Insight Report The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report ...

Insight Report

The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2019

Travel and Tourism at a Tipping Point

Insight Report

The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2019

Travel and Tourism at a Tipping Point

The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2019 is published by the World Economic Forum's Platform for Shaping the Future of Mobility. Professor Klaus Schwab Founder and Executive Chairman Anil Menon Managing Director, Head of Centre for Global Industries, Member of the Managing Board Christoph Wolff Head of Mobility Member of the Executive Committee AUTHORS Lauren Uppink Calderwood Head of Aviation, Travel and Tourism Industries, Global Leadership Fellow Maksim Soshkin Research and Analysis Specialist, Aerospace, Aviation, Travel and Tourism Copyediting: Mike Fisher Design and layout: Neil Weinberg A special thanks goes to the Global Competitiveness and Risks team.

World Economic Forum Geneva Copyright? 2019 by the World Economic Forum All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise without the prior permission of the World Economic Forum. ISBN-13: 978-2-940631-01-8


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by Anil Menon and Christoph Wolff

Executive Summary


About the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2019


At a Glance: Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index 2019 Overall Rankings


Part 1: The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index 2019


Travel & Tourism at a Tipping Point


2019 Results and Analysis


Part 2: Regional Analysis


How to Read the Regional Profiles


ISO-2 Code Lookup Tables


Regional Profiles


Part 3: Country/Economy Profiles


How to Read the Country/Economy Profiles


Index of Country/Economy Profiles


Country/Economy Profiles


Appendix A: Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index 2019 Rankings


Appendix B: Methodology of the TTCI 2019


Appendix C: Data Definitions and Sources


Appendix D: Income Group and Regional Classifications


Contributors and Acknowledgements

About the Authors


Data Partners


Partner Institutes


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ANIL MENON Managing Director, Head of Centre for Global Industries, World Economic Forum

CHRISTOPH WOLFF Head of Mobility, Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum

In 2018, according to the World Tourism Organization, the number of international tourist arrivals worldwide reached 1.4 billion, two years before it was predicted to do so. That year also marked the seventh year in a row where the growth in tourism exports (+4%) exceeded the growth in merchandise exports (+3%). Given this rapid pace of growth, the prediction that international arrivals will reach 1.8 billion by 2030 may be conservative.

This presents enormous potential for the sector and economies globally as travel is further democratized. Emerging economies are contributing larger proportions of travellers to this global trend and are becoming increasingly desirable as destinations as they show greater competitiveness in travel and tourism.

It is also since the previous publication of our biennial Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report in April 2017, that the term "overtourism" has become common currency. Used to depict the negative impact tourism can have on a destination, its residents and visitors alike, and often the result of congestion and overcrowding from poor tourism management, "overtourism" can be considered the outcome of destinations exceeding their tourism carrying capacity. Tourism carrying capacity is defined by the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) as "the maximum number of people that may visit a tourist destination at the same time, without causing destruction of the physical, economic, and sociocultural environment and an unacceptable decrease in the quality of visitors' satisfaction."

It is within this context of enormous growth potential, and increasing pressure on tourism infrastructure and services, that travel & tourism competitiveness can be seen simultaneously as a powerful economic growth driver, or a risk to ongoing development of the industry if not managed correctly.

Growth in T&T competitiveness has traditionally offered tremendous returns, from increases to GDP and labour absorption, to local economic development for more remote communities. However, competitiveness for competitiveness sake may become a burgeoning constraint on the sector as a whole. For this reason, the theme of this year's edition of the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2019 is "Travel and Tourism at a Tipping Point".

The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report is a flagship product of the Platform for Shaping the Future of Mobility, which brings together world leaders to ensure travel and transportation systems meet 21st century demands. The rapid proliferation of new modes of mobility and disruptive business models provides us with the opportunity to reinvent mobility systems by using policy and technological innovations to address societal, economic and environmental risks. This report provides a valuable tool for policy-makers, companies and complementary sectors to understand and anticipate emerging trends and risks in global travel and tourism, adapt their policies and practices, and accelerate new models that ensure the longevity of this important sector. This combination allows stakeholders to combine insight and action into accelerating change, and we invite leaders to engage with our platform.

Lastly, this report relies on the dedicated collaboration of a network of distinguished thinkers who provide their knowledge and insights towards its production. We are grateful to our community of Data Partners: the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), Bloom Consulting and STR for helping us to design and develop the TTCI, and for providing much of the industry-relevant data used in its calculation. We thank our Industry Partners--namely Airport Authority Hong Kong, Al Nippon Airways, , Corporaci?n Am?rica, , Deutsche Lufthansa, Emirates Airline, Expedia Group, Heathrow Airport, Iberostar Group, Intercontinental Hotel Group, Jumeirah Group, Marriott International, Royal Schiphol Group, SAP, SpiceJet, Swiss International Air Lines and VISA--for their continuous insight and perspectives on industry transformations and challenges.

We also wish to thank the authors of the report, Lauren Uppink Calderwood and Maksim Soshkin, for their leadership, energy and commitment demonstrated in the delivery of this report. Additionally, appreciation goes to the Global Competitiveness and Risks team and Platform for Shaping the Future of Mobility colleagues for their guidance and expertise. Finally, we thank the 160 Partner Institutes worldwide, which help administer the Executive Opinion Survey, the results of which provide invaluable data for the index and this report.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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