Argumentative Speech Assignment

Life Philosophy Speech Assignment

• You will select a quote by a famous person, dead or alive, and explain how the quote embodies your outlook or perspective on life.

• The speech must

o Be 3-4 minutes in length

o Have a typed, formal reflective essay and completed prewriting graphic organizer, both of which must be submitted on the first day of presentations to receive full credit.

• What to Do in Your Essay/Speech:

o Introduction:

▪ Think about a motto or rule by which you live (or would like to live) your life.

▪ Clearly state what your life philosophy is.

o Body:

▪ How would the world benefit from this type of thinking? Why is this a good philosophy?

▪ What have you observed or experienced in your life that causes you to believe in this philosophy? List specific events, people, and circumstances.

▪ Consider ways in which you currently follow this way of life, as well as ways in which you would like to apply your philosophy in the future (or times you wish you had applied it in the past).

o Conclusion

▪ What goals have you set for yourself as a result of this philosophy?

▪ What lessons have you learned with regard to your philosophy? What advice would you give your peers (or maybe even adults)?

| |15-14 |13-12 |11 |10 |9 or under |

|Content |Abundance of material clearly |Sufficient information|Great deal of |Some information |Topic unclear or |

| |related to topic; points |related to topic; many|information related to|related to topic; |content is off |

| |clearly made; sound logic |good points but uneven|topic; little use of |little use of logic |topic; no evidence|

| |evident |balance; some logic |logic evident |evident |of logic presented|

| | |evident | | | |

|Coherence/ |Topic is clearly stated; |Most information |Concept and ideas |Concept and ideas |Presentation |

|Organization |persuasive logic developed with|presented in logical |somewhat connected; |loosely connected; |choppy and |

| |support; high impact |sequence; generally |few clear transitions;|lacks clear |disjointed; does |

| |introduction; clear conclusion;|very well organized, |flow and organization |transitions; flow and |not flow at all; |

| |flows together well; effective |but better transitions|choppy |organization choppy |development of |

| |use of transitions |needed between ideas | | |topic is vague; no|

| | | | | |apparent order of |

| | | | | |presentation |

|Verbal Delivery |No grammar, articulation, |Few (1-2) grammar, |Some (3-4) grammar, |Several (5-6) grammar,|Many (7+) grammar,|

|Skills |pronunciation, or enunciation |articulation, |articulation, |articulation, |articulation, |

| |errors; no vocalized pauses |pronunciation, or |pronunciation, or |pronunciation, or |pronunciation, or |

| | |enunciation errors; |enunciation errors; |enunciation errors; |enunciation |

| | |few vocalized pauses |some vocalized pauses |several vocalized |errors; many |

| | | | |pauses |vocalized pauses |

|Non-Verbal Delivery |Effective use of non-verbal |Good use of non-verbal|Fair use of non-verbal|Poor use of non-verbal|No evidence of |

|Skills |skills (5) |skills (4) |skills (3) |skills (2 or 1) |non-verbal skills |

| | | | | |(0) |

Non-Verbal Skills Utilized:

|Appearance |Effective Gestures |

|Eye Contact |Good Posture |

|Facial Expressions | |

o Deduction: Adherence to time (-2 points for every 30 seconds under) ________

o Deduction: Preparedness (-10% for every day late) ________

Deduction: Missing Pre-writing graphic organizer (-5 points) _______

Time: /3:00 Score: /60

Life Philosophy Speech Prewriting Graphic Organizer

|Introduction |

|Motto or rule by which you live (or would like to live) your life: |

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|Clearly state your life philosophy: |

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|Body |

|How the world would benefit from this type of thinking/Why it is a good philosophy: |

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|What you have observed or experienced in your life that causes you to believe in this philosophy (List specific events, people, and circumstances): |

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|Ways in which you currently follow this way of life, as well as ways in which you would like to apply your philosophy in the future (or times you wish |

|you had applied it in the past: |

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|Conclusion |

|Goals you have set for yourself as a result of this philosophy: |

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|Lessons you have learned with regard to your philosophy/Advice you would give your peers or adults: |

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