if India reaches an electric vehicles sales penetration, emission and oil savings can be achieved. This presents a great opportunity for the automobile industry as the demand for automobiles would only increase. It also provides us an opportunity to grow as manufacturer of electric vehicles.

41. Ans. A.



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