Total Quality Management ProjectProject Requirements:Groups & leadersTopic(Place to visit) Paper & referencesPresentationDocumented Picture(1) Groups & Leaders:Create a group of 5-6 studentsAssign one of group members to be the leaderGive your group a name[submit it by filling up this in a word document and email it to the teacher:Total Quality Management GroupsEvery group must fill this formSection?Group NameGroup LeaderGroup Members(2) Topic :Each group should VISIT one of the Service Sector , during the visit have a note of the following as an example of the quality management in the service organization : _ before your visit do some "site research " to have the customer opinion about the service? - What sort of service did you expect before you started this activity ? _ during your visit : *How is the work organized ?* How will you judge the quality of ( service , hygienist ,and Response time )? *How did the staff deal with customer ? *Did you notice anything about the way in which staff are manage ? *What problems did staff encounter in dealing with their customers? *Was the service as you expected ? *Was the service the same as advertised ?*What was your overall experience of visiting (………………..) and did this experience match your expectation ? (yes or no )Give a reason for your answer . = In writing up this activity ,you should answer the questions above , and discuss : *The image presented by the company and whether this fits with your experience ? * how all of this compares to what the textbook say about "Quality" , in the service sector ?* you should also reflect on whether you thought the service was of" High _ Low _ Good _ Poor " quality , and Why you think this ? (3) PaperRemember! The focus is on quality not quantity! Link the problem to what you have studiedPaper Structure:Cover pageTable of contentsIntroduction/( place you visit) Overall Experience The quality managment arguments Conclusion/summary/your opinionReferencesFormatting Rules:Number of pages: 7-10 pagesFont: Times New RomanFont size: 12 pointMargins: one inch (2.5 cm)Spacing: 2.0 (double-spacing)Justification: leftFirst Page: the title, your name, your instructor's name, the course number, the dateHeader: the title, and page numberReferences:You should use both in-text citation (the short brackets inside the paragraph), and the list of references on the last page.Use the following styles:Harvard Reference Style, (4) Presentation:All group members should present a part of the presentation (Presentation evaluation is individual)During presentation:Professional appearance (clothes)Language: English (can only describe new vocabulary “word” in Arabic)Clear voice (not too high or too low / not very fast or very slow)Eye contact with audienceDon’t read from the slides (you can use notes in your hand to only remind you of some extra points, but you should not be reading from them all the time)Ability to answer questions (all group members should know all parts , so they can answer any question from any part)Manage time (5-7 minutes divided equally within group members)Use the right body languageSlides should be:ClearOrganized contentNot crowded (no too much text in the slides, only brief points)Text color contrasts with background color (so you can read it easily)Figures/pictures are supporting the idea (if you have any pictures)No excess use of “Slide Animation”Cover all main points in the research (introduction, problems/challenges, solutions, summary and suggestions)Logical sequence of information presentation Use PowerPoint .Submission (paper , presentation ) : _Electronic copy _Hard copy GradingItemMarkPaper (with contract)10PowerPoint 5Presentation & question answers3+2Total20 ................

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