Collaborating Using Social Media Worksheet

Collaborating Using Social Media David ObioraAET 562September 5, 2016Dr. Sean SpearCollaborating Using Social Media Worksheet Part AWhat is social media? Why is it an important component of social learning? Social media is the act of exchanging ideas, knowledge or information through social media means. Basically, it is a structure that consists of individuals, communities, companies or organizations with similar culture, interests, attitudes, values, lifestyles, visions and friendships and in the field of eLearning this structure can be used in various ways and through a number of tools. Through social media, information can be quickly shared or obtained, and vital information can reach millions very fast. Social media would be considered LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Blogs, forums and many other sites. Social learning uses an open learning model and is learner centered. According to (Ormrod, 1999), Social learning theory conveys its focus on the kind of learning that transpires via a social context. Without question, providing free access to social media and other social technologies for employees certainly is a logical and undeniably supportive facet of enabling social learning in the virtual environment. Social learning theory argues that individuals are capable of learning by modeling the behavior of others as well as the outcomes of the observed behaviors. This approach is used to improve not only the quality of learning, but also the cost effectiveness of learning systems.2. Discuss the role of participation within the collaborative social media environment. Why is participation such a critical component of social learning?Social media has a natural collaborative element and more importantly, helps people engage with others in the learning process. Participation fuels engagement and most importantly, participation is crucial in collaborative social media environments. The less participants are involved, the more one sided the information may be, thus limiting the potential of the learning experience. Social media takes learning to a higher scale allowing people from other countries and continents to be reached.A collaborative social media environment allows the learner to explore a subject from multiple prospective. Interaction with others adds richness to the learning experience enhancing and solidifying the knowledge gained. With the technology available today social learning can be achieved in almost any learning environment. 3. When would using video sources, such as YouTube? or Vimeo?, be important? Visit one of these online video sources and locate a training video designed to educate. Provide the link and discuss how this video enhanced the learning process for its intended audience.A video source could be used when its focus is mainly on learning; such videos could be best used when it elaborates on learning some new concepts. Videos could be a great learning tool; and there are variety of them out there that could be used for learning at any point in time. With these videos, one can one can either depending on one’s needs learn and, or teach a subject or shows you how to do something, almost anything.Video sources can provide alternative opinions and, or views on a specific topic or educational instruction and guidance for viewers. They could also be incorporated into a web site, a blog, or networking sites to share vital information. A major example for educational videos would be or TEDx. . Through this link, Heilmann, (2014), discussed how society is addicted to social media and people present themselves online in forms that they are not in real life. At the same time the topic advances into people needing to stop looking down or up, but rather look around them, in other words, to start communicating with people around them. 4. What is a wiki? When would this be an appropriate channel for transferring knowledge? Provide an example of how a wiki might be used within an organization to enhance employee learning.A Wiki is an online page that can have its contents edited or revised by its users or by any participant. In other words, its users can edit the content of information contained within a page. Scholars do not recognize wikis as reliable sources of information for scholarly work due to most wikis lacking references to information contained within them. A good example would be Wikipedia. It is a great learning tool. When used in learning, the users can enter their information and when it is completed it could be edited and finalized document. It is a great transference tool in this way. An example would be in a team work where many members have parts to do and the information needs to be placed into one document, Wiki can helping this manner since everyone can access it and edit when adding their parts. Another example of Wiki’s, or interactive web pages, could be used in an organization to enhance employee learning by having a forum like page dedicated to information sharing pertaining to the work assignments, organizational trends, and organization related. (Bozarth, 2010, p. 6)Part B1. You are in charge of training at a large organization whose primary function is ensuring that inventory that arrives at various warehouses is checked in and accounted for properly. A new process will make checking in inventory faster, less expensive, and more efficient. Which social media tool would be most useful in presenting training for this new process? Explain your response.For me, the most appropriate presentation tool for this type of training would be an incorporation of PowerPoint with video and other visuals so as to accommodate the learning styles every participant (both visual and non-visual learners). PowerPoint would cover specific segments and stages of the new implementations, techniques, media, software and hardware review. Video incorporated would allow the trainees to see the changes and make immediate connections with the hard presentation of the new material.2. What is the difference between social media for personal use and social media for professional learning? Why are these distinctions important?The answer to this question is self-explained. Social media for personal use say for example Facebook page for personal use should be strictly for personal purposes. You can post, discuss personal stuff and entertainment with friends, relatives and family members. Here you can follow or be followed by friends and family members to discuss and, or know what is trending, information, news, or entertainment. While on the other hand, Social media for professional learning includes following pages created by business and influencers for educational and knowledge gathering purposes specifically related to a person’s career field and or networking purposes. The distinction between both is that one is for personal use while the other is for professional purposes. Information and content between both would be separate.3. What are some issues to consider when launching new social media tools within an organization? Why is setting guidelines for use important when using social media for training purposes?Prior to instituting any new tools or methods, guidelines are a crucial part in developing and instituting prior to the presentation of a new tool or method. Guidelines can protect the employee and organization alike, keep professionalism, and instill accountability for violations. Some issues to consider when launching new social media tools within an organization will include among others, safety and security. Programs that are of external use can pose data security risks to the IT infrastructure of an organization. In addition I would also consider issues and concerns that pertain to training time and access availability.4. Why is it important to consider diverse levels of awareness, along with diverse comfort levels, regarding technology and the use of social media? How might you encourage those who are hesitant to try social media tools for professional development?In today's Internet-driven world, new technologies are changing the way people interact and how learning is delivered. Technology tools like Smartphones provide instant communication, information gathering, and networking abilities at our fingertips. Comfort levels can depend on a user’s limited or expanded exposure or usage of software and applications. The more someone is actively involved in technology, the more their comfort level will be. Encouragement of those that are hesitant to use social media for professional development would start with the engagement of use of technology and gradually incorporating its usage to the organizational culture in other to have everybody on the same or close to the same page when it comes to technology and the usage of new tools. Most likely hesitant individuals do not like to use technology because they do not understand and simply do not know how to use it. Participation in educational workshops that would include the introduction to computers and smartphones would be a beginning step to breaking the hesitation. Mentorship and direct involvement would be another step to overcome hesitation.ReferencesBozarth, J. (2010). Social media for trainers: techniques for enhancing and extending learning. [Adobe Reader]. Retrieved from , C. (2014, October 14). Put social back in social media [Video file]. Retrieved from , J. (1999). Human learning (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ................

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