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Name: ____________________________________________________________Date: __________________Directions: As you watch the documentary, fill out the guide! These are sort of in order…sort of.What does it mean when they refer to “extreme partisanship”?How were President Obama’s approval ratings at the end of his Presidency? ___________________After the 2008 general election, how many Democratic Senators were in Congress? ________ How many Representatives? __________How would you describe the right wing media’s reactions to Obama’s presidency?Give 2 examples of how bad the economy was when Obama took office in 2009:Who role did John Boehner (R)) hold during President Obama’s term? _______________________Who role did Eric Cantor (R) hold during President Obama’s term? __________________________What did Obama say was “non negotiable” in the stimulus bill he was negotiating with Eric Cantor?During the time frame of this stimulus bill debate, what role in Congress was Nancy Pelosi (D) holding? ___________________________________________________For what reasons did all Republicans in the House and most in the Senate decide to vote against the stimulus bill? (government spending to improve the economy)How did Republicans portray the stimulus bill once it passed? Do you think this portrayal was a fair and accurate assessment of the bill based on the examples they give?STOP AND THINK: What is the idea behind government “stimulus” spending in times of economic crisis? Can you think of other times in history when stimulus spending has worked? Why do you think Republicans had such a problem bailing out foreclosed home for people who couldn’t pay their home loans, after Republicans had already agreed to bail out the banking industry with tax payer dollars?What was the name of the opposition third party that rose to fame after some of these bailouts by the Democrats? _________________________________What are some reasons people give for opposing “Obamacare”, the Affordable Health Care Act?What happened when many Democrats went home to their town halls at the end of that session?What did President Obama claim was one of best examples of “bogus” claims of his health care bill, promoted by right wing media and politicians in his 2009 Joint Session of Congress?What did Joe Wilson shout out to President Obama when he was explaining the details of the Affordable Health Care Act? _______________________What happened to the political party balance in the House and the Senate in the 2010 mid term elections as a result of this healthcare fight? ____________________________________________________________What effect did Tea Party have on candidates in that election year?For what reason did the federal government shut down in 2013?Why does John Boehner believe he is no longer Speaker of the House?What is Frank Lundtz referring to when he says “we f*cked up”? _________________________________What does Obama say the problems are with today’s news media outlets? Do you agree? Why or why not?DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Republican Lindsey Graham says Donald Trump abandoned the party for the “oldest game in politics…demagoguery and scapegoating”. What do you think those terms mean? Do you agree? Why or why not? (for a fun comparison, look up what Lindsey Graham thinks about Trump today) ................

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